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Posts posted by jorandp

  1. Good morning. Could someone help ? I have just installed a new GC Radeon HD4850. While the card works fine most of time and keep a 30+ fps for any wheather situation, I am encountering problems when panning, turning on tarmac (strong stutters), as well as FS9 takes much more time to load, and access to menu is very long (wheather settings, option, etc).I wonder if the card installation did change something on my FS9.cfg or somewhere else in my system. It seems that the card controls the game, even the memory. For information, in my FS9.cdg, I have panrate at 900, texture bandwidth at 400 and vertex level at 21. Should I go back to more conservative settings here (is the card permorfing too well for those settings ?).Would appreciate if someone with similar experience could help me.Kind regardsPatrick Jorand, Geneva, Switzerland

  2. Hi.I have installed it on my D drive as well, while running OS, page file, and FS9 on my C drive. Must say it works much better, even if my D drive is FAT32 (system init file also here).To do it, just stop at the first page of the installation, FSX will ask you for a direct install or more options - select more options, then click on top on selected drive, click on brose, and type D in the adress line (hope you will get my english)FSX will install on D, but the fsx.cfg file will still remain on C drive (C>Document and setting>user name>application data>microsoft>fsx).Kind regardsPatrick JorandGeneva Switzerland

  3. Thanks for your time and suggestion. Will try zoom at 100% for both wing views and will tell you the results.Concerning, Suisse 2004, this is a fantastic addon, however have no experience with FSX so far(the update for FSX has just been released) I was just affraid to loose a lot of FPS with my medium end system."have installed a dual core optimizer which I believe came from AMD. I can't really tell what good it has done, but I'm relatively happy with FSX on machine so I'll guess that it helped. Maybe that's wishful thinking".Have installed it yesterday night, seem impression as you, no real impact but it did not hurt, so I will keep it.If you like flying over Switzerland and the alps, please see in the posts above a suggestion that I made to another simmer for a summer dawn (06h30 LTD, 15AUG) flight from LSGG to LFMN (with all scenery settings full right), this is one of the most beautiful experience you can make with FSX standard scenery.Kind regardsPatrick JorandGeneva

  4. Hi Rhett,Many thanks for taking the time to answer, very appreciated. Please find my observation to your comments:a)"For me it was a combination. If I ran TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH at 400and PoolSize of 2.5 mil, it was stutter-fest.But if I ran TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH at 100and PoolSize of 2.5 mil, it was A-OK"I have tried nearly all possible combinations here, from 100 bandwith to 800, 100-150 I got some blueries, 800 worked fine, but I admit it might be too high, so I went down to 200, no change for stutters.:( "The BufferPools setting is only the megs of video memory to allocate to (gauges/VC's/panels??). I.E. 10000000 = 10 megs vid mem.On a 256 meg sys I'd say 10 million is too high. speaking off-the-cuff, of course"Took your comments in consideration, and have reduced it at 2,5.However have tried a range from 1mio to 3mio, with 100 to 200 bandwith ? no change on stutters when taxiing.c) "Some rigs appear to have problems with the SPECULAR TEXTURES present on many airport buildings. Were you aware of that? I'd do some research on the specular textures here in the forum"That's a very interesting point. As mentionned earlier, as soon as taxiing outside airport building area, no more stutters. I am sure that we have a point here. If I remember well, someone created replacement files to replace specular textures, any idea where to find it ? d) Stupid question but worth a try: could it be linked to shader effect which can not be totally supported by my GC ? I have never had any problem with mooving jetways (which also seem related as per previous posts), do you feel it's worth to take a look on that and to disable ?e)" I agree, I do feel that cpu-stealing file lookups are a problem with FSX. That too is probably an issue here. I think though, essentially you can "hardware-away" that problem. The 6600 doesn't like the graphic settings you are trying to run"Stutters still appear with lowest possible settings (all left). For ACES developpers: Presume this issue will be addressed on FSX SP1 ?f) "Ah, Switzerland. I have been to the Bernese Oberland and also Zurich. I saw lake Geneva from the air but didn't go to Geneva. Went to Bern, Thun, Interlaken too. Went up to the Schilthorn of James Bond fame. Skiied up there. It's called "off piste" or something like that I believe".If you wish to try one of the most beautiful visual experience with FSX, just try to fly LSGG (Geneva)- LFMN (Nice) with departure at dawn with summer texture(around 06h30 local 15aug). Just take off from LSGG RWY 5, good weather, you will see first lake of Geneve, then when reaching FL100, turn right 160-170 degree, it should bring you just over the Mont Blanc (the highest point in Europe), just make sure that you have reached your cruising altitude (between FL210-240) at that point. Then you will cross all the alps and have a beautiful landing at LFMN, via LFMD, runways 04L (045 109.95), with the mediteranean on the right and the alps on the left. This is one of the most gorgious flight you can make in FSX. Don't forget to download Italy season pack and Italy refions pack for accurate textures. (just place them in your FSX>addon scenery>scenery folderOnce again, many thanks for your time.Patrick JorandGeneva

