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Posts posted by Herbie63

  1. Just to let you know: MS indeed offers replacement DVDs. For 24 €. Plus shipping costs. Maybe also plus VAT (I didn't ask). That's ridiculous...Is anyone out there willing to send me a copy of the DVDs - no, just a joke, that might be illegal...I'd strongly recommend to all of you: Make a backup of your DVDs, a hard disk image will be better than a DVD-R.Herbert

  2. Thanks a lot!I'll try that, too. Yes obviously I've got a bad DVD. I know this problems with CD-Rs. In the last years I've "burned" more than a hundred of music CDs. Most of them which are older than 3 or 4 years also aren't readable anymore. But I never thought that this could happen to original CDs or DVDs. If this is not a single event, the discussion concerning the making of legal copies of software (or audio/video) CDs / DVDs might need to come up again.Again, thanks for your help,Herbert

  3. Hi,not sure if this is the right forum, but maybe anyone else here had this problem too:After not having installed FS-X for more than a year, I just wanted to reinstall it on a new machine. But - what a surprise - the PC wasn't even able to read the DVD. When I had a closer look at it, I saw something like air bubbles between the several layers DVDs are made of. This makes the DVD obviously unreadable.Just to answer all upcoming questions:No the DVD is neither dirty nor scratched. No I did not expose it to high temperatures or sunlight - just stored in a drawer.What can I do?I tried to use the MS support websites, but there they ask for the Produkt-ID. I thought they meant the Product key and entered that, but it was invalid (even though I own an original, legal copy of FS-X). There also is a link telling me how to find the Product-ID: Start the game and have a look at the INFO... Well, how can I start the game if I'm not able to install it at all?Now I just sent a mail to a general MS customer supporet adress. Wonder if and when I'll get an answer...Did anyone else encounter this kind of problems with the DVDs and if so, how did you solve it? Did you get replacement DVDs? Whom at MS did you contact?Thanks,Herbert(from Germany)

  4. Herbert,I've looked into the aircraft.cfg. There was no such statement as electric_always_available = 0 or 1 so i put it in the electrical part with no succes! I don't know if you are familiar with the LAGO-F16, because thats the one i'm referring to. Could it be that it is part of the .mdl file which cannot be changed as far as i know?Regards Ed
    Hi Ed,Unfortunately I don't know that bird. But we are talking about electric power, aren't we? And you are sure that you've the right reality settings in use?How do default aircrafts behave? Which FS version? I think we'll need some more information to find a solution...Regards,Herbert

  5. You are correct, there is no (obvious) need in this specific case. I was simply showing a method to use his existing custom L:variable. If one understands the method, then it may be applied to any other general case.Is there some particular reason you didn't encapsulate your XML script example in the forum's
     tags? Doing so preserves the formatting of the XML script, and also allows readers to quickly cut-and-paste the entire script from the [code] box...  :(Hi Bill,Neither did I want to criticize your code - it's exellent as usual - nor is there any particular reason for the appearance of my code. I simply copied and pasted it. In deed I also was surprised, why the formatting got lost on the way, bid did not think about that any longer... Next time I'll try to make it better.But I've allmost retired from creating panel and gauges and visit this forum only occasionally. So there might not come up too many posts getting a reply from me... :( Best regards,Herbert

  6. I see no need to use an additional variable (L:UHF-FRAC, enum) to animate the bitmap.A code like this is enough. <Element> <Position X="60" Y="116"/> <Image Name="Radio_COM_knob.bmp" PointsTo="East"> <Axis X="15" Y="15"/> </Image> <Rotate> <Value>(A:COM ACTIVE FREQUENCY:1, Megahertz) 10 *</Value> <Nonlinearity> <Item Value="0" Degrees="0"/> <Item Value="2" Degrees="360"/> </Nonlinearity> </Rotate> </Element>... <Mouse> </Area> <Area Left="20" Top="76" Width="80" Height="40"> <Area Right="40"> <Cursor Type="DownArrow"/> <Click Event="COM_RADIO_FRACT_DEC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <Area Left="40"> <Cursor Type="UpArrow"/> <Click Event="COM_RADIO_FRACT_INC" Repeat="Yes"/> </Area> <Tooltip ID="TOOLTIPTEXT_COMM1_FREQ"/> </Area> </Mouse>Herbert

  7. ... Is this a fairly simple thing to do? ...
    What is fairly easy at all? One solution would be to create a flight with your desired aircraft and airport and to save this flight. So the next time you start the simulation, you can select this flight. I'm not sure if the selected radio frequencies are stored in the flight file (name.flt, name = your selected name for this flight). If not, open this file with notepad or similar and look for the [Avionics.0] section. There you can edit the frequencies to whatever you want them to be. These flight files are stores in your default home path in the folder Flight Simulator files (or how ever it is named in your localized FS version).Hope this helps,Herbert

