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Posts posted by majapahit

  1. I commented out line 143 by adding 2 dashes (- -) with Notepad++
    (// BTW not deleting .bak makes FSuipc read the .bak file also and FSuipc stops working)

    no errors in fsuipc log
    no errors in linda log

       519093 LUA.4: LINDA:: [INIT] Ready to go, Captain!

    AP panel flight mode buttons work (CMD, ALT, N1, V/S etc), but not SPD HDG ALT V/S rotate buttons, do nothing

    tested versions of fsuipc and Linda, and the when everything set to default again
    and un-commenting line 143 back to original
    188547 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
    has now disappeared from the log - not complaining

    MCP rotaries work 100% with default planes



  2. My VRInsight MCP Combo & FSUIPC, SPD HDG ALT Lights etc works with MS default Beech Baron, Bredok 737, 747, 787 etc
    but nothing moving (ALT SPD HDG) with the PMDG 737?

    In FSuipc ini:

    FSuipc Log show no errors at startup
    94 VRI port 1 "COM3" opened
    1656 VRI FMER ("MCP Combi") detected on port COM3
    18875 User Aircraft ID not supplied -- trying default (??????)
    19390 Aircraft="PMDG 737-700BDSF FedEx OE-IWE"

    LINDA log shows no errors at startup

    With PMDG 737 on runway turning ALT HDG SPD knobs of MPC COMBO fsuipc.log appears:
    185969 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
       188547 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
       191110 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
       193657 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
       196204 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
       198735 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
       201282 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)
       205922 *** LUA Error: K:\FSUIPC7\linda/libs/lib-msfs-extra.lua:143: attempt to concatenate global 'MSWPvar' (a nil value)



  3. I tried to do Linda Problem and Fault Diagnosis - Guidance

    had as only entries


    had the
    6. A detailed description of what the problem is. Comments like “It doesn’t work” are not very helpful.
    VRinsight MCP Combo
    • MCP Device enabled
    • MCP COM port not set!
    • CDU Device disabled!
    • No [VRINSIGHT] entry!
    Setup required!

    Did the
    Turn ON Fault Diagnosis Mode button.

    Restarted Linda

    Pressed SYNCH for aircraft 737

    Et voila all errors disappeared, connection

    linda2.log still has

    [ERROR] Access Violation reading FSUIPC [OMM] Access violation at address 007F6570 in module 'LINDA.exe'. Read of address 7102FE19
    [MAIN]  Access Violation reading FSUIPC [OMM] Access violation at address 007F6570 in module 'LINDA.exe'. Read of address 7102FE19




  4. upped again to Linda 4_1_3_198

    MCP = com3

    See the same errors. But I cant really test Linda because the EFIS mode profiles that I used to see there, there are none but GPS.

    Also this would be for my Bredok3 737Max (bar PMDG) and I have not quite figured out how these FSUIPC HVAR works (in particular X:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles\B3D_737.hvar),

    which do work with the default B747 in the in FSUIPC menu but there's a long list there, but a very short list in the X:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles\B747-8.hvar file, how does that work?


  5. Linda not used for a while. Trying to connect MCP COMBO v1, latest Linda 4_1_3_198 to latest MSFS, w. latest FSUIOC 7.2.15, Win10 latest Version 21H2 (OS Build 19044.1526),

    in FSUIPC.ini:


    Get error LINDA
    [VRInsight] not found!
    MCP=COM3 not found!

    When I click 'want to correct entry errors' I get a 'access violation' error in LINDA.exe
    Same errors when downgrading to LINDA_4_1_2_140

    if I revert to LINDA_4_0_5_173, my latest oldie, then No Errors, loading OK, everything OK

    My hunch is latests Linda's don't read or badly read FSUIPC.ini and perhaps is because I have 13 disk drives in my PC, of which 5 SSD's and something changed in Linda file read/write (or something)?

    FSUIPC directory k:\FSUIPC7

    any thoughts?


  6. MSFS default 747 AP panel with MCP1?

    Just bought MSFS, default MSFS keybindings have sporadic results and have to use mouse, there are no definitions for LNAV / VNAV.

    For instance the A/T binding works, but not ALT hold nor VS etc.

    Anyone who tried default 747-8 with MCP1, what was the result?

    Could that be made to work through Linda/FCUIPC?

    PMDG said it will take them a year to build a MSFS 747/737, pffff



  7. delete the

    [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080.0.0]
    [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080.0.1]
    [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080.0.2]

    section in the .cfg
    it will rest the P3D video settings. that's what I do when alt-enter gives undesired result

    Then stretch the screen anew to the limits and alt-enter, which P3d then remembers (again)

  8. Anybody has Windows Speech Recognition working for P3D?

    Prepar3D_v4_4.3.29.25520, 1 onboard soundcard, 1 mic in mic-in, win10 64x, Windows speech recognition OK in firefox, Word and windows commands

    EnableVoiceControl=1 enabled in the cfg freezes the P3D startup with CPU at 16%, no start, disabling fixes start again.


    (I own Voiceattack but figured, perhaps P3D proprietary interface might work smoother)

  9. Updated to 4.2
    Now the options in ATC show, but are greyed .. ?

    What am I doing wrong.

    Using FSUIPC and FSTramp addon, when disabled, still same problem.
    I see in the update specs 'The ATC window now longer processes key commands when key modifiers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) are held down'
    but I do nothing of that kind, the numbers and selections are simply greyed and nothing happens when either tapping the numbers, or mouse clicking the line


    [SOLVED - need SDK repaired]

    never mind
    had accidentally restored drive from old backup

    missed SDK

    for ATC you need SDK installed


  10. Just my 2 cts.

    I was about to try TARGET together with LINDA when I wanted the TMWH APU start/on/off switch to work with LINDA, or perhaps direct through FSUIPC .LUA command file assