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Posts posted by barrykensett

  1. Problem is fixed after many more hours of work. I cannot pinpoint precisely why it would not work before, I just gathered all the tutorials I could find on the web and kept going through it all again and again. I understand a lot more and if I have spare time I will have to write another tutorial!
    Final frustration, I got a
    ASNext running with FSX, I then moved to my ultimate target to get it working with P3D only to find that although it is advertised as compatible with P3D (the main reason I got it) I then found that it us a case of "but not yet" so I wait for the upgrade.
    Thanks again for the help, where would we be without the net!

  2. Thanks for the help, I used the SDK from my FSX disk but did not see different versions of the SP's so I will check those. I will also rename computer as advised. I know I could run AS on the FS PC but I am trying to screw all I can get out of that PC, although I am trying initially to get AS working with my FSX I am moving to P3D plus FTX Global plus FTX Global Vector plus airports which us pushing my resources. I have used AS 6.5 with FSX for some time without problems but it turned its nose up at P3D.

    Wide FS used to be a lot easier!



  3. Well I've been through the whole routine as above. Checked, double checked, triple checked for the last two days. I am trying to get ASNext working across network, Squawkbox appears to work but I am nor sure it is updating the weather FSX.

    I've tried removing and re-installing FSX SP1 and SP2

    Also removed SDK and re-installed together with SP1 and SP2

    All sharing seems to be fine, I can see all the necessary files from server to client.

    Both PC's are W7 HP, one 64bit one 32bit.

    If I try the AI traffic trick it just says side by side not correct or words to that effect.

    Similarly ASNext says network not correct.

    In network centre the map shows both computers connected to Workgroup but one says name is Workgroup and the other says Network so perhaps they are not on same network but I can't see how to change the network name, can't find option in Network and Sharing or in Computer Properties - could this be my problem?

    I am at the point of suicide or writing off Active Sky and trying another weather program.

    I have some very detailed instructions from a HiFi simulations written for Active Sky X but they read the same as everything else on the net.

    I am waiting now for men in white coats to take me away and can sympathise with Neal.

    Barry Kensett


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