  5. Thanks for all your comments.To answer your two questions first:a) I am running fsx with AA off in the game, just anisotropic on in the game (AF seem more efficient via FSX that GC).:( Will try to reduce or eliminate buffer poolsize and reduce texture bandwith tonight and will let you know the impact. (FYI Have tried bandwith at 100 in the past without success, so might be a combination of both lower poolsize+bandwith)However, what wonders me, and I wish to point this out, is that I never had any stutter while in flight, anywhere, it really seem to be linked with airport buildings and taxiways, may be something to check with the way those specific textures are checked by fsx (multiple queries ?, wrong programing of texture format ?, texture loading problem ?), I feel certain that we should find something in those areas (sorry if my english is not perfect).The reason I am insisting is that I tried nearly all possible settings either in FSX setting display, or through various values in FSX.cfg (poolsize, bandwith, fiber frame fraction) and have never been able to get rid on these ground stutters, which are definitly stronger when wingviewed. This is another point, it never happened on cockpit view, just a bit a spot view, but it become quite strong when on wing view. Is that anything to check with 3d panel ?(probably the one used for wing view). Another interesting point, i never had any stutter while flying, anywhere, even in dense areas since I fly with autogen off, everything is perfectly smooth with a constant 25fps. When I used to have a normal autogen, even sparse, stuttering happened on landing (over mountain or large cities), even with a good 20+ fps, and were linked to trees and buildings loading, since I cutted autogen off, no more stutters in flight or landing.Another interesting example, when I take off and try a wing view, stuttering will continue just until airport buildings and airport taxiways are visible, after that, no more stutters at all ! Conclusion, stutters in FSX seem to be heavily linked to certain part of scenery/autogen loading: airport buildings and taxiways, taxiway marks for scenery, trees and buildings for autogen.Note: I have my autogen default.xml renamed to bak since the beginning. This bring us back to this post where one of us (dont' remember the name sorry) had monitored the way FSX checks texture files for loading, with multiple requests. I am not sure, but I feel something important is there, and there might be a way to sort this out, finally.I hope that like me, most of you are wishing to get rid of the fsx stutters which are a really anoying, and I would really wish to continue the discussion until we find THE SOLUTION.On my side, am ready to participate to another discussion on fps, as my current settings (mentioned on top post)brought me a very acceptable fps (18-25 all time) with quite a medium end system.Hope those comments will bring something to the debate. Kind regardsPatrick JorandGeneva

  6. I forgot to mention that I run under Window Media Center OS with 2gig ram (4x512 DDR2 533MHZ) and a target fps at 25.FPS has never been a problem with FSX, provided that I shut down ai traffic and autogen and maintain water setting at 1xhigh, a 18-25 fps all time is for me quite acceptable with fsx, considering that my system is medium end.My only problem with FSX is really those stutters on the ground, which seam to be connected with taxiway textures (mostly taxiway marks) and airport buildings, and only on wing view (are wing views based on 3d panel, I fly with 2d when on cockpit view)I saw that there is a 64x2 dual core optimiser file file in the AMD side, has anyone tried it with success in term of stutters or fps ?Sorry to insist on the stutter issue, but it seem that it is our main problem with FSX, far over fps, and there should be a solution somewhere and exchanging our experience could help to find it.Regards,PatrickGeneva

  7. Hi,I saw many treads about stutters on FSX, sometime quite confusing, and I wanted to know if someone has been able to get rid of the stutters when taxiing with FSX.After months of tweaking, I have been able to find a good FPS compromise (always 18-25fps - good weather, 12-22 other weathers) with FSX, even at large airports.My current settings are:Graffics: Anisotropic, global option maxed, 1024x768x32 (I used 1280x1024x32 but more stutters and far less fps),Aircraft: Just the landing lightsScenery: All maxed, except: no autogen, mesh complexity 10m, texture resolution 1m, water details high 1x.Wheather: Detailed clouds 60miles, thin,Traffic: No traffic, except airport groundI do not use resized texture (never see any added value when tried, even more stutters), my only FSX.cfg tweaks are:Fiber frame: 0.25Texture bandwith: 800 (seem to work better than 400 or lower)Poolsize: 10 mioI choosed no autogen as I feel that quality ground texture available in FSX is more realistic, and sim much more smooth without autogen. So far by reducing (as above) mesh complexity and texture resolution, I have been able to get rid of most taxy stutters when on spot view, but still experience strong stutters when on window view.System specs: AMD Athlon Dual Core 64x2 4400+HD: 2X130gb, 7200RPMGraffic: NVIDIA 6500, 256MB, Drivers 93.71Installation:C Drive (NTFS): FS9+OS+Page fileD Drive (FAT32) FSX+system init filesNote: Installing FSX on D helped a lot for fps (no page file) Many thanks for your time and suggestionsPatrick JorandGeneva, Switzerland