  8. Hello everybody,Here is one thing that drives me mad: Please tell me I'm wrong...I always thought - even more, I' almost convinced that it is enough to either have the main battery switch or one of the generators switches set to "on" to get electrical power on the systems (with electric_always_available = 0).But now - regardless which aircraft I use - turning off the main battery switch disengages all electrical systems, also when all generators are working.Is this normal?, Does my memory really fool me? Or is there any general setting which I might have changed?Any help more than welcome!!Herbert

  9. Thanks! Now that's an interesting applet...Here is the actual performance graph I need to emulate:proprpmvsload.jpgThese two equations seem like they will be a close enough "fit" to the curve......it will be simple enough to try out, in any case. I can add a <tag> to keep the update rate down to about 1 second, so it shouldn't be too much of a strain. ;)quadraticregression01.jpgShot at 2009-09-10
    Hello Bill,EXCEL will do the same. Create an X-Y diagram, add a trend (or however this is called in english version), use polynomic (3rd power) and tick to show the equation in the diagram. I've got y = -0,0019x3 + 0,432x2 - 22x + 2092Herbert

  10. Your're correct, the default MS 2d gauge works fine. I think I could a mouse click command into the gauge file though for the frequency swap. I also noticed that the AP Approach button does not function. I love the way Alphasim handled the frequency and HSI knobs, by hold and drag left or right. Makes changing frequencies/ headings a real breeze. Also found it strange that the AP doesn't show the climb / decent rate beneath the target altitude. Things to modify...-Brian Szuch
    So it seems to be a mistake in the model.I'd suggest to contact Phil from Alphasim once again. Explain the observation you made and hopefully he will offer an update. Regards,Herbert

  11. I am totally new to XML gauge editing / programming.I purchased the Alphasim Long EZ 61. Love the planebut found that the com frequency swap button on the KX155does not work. It appears to be a XML gauge. I have had noresponse from Alphasim. Anyone out there found the same problemand possibly a solution?thanks, Brian Szuch
    Yes, support from Alphasim was better in former times...Doesn't it work in the 2D or the VC panel? In 2D (pop up window) it's a deafult MS gauge, so if it does work there, the mistake probably isn't gauge realated.

  12. I'm aware of that. I want them to be reset if the aircraft or flight is changed. :(
    I had a look at your code and at first sight everything seems to be ok. So the mistake seems not to be so obvious. Maybe something in the math is wrong, maybe one of the several attributes of the text-element, who knows... I'd suggest to use a working text element (from any other gauge) and to replace the used variable of that gauge by your (L:FMC-IRU-POS-LON-LAST,degrees) only. No math, no custimized text attributes, no nothing else. If then you still get nothing,the mistake must be in the first part of your code. But if you get something, try to change - step by step - the default text-element to what you want it to look like. Then the math, and somewhen it should work.Hope this helps,Herbert

  13. This is THE quick fix for all 1024 * 768 panels. Not the best, but the fastest fix...Open the main panel bitmap with Paintshop, Photoshpp, Gimp or whatever and add at its right side a dark grey (or any coulour you want - exepts pure black) area of 204 pixels width and 768 pixels height. So now the panel bitmap has a total size of 1228 x 768 pixels. Save it.Open the panel.cfg and add (or change the existing settings) of the main panel window [Window00] to this:size_mm=1228window_size=1.0,1.0position=0Save it and let go...The 1228 x 768 will give you the 1:1.6 ratio fitting to your 1680 * 1050 monitor. So a circle will appear as as a circle again.I know - this solution doesn't look very nice, but as allready said - it is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of oval gauges.Depending on the aircraft that additional grey area at the right can be used to keep pop up panels opened.Things look a bit better when adding those dark grey areas at both sides (102 pixels wide each). But then all the gauge positions need to be adjusted by this 102 pixels.Best regards,Herbert

  14. Herbert, the reason your gauges are going oval shaped is because you insist on doing things "your way" instead of the way those who've already achived success suggest. The size_mm= entry is what controls the gauge's scaling. By using your entry of size_mm=1680x1260 you are screwing up the math FSX panel system uses to scale the gauges... :( Belive me when I tell you that if you use a 1680x1050 bitmap, you must set the size_mm= entry to match... :(
    Hi Bill,No I don't insist on doing it my way and usually accept suggestions. In deed I allready learned a lot this way...But sometimes (like this time) I simply find my way better and so try to find a good working solution to keep on doing it that way... It's not that your solution is worse - I just like mine better, which of course is a very personal pov.But after trying out dozens of other settings in the panel.cfg I finally found the one working as I want it to work - maybe you'll also want to give it a try:file=Concorde_Main_Panel.bmp size_mm=1680window_size=1.0,1.0position=0visible=1ident=MAIN_PANELPay attention to the size_mm = 1680 only and the window_size = 1.0, 1.0 and no additional settings!With these settings a 1680 x 1050 bitmap and also all gauges show up in the correct way (full screen, correct aspect ratios). Also the positioning of the gauges works as usual - no need for any math!The window_size=1.0,1.0 made the difference - don't ask me why. It works in FS9 and FS10BTW, I do the gauge positioning in Photoshop but FS Panel Studio also works correctly with those settings.Best regards,HerbertEdit: I just notice, that those settings basicly ere the same you use. But it did not work yesterday...Maybe the insrtuctions of how to convert a panel bitmap confused me... Thanks once again both of you!

  15. Ok, I gave you the correct approach... whatever you did, isn't going to result in what you're seeking. Which would be apparent, since it's not giving you the results you expect. :(
    Your approach probably is the best when converting a 4:3 panel to a 16:10. But when doing things from scratch, I find my approach to paint the panel in 1680 x 1050 (or a multiplier of that) much more convenient. As allredy said, the panel bitmaps shows up as expected when "size_mm=1680,1260". And after having thought about things some more time it is logical that with this configuration in the panel.cfg the y-position and height of the gauges have to be multiplied with 1.2.I'll stick with this as it lets me create the panel and gauge bitmaps in a "native" size where a circle looks like a circle and a gauge fits in the whole of the panel bitmap.Maybe MS offers a more convenient solution in FS11/12/13...Anyways, thanks for your help!Best regards,Herbert

  16. You can't just take the 4:3 panel image and resize it to 16:10.The easiest method is as follows:Assuming your default panel size is 1600x1200, resize it in the vertical to 1050, telling it to maintain the aspect ratio. Now... increase the image's canvas (that means not the image itself but add to the area of the image) so that it's width is now 1680. Then shift the existing image to the left side... fill in the right side with extended panel image. Adjust all gauges to the new panel.
    Thanks for thinking about my problem, Ed.But the panel bitmap isn't the problem. I made it in 1680 x 1050 (actually in 3360 x 2100, but I scaled it down for useage in the sim) and using "size_mm=1680,1260" in the panel.cfg makes it show up perfectly in size and shape. My problem are the gauges, or better said the necessary values for the y-position and height (x-position and width works as usual)I get them at the right place and in the right shape when multiplying the expexted paramerters with 1.2 (1260 / 1050 = 1.2)What I simply don't understand is the fact, that the panel bitmap shows up correctly but the gauges don't. I know about the 4:3 ratio, but I thought that would be "healed" when telling the panel system that you are using a 1680,1260 size ratio. And as mentioned it works perfectly with the panel bitmap.Anyways, multiplying those values with a fixed factor is not convenient, but no big problem either. I just thought there would exist a better way using a special setting in the panel.cfg.EDIT: Thanks, Bill. But using the 1680,1260 works fine as long as the real bitmap is in 1680,1050. And this way I can paint the main panel bitmap in correct shape so that a circle looks like a circle...Best regards,Herbert

  17. A Happy New Year!I'm working on a wide screen panel but have problems to find the right settings for the panel.cfg.Maybe it's too obvious? Anyways, I hope someone will give me a helping hand:The main panel bitmap is 1680 x 1050 so fitting to most 22'' widescreen monitors.In the panel.cfg I use "size_mm=1680,1280" and the bitmap shows up correctly.But the gauges don't! Their height is compressed so they need corrected height-values to show up correctly.For example a square gauge of 100 x 100 px would need to be assigned x,y,100,125 to appear as a square.That's annoying - there must be a better solution but I allredy spent hours without success...Ah, I tested things in FS9, but I guess this will be the same in FS-X.Thanks,Herbert

  18. what's easy... I thought about this:Imagine you have 10 strings (text elements) each with its unique text, colour and so on.Now you first need to decide the position of these 10 element in case all are active, so which will be the most top and which the most bottom one.Now to calculate the position of one certain element you only need to count the numbers of active elements above it. As the conditions which decide if one element is active or not will be boolean, you simply have to add them. Now multiply that result by the distance between the elements (20 pixels or whatever) and you're done. This calculation of course needs to be done for each text element.To let this work as a general piece of code, I'd work with L-vars rather with the actual variables and put at the top of the gauge an update element where the L-vars get their values from the actual A:-variables.So for usage with other A:variables you'll only need to change that update element and of course the string to be displayed.Attached a working example with 4 string elements only (Battery, Pitot, Landing Light, Taxi Light).Herbert

  19. Hi Bill,I haven't tried this, but could imagine that it works:What about using text elements beeing visible or not - to decide which of the messages to show up. Then add a shift to decide where each message is placed (the order from top to bottom). This shift can be driven by a L-variable. Now all you need is a bit math to calculate the required shift-L-vars. For this the case-statement should be helpful.Let me know if you got it working... But I'll also try to find a solution. This would be a nice piece of code for general purposes, I guess.Best,Herbert

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