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Tony G

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Posts posted by Tony G

  1. Still running FSX...but you DO NOT need 90 fps to run smoothly with Flyinside. I've got my frames locked at 30 and it provides perfectly smooth experience. The PMDG 737 is completely fly able inside the CV1, including programming the FMC.


    Asynchronous time warp is the key here, and Dan (FI developer) has had it figured out for quite sometime. With the newest OR runtime and the latest version of FI, it is a wonderful experience.


    If anyone is actually curious, head over to the Flyinside forums and get the real story, as opposed to hearing from people who have never tried it saying how it will never work.


    6700k @4.5



  2. HI all,


    Clean full install of Win10 Pro, not upgrade.  Fresh install of FSE:SE.  Crashes on startup (splash screen) with this error


    Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.62615.0, time stamp: 0x559f9a9a
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.10240.16603, time stamp: 0x565531ee
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0003dae8
    Faulting process id: 0x590
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d15e4e1be31194
    Faulting application path: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\fsx.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: 69ece03d-d07f-4c6b-9595-ce9aa5b464f7
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:


    UAC turned down to bottom setting. 


    i5 3570k (bios updated)

    AMD 7970

    16GB Ram


    FSX:SE installed on C;\\Steam, not in Program files.  Upon my first load i was given the error of no DX9, which I downloaded and installed.  Now it crashes as soon as the splashscreen is displayed.


    Just reinstalled FSX, no addons, no cfg file (yet).  FSX.exe set to run in compatibilty mode for Win8, and checked to Run this program as an Administrator.


    This hardware was running FSE:SE like a champ on Win7....

  3. >I'll make a deal here.>>I probably was a little heavy handed here and I'll try to get>oodat and prof reinstated.>>However, when a violation of a rule is pointed out I likewise>think a proper response would be I'll take care of it.>>>http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/1b5baf...b9f427f694g.jpg>>My blog:>http://geofageofa.spaces.live.com/That's big of you to admit in an open forum. I think it's the right thing to do.I agree a proper action would be to take care of it, but a PM should have been able to handle thatdiscussion, and not bring it up in an open forum.I don't even know how to change the name option, and I've been here for a long time.http://www.dreamfleet2000.com/gfx/images/F...s/Goodale01.jpg

  4. >There's a certain Jack Ryan characteristic to Patrick>McLanahan, although, once he stopped being the Han Solo of>navigators and rose through the ranks, it lost some appeal to>me. I'm going to really set myself apart as a young guy here,>but I was around 14 or so when I read Flight of the Old Dog,>Day of the Cheetah and Night of the Hawk, all in about a>week.I tend to agree about McLanahan, I prefer the books when Brad Elliot was running Dreamland. Day of the Cheetah was a book I had a hard time putting down.It would also be neat if someone modeled Dreamstar...

  5. What are you using for a controller? Hopefully at least a controller with a twist rudder grip.I find a pretty good practice as I am coming down on approach to 'tweak' the throttle to keep above a glide slope, if you can picture one.I also think you may benefit from keeping one consistent eye view (as opposed to looking around) when coming down so you know what things should look like.Have you completed all the heli tutorials?http://www.dreamfleet2000.com/gfx/images/F...s/Goodale01.jpg

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