  8. Hi simmers,Could someone please tell me how to modify (aircraft.cfg, panel.cfg, or aircraft sound.cfg) in order to get the sound heard within the cockpit (APU, fuel pump) also working when on spot view.The reason is that when aircraft is parked and engines shut down, and when looking spot view with FSX, there is absolutely no noise, total silence, except airport ground traffic sound, which is not realistic.I feel that hearing APU also on spot view is more immersive.Many thanks for your help and happy new year to you all.Patrick JorandGeneva, Switzerland

  9. I never use it. I always prefer real-time flying.I do most of my flights within europe, longest flytime time is never more than 4 hours, when I wish to visit the sunny canary islands, or try a dawn landing in Cairo (magic)....When I wish to do a long distance flight, I still use real time.Sometime, after dense negotiations with wife and son, to negotiate necessary FS slots (smile), I depart Bangkok on Saturday evening (europe time 20h00), take off and reach cruising altitude FLl330-350, and leave the plane on flight plan. Then I spend the evening and night with family, and, thanks to wakeup call, when all family still sleeping, I take over the plane over austria, for an early landing in Switzerland Sunday morning (07h00 local), real time is more fun !Just want to take the occassion to wish you all and your family happy christimas and new year.PatrickGeneva, Geneva

  10. Personally, I have always prefered Traffic X for two reasons:a) AI airplanes are very friendly, in term of fps,:( very easy to add or modify flight plans.Concerning traffic at airports where it should not go, this is recurent with all AI traffic add-ons, for the simple reasons that, when copying the real airlines flight plans, they integrate the code-share flights.So it gives strange results such as:-plenty of NW A320's in Amsterdam, operated in fact by KL, under NW flight numbers, or,-plenty of SK DC9's (not flying anymore) in North america, on sectors operated by UA on behalf of SK, from SK US gateways....!This is why I always delete code-share flights (mostly 4 digits) from flightplans,which create non existing and huge additional traffic.PatrickGeneva, Switzerland

  11. Hi,Could someone assist on how to import a fs2002/2004 cabin announcement file (the famous 10 dfd_wav sound file) in FSX.Here is what I used to do for FS9:1. Place sound wav file in FS9/sound folder2. Place sound gauges in FS9/gauge folder (with FSX is this root FSX root folder ?)3. Update selected aircraft panel.cfg by adding a new window with info on position, size, gauge descriptions, etc (copy-past my fs9 aircraft cdg with some amendments for fsx).My main question concern the validation of old FS98 type gauges. In FS9, we used to add an entry in the FS9.cfg file which allowed the use of previous FS versions gauges, by adding "OldModule" in fs9.cdg, and just bellow FSSounddll=1 (the gauge in question), is there something equivalent in FSX or no way to use previous version gauges ?Many thanks for your answerPatrickGeneva Switzerland

  12. Hi,I remember having see an advert clip from Microsoft where there was an airstair (not a jetway) waiting for an A320 aircraft parked in a remote area, together with a follow me car.Was this a joke for the advert, or are airstairs available and playable in FSX, same as jetways, for parking stands outside airport buildings.This would be nice, bring more realism, but even with my scenery settings at max (is this autogen related ?), I never saw any airstair nowhere. Only bagage trucks, jetways, and the famous slow-to-come fuel truck...Any idea or did I dream ? Tell me the true.RegardsPatrickGeneva, Switzerland

