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Posts posted by Stub

  1. I've been looking forward to TE UK hugely since its announcement but like others I'm very disappointed that the biggest USP (for me) - multi-seasons - will now not even not be an option. I have a big investment in Horizon / ES scenery for the UK & Ireland and would be willing to pay a similar amount (£hundreds) for a product that fully exploited current technical capabilities. I want to buy the best - I don't like the suggestion that I should be happy with something because someone else is, or what sort of flying I should like.

    I appreciate the many commercial pressures that ORBX must be forced to consider when making decisions such as this, but intangibles like reputation and customer perception also hit financial bottom-lines so I hope a way will be found to smooth ruffled customer feathers. Rational explanations alone don't always scratch where it itches.

    Yes, I will buy this one because it's my home patch, but it's not what I had expected to be buying and that disappointment may well affect my future buying decisions. Absolutely not a threat - I love other ORBX stuff - but the bubble has deflated somewhat.


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  2. Thanks for the very prompt and helpful reply, and for the standard.xml tip which I hadn't thought of. I had another look and discovered that my FSUIPC.ini file had got a bit messed up so I sorted that out and I'm pleased to say the triggers now work. Apologies for the false alarm and thanks for a very useful little program.

    Is there a corresponding trigger for 'Leave' - or might you consider it in the future?

  3. Has anyone managed to get the events TOGGLE_WATER_BALLAST_VALVE and TOGGLE_LAUNCH_BAR_SWITCH  to save a position or enter an aircraft, as per the manual? 

    I'm running WAMA 1.12 b11 in P3Dv4.3. I've set up FSUIPC to trigger those events but nothing happens, and the events aren't visible in the controls dialogue so I can't program them that way.

    Just wondering if anyone has any idea how to get them working? Thanks.




  4. This is fantastic news - the icing on the TrueEarth cake - and I'm so pleased for the original developers that they'll have the satisfaction of seeing new life breathed into their work. I'm sure the original ES sceneries are carefully preserved on many of our machines. I still fly them all.

    I was initially disappointed that Scilly wasn't mentioned as an area to receive the redux treatment but I'm hoping that might appear within the TrueEarth coverage area. Has anyone seen any mention of that? I still remember loading up Scilly again and again just to stare at it even though my rig at that time hadn't a hope of flying a plane in that detailed work of art. The pilotable birds made that possible for me - just 🙂 


  5. I'd appreciate some advice about (legitimate) possibilities around installing v4 compatible addons into both v3 and v4 of P3D on the same PC. Is it always/generally/occasionally/never possible using the latest installers, is it restricted by licensing conditions etc.  Are there different policies between different vendors? Can different P3D instances share files in some circumstances, etc.

    I don't yet have v4 to test this out. I'd like to start transitioning across quite soon - but slowly. So I'd like to use some scenery / aircraft / weather addons in both sims for a while but to help me judge the right time and strategy for me to move across it would be really helpful to understand what the overall situation is with multiple installs on the same PC.

    In case it helps to be more specific: Just Flight, Milviz, ORBX, Aerosoft, A2A, REX, Captainsim, Flight1, HiFi, Carenado are the main ones I'm concerned about.

    Many thanks.



  6. Thanks very much, lamont, vulcan & kingair315 for your helpful replies. I'm sure that the remaining stutters can be resolved on my system with more time to fiddle so I shall go ahead with FSNav. SIDS & STARS are not an immediate issue anyway (given my current level of ignorance) and from what you say I can see that they're not likely to be very significant for the majority of flying I do.Thanks for pointing me at the FSNav forum - most useful.I'm very impressed by the loyalty people show to FSNav - even in the face of the support difficulties of late. That say's a lot for a product's inherent quality.

  7. New poster here, looking to step up from years of casual simming to a slightly more thoughtful approach (as typified by members of this forum - thanks for all the information I've gleaned from browsing it).I'm about to buy FSNavigator, but I'd appreciate views on a couple of points:1) Is there any other source from which I can download the file of SIDS/STARS for FSNavigator? I'm aware of the support rumours, and the difficulty that the author has had in providing support for some months, but www.fsnavigator.com has been down all week so I'm worried this may be more than just a Christmas outage. And can I download a file without using the FSNavigator update option to do it? (My internet connection is not on my FS9 machine)?2) When I open the trial version of FSNavigator (4.6) from FS9 I get short but regular stutters in the sim (jerky frames, sound "burps" etc) that seem to correspond to the moving map update interval, whichever page is displayed. This happens even when using settings that allow FS9 to run between 50-70fps in a window - the average framerate display oscillates quite a lot. The effect is reduced if I set a lowish maximum framerate, but is (oddly) more pronounced when FSNavigator is set to replace the sim window than when I undock FSNavigator and run it on a second monitor! I've reduced the effect to a tolerable level but would like to solve it completely before I buy the app. My 20 free sessions are expiring fast, so can anyone suggest where I should concentrate my investigations?I have tried alternatives like FS Commander, SFP etc but FSNavigator feels like the right solution for me. I could use a networked laptop and WideFS etc with alternative apps, but would rather not. Surely FSNavigator runs very smoothly for most people or it wouldn't be so popular?My system is a Dell P2.8, 512Mb, nVidia Ti4600. Not new, but quite respectable! I run FSUIPC (registered) to manage home-made pedals on the gameport (and Active Sky in offline mode) but no other background/ancilliary programs.Just bought Misty Fjords. Stunning! FSNavigator is intended to help me find all those cabins (and, at risk of offending the purists, to fly the plane from time to time while I just look out of the window :-)Thanks. A very happy New Year to all.

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