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The Ginge

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Posts posted by The Ginge

  1. I have recently been having problems with Active Sky 6.5 Build 554. First of all it started when I went to download weather for a particular date and time and it said invalid weather folder or something along those lines. Then it comes up with an error in the ini file.


    Closing it down brings up the following Error Initializing - Check Your Ini File


    And then when it is open across the top where the date and time of your latest weather update is it says main thread process error - retrying at next interval and then it won't work at all.

    I have reinstalled it 3 times now with the same error coming up. It works once it has been reinstalled. Then as soon as you go to get archive weather it starts the same process of invalid folder, then error in ini file then when starting it again and then you can go no further as it has the main thread process error. It has done this on all re installations. Older builds when reinstalling work fully apart from being able to download weather.


    Am running FS9, hence not on any later version of Active Sky yet.

  2. Did you have wind data programmed in to the FMC? If you didn't then it would have calculated the wind initially on the wind you had at the time. As the flight progressed the wind would have changed which would have meant the FMC would have recalculated the fuel remaining, hence the changes. From what you have said this seems like the situation you may be having. Tom P

  3. I am yet to purchase FSX. May well do now as I have recently upgraded my computer to a Intel Quad Core so 744 on FS9 runs like a dream with 100% Traffic and the like on. I Backed up all my PMDG stuff before I did the reinstall and it reinstallled on my new system with no problem. I too am thinking about purchasing the new 744 for FSX to get the FS9 update but understand from the posts here it won;t work without FSX also being installed. As I am intending to buy FSX soon can you buy the product at the cheaper price and have it on your PC to install later this year when you get FSX??Tom P

  4. The Fuel tank to engine change generally takes place between 50 & 60 tonnes in tanks so bank on it happening sometime around that time. Obviously the EICAS will tell you when anyway. If you are left with a situation where you have too much fuel in a couple and not enough in the others then all you need to do is change the pumps so that the engines run off the two tanks with the most in until the levels equalise again and then you can go back to the normal configuration. Tom P

  5. I use FS real time but this seems only to make sure that FS keeps in check with time zones. I also find that the elapsed time on the chronometer is a lot more if you start it at take off than the time it has taken if you use the take off and landing times. Anyone know which is correct? Or if both of them are wrong. Tom P

  6. I have had the same problem coming into San Francisco on 28R. At about 700ft, with the autopilot and Auto Throttle off, doing the visual approach the 744 suddenly pitches nose down quite violently. Manage to recover it and then when at about 200ft it does it again and I end up landing at a descent rate of about 1500 fpm!!!I have Active Sky 6 so will try again and turn the wake turbulence setting off. RegardsTom P

  7. I use several tools to plan 747-400 flights. When I have decided where I am going, mostly in and out of EGLL I will find a route. I discovered this tool yesterday: http://rfinder.asalink.net/free/If even does planning across the NATS tracks for you as well. Only used it once so far.If I am flying out of the USA I will find the flight I am doing on Flightaware and then use the ATC flight plan from that. I also have a program that needs PS1 to run. It has all the airways in the World in it and all waypoints so you can also plan flights using that. http://aerowinx.com/downloads/PS1AIRQ.zipFor weather I have Active Sky 6 and I load up historic weather for the time of day I fly. To program winds on the FMC I use the following website which gives Spot winds. http://aviation.weathersa.co.za/Gridw.htmThis helps the fuel planning later!I still use a program from my days flying PS1 that helps me plan the fuel etc. http://www.btinternet.com/~gonewest/RoutPlan/ It is called Routplan and is a very useful program. I can add whatever pax or Freight load I want and it gives the ZFW and Fuel Load to take. You can also add in the average head/tail winds you are expecting as well. (Use the charts from above for that) You can also add in Waypoints to make it more accurate. I don

  8. I did try google and couldn;t see anything apart from every page that had either 'FS' or 'Real Time' somewhere in it, thats why I asked here!!!Thanks anyway, I will give it a go.

  9. I have started having this problem in the last couple of weeks. It even happens when I am flying at normal x1 speed. First time I noticed it was last week when my ETA into LHR was originally for example 0500z, it then started creeping back to 0530z and then it went back after a couple of hours to 0630-0700z which was most annoying. Way points that I should have been at in say, 90 mins, turned out to be 2 or more hours away. The only way I could reset it was to start my saved flight again. I could understand the ETA changing by +/- 30 mins or so due winds etc but not by an hour or more. I thought it might have just been my system but obviously someone else has had the same problem as well. Is it possibly something to do with the computer switching to DST time as it hasn;t happend before?

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