  13. Hi,Could someone please give an advice on how to get rid of stutters that take place when taxiing.I have been able to get rid of all other stutters when in flight, even on 2D cockpit panning when on the ground, very smooth, but strong stutters persist on plane spot view and side wing views (A321), only when taxiing or when side viewed over taxiways and airport buildings on take off at low altitudes (+1000ft over ground level).My settings are:Graphics: 1024x768x32, anisotropicPlane: default 2D cockpit, plane shadows off, landing lights onScenery: All maxed, except autogen normal (1000 building and trees), sea 1x high.Weather: detailed clouds, thin, 80milesTraffic: No traffic, except airport ground at 100%My CFG tweaks:Autogen (1000 trees, 1000 building)Texture Bandwith=400 (I tried 100 and up to 800 but 400 seem the best)Poolsize 5 mio (have tried up to 9 mio but more stutters)Fiber frame= 0.27 (seem a bit smoother than 0.33 with no impact on scenery details or smoothness).Graphics - Texture quality= 4 (very good tweak to improve visuals, far better than the mipbias tweak) My FPS: Target 25, on ground 20-25, in the air always 25.Is the problem linked to taxiway textures or airport buildings around ? Have tried resized textures but I had more stutters than with the default ones. Is this linked with texture resolution ?Any tweaking or setting suggestion ?Many thanks for your timePatrick Geneva, Switzerland

  14. Hi,I got the same problem, the package is fine but the explanation for install is not clear as it doesnt extract properly. However, I used a more simple and direct solution.Just open the file (unzip, do not extract) and copy past all the news files into your FSX/Addonscenery/scenery folder.It will just change the scenery without modifying any of the existing files, which mean you can just remove it if you don't like it.North of Italy, South of France, part of Switzerland look much better, but the Rome, as well as Sardainia are still quite desertic.RegardsPatrick Jorand

  15. Need some assistance as I have some issues concerning proper FSX default A321 landing procedure, as aircraft literally plunges down when I disconnect the AP, and when trying to correct the situation and put nose up with joystick, aircraft climbs up at more than 15 degrees...like if something was "retaining" the aircraft from manual control, even with ap, a/thr, fd and apr buttons off.This is was I usually do just before landing:a) since centered on ILS (20 miles before landing) , press on APR, speed around 220. (I always take care to be above ILS altitude mark, when appearing at 19,5 miles to landing, now under, like it used to be in FS9):( 15 miles before landing - speed at 200, flaps first position (does not accept flaps above 200, is this weight related ?) c) 10 miles before landing, speed at 180, autobrake selection at 1,2 or 3 depending runway, autospoiler selected (I cannot press that autobreak button on the A321 - neither on 2d or virtual cockpit)it does not work, so I use keyboard command, is this normal ?d) 8 miles befores landing, gear down, spead 180, I manage to leave always 5 to 10% fuel left on landing, is this too much ? I count a an average of 25% total fuel carried for each flying hour, including diversion fuel. e) 5-4 miles before landing, once landing cleared, speed at 150, flaps at 25 (3rd position), can I affort 140 ?f) 1,5 mile before landing, A/THR off, keep speed at 140 and idle when on runway pathg) 1 mile before landing, AP and APR off (that's where the problem start, should I disconnect AP and APR earlier, around 2,5 miles ?)h) landing, reverse engine until 80 knots, then autobreak and spoiler do the job until 25-20knots, then break if required.i) realize FD is always off, despite AP disconnected, should I have it on automatically ? So I press on it just after engine reverse.Description above is what is always have with my PMDG Boeings in FS9, and it ever worked very smoothly.Do you think I should look into joystick command settings in FSX command settings, and have the neutral zone a bit wider ?Sorry for my bad "pilot english". Many thanks for your commentsRegards,Patrick Geneva

  16. Hi,I am surprised by comments on texture bandwith where it seems that 800 would be a smooth value.Personally, after many tweaking exercises, I realized that reducting the bandwith to 100-125 level, was creating a much more smoother panning than higher, just had some very insignificant blueries at first pan.For me, the main responsible of stutters is on panning is definitely autogen loading. Since then, I turned it of, or sometime have it at sparse with 1000 building and trees per cell, and I got realy smooth flying conditions.With autogen off, all trafic off, except airport ground, and everything else maxed (except sea high 1x) I have a very stable 25fps all time (clamped at 25). Anisotropic filter also gives better textures with nearly no impact on my fps.To summarize, the tweaks that worked for me for a real total smoothness all time (no blueries, no stutters, fps at 25:1) fiber-per-fraction 0.252) poolsize 9 mio (this one helps a lot for smooth panning)3) Texture bandwith 1254) Autogen off or sparse.Kind regardsPatrick Geneva

  17. Could someone assist as I am not a pc specialist like many of you, and not quite confortable in getting into the bios, and I would like to try this agp aperture tweak.To enter bios, you just press F1 just before OS start (Black screen ?), is this correct ?How do you identify the line to be amended (agp, video memory ?)Once updated, you just save (s) and exit (e) ? Is this correct ?Please kindly advisePatrick Switzerland

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