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Posts posted by gkvarga

  1. Hi,


    My hangar is now empty... I dispatched the 777-200ER for the update and it's now in maintenance... I am waiting for that major update. I also placed my order with Boeing for the -300ER which should arrive any moment now... I can't fullfill any long haul flight because of this...


    Help a long hauler... send us the SP1 and -300ER.


    A Desperate Captain.


    I'm a desperate Captain too.  I have my computer all ready to go.  Preparing for my virtual flight.  I have bought my wife a stewardess outfit to wear and she will serve drinks and peanuts.  I have even set up a few lawn chairs behind my computer monitor to simulate a virtual cabin with seats that the kids will sit in and maybe even the in-laws.  Our dog will even ride in the pet carrier for added realism.  Oh please release the SP1 so the family and I can live out this virtual plane ride.


    If you believe any of this you're quite gullible and need to realize that all this is simply software code.  Move on with life people, nothing to see here.



    Karlialosis Vargrastistius

  2. Kidding. I saw someone post a fake *leaked* video and thought I'd try it out.


    MAN I love PMDG and can't wait for this bird, like the rest of you. I also like checking up on this forum to see if we have any new news. It's kinda depressing.


    I think I need to try to forget this forum exists until the release because every time I come here is like checking under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning only to find Santa hasn't come.


    It's so sad that this community is made up of such immature people. It's embarrasing actually.

  3. Both sides are to be blamed for this whole scenario. In the end they did not come to a business solution that was able to work for both the OEM or the aftermarket supplier.Although I did have apprehensions of the MS Live marketplace, I also beleive that the marketplace could have been a very good filter to ensure only high quality add-ons were available for Flight. Let's face it, there are only very few reputable third party developers in the FS world. Most create substandard work at outrageous prices (i.e. some camera utility for $30?? really?), or create hype on soon to be released products that never do come to fruition and blatantly mislead customers and treat them like garbage, (i.e Airsimmer), or charge $30 for airport scenery?? $30 really? There are no specific controls on quality and cost in this hobby. The marketplace had the opportunity to do this, in the end the customer may have very well benefitted the most.Many FS developers have no right in leeching off this hobby, yet they do because they can, there are no controls to their misleading marketing and agendas. But with close integration with MS Live, those unreputables could not do business as M$ would not want them tarnishing their reputation. In addition, those available add-ons would have been much better integrated into the FS operating system as both the OEM and 3rd party would work in conjunction with each other. The potential was here to create a beautiful simulation experience, but both messed it up. In fact the more I think about it, I put more of the blame on the 3rd party developers for wasting this opportunity.This whole hobby has become disfunctional in many ways, and crooked to say the least.

  4. At this point all there really is to do is speculate. I'm just offering up an opinion. I think we call all agree that there have been some real letdowns from Redmond, Windows ME, Windows Vista, and FSX. Flight Simulator has always made its money from the casual consumer. I really do not believe that any casual consumer is firing up FSX today after 4 years and most likely gave up on it a few months after purchase simply because it could not run. Little Jimmy gave up on his Christmas present after he realized that it played more choppy than liver and out of the box, FSX looks terrible. It is not only after our landclass upgrades and scenery add-ons that FSX really started to look good.I don't think dropping the Simulator from Flight Simulator was to freshen up the product line. Once you acheive brand recognition, you don't change it and FS has got to be the most successful entertainment software PC title sold.I think MS realized that FSX was a letdown that essentially letdown the whole franchise but since flight simulation software is so popular it would make sense to continue developing such software but just not call it Flight Simulator due to its tarnished brand.Really would we have purchased Windows 7 if it was called Windows Vista 2?My thoughts.In the end I'm hoping for the simulation title we have always been hoping for.

  5. Here's my take on the whole MS Flight announcement and Aces' demise. I believe MS had realised that FSX is an utter mistake, poorly coded, and released to the entire general public at a time when nobody's computer could even run it. Aces messed up, ruined the Flight Simulator name and thus they were disbanded.I truly hope and believe that MS Flight will be a quantum leap, taking advantage of all of today's hardware and be released being fully capable of running on the average PC's of a year from now.FSX is a failure on so many levels, and thus Microsoft was forced to drop the 'Flight Simulator' tag in order of not putting off future retail consumers which would have otherwise overlooked another version of FS still keeping in mind how bad their last experience was.I have now decided to not invest any money into FSX, 2 months ago I was preparing to build a new PC specifically for FSX. I am now more convinced than ever that sticking to FS9 is the right move and then immediately moving to MS Flight when it is released. I believe MS Flight will be the Flight Simulator we have all been waiting for. Microsoft has been known to royally screw up however......

  6. Well I personally am not disappointed by this news. Yes it's sad to hear of others getting laid off but unfortunately that is today's economy. What pleases me is the FSX can now stay mainstream for that much longer and allow for developers to continue to build addons for FSX. FSX is a beautiful sim if only the hardware was available to run it. Which is slowly beginning to happen. I was very much upset when FSX was released, prematurely, and suddenly FS9 was over. Until developers began to find that FS9 had a larger user base than FSX and continued to roll out addons. But again you can see that many new releases are going FSX only and this is in part is due to the catch up of hardware that we are beginning to see.I'm sure if FS11 were to be released it would be even more of a dog on today's hardware than FSX. I'm glad FS11 will be delayed, or scuttled. Focus on FSX now, we can begin to buy hardware soon to run FSX like FS9 runs today. In the meantime who knows what will happen, perhaps a new publisher will buy the FS franchise, a new developer can re-write the code, and release a sim that is the greatest ever. One that runs fluid on hardware of the day, looks beautiful, and allows for greater expandability. I do not think ACES could have accomplished this, not that they don't have the talent but perhaps that Microsoft limits such resources and time to make that happen. I'm willing to wait for that while I can take comfort that FSX will be able to run like it was intended to in perhaps a year or 2 chock full of great addons.I think this is great news!!

  7. Am I the only one that has this problem? Because I have searched high and low to solve this and there is nothing. Forgive me for being upset but I am frustrated.FSX installed, SP1 installed, Activesky X installed, and I get a Simconnect error. This is not a network configuration, I have FSX deluxe and Active Sky X on the same computer, but it does not work.Please help.

  8. This is probably a really dumb question but:How do I know when I'm about to enter a control center ie. Cleveland Center. How do I know when to call up the center and announce my position. Is there a way in flightsim to show the control center coverage or is there a map available that I could use to assist me. I just don't know the boundaries of these control zones and when I'm about to enter one.Thanks in advance for the reply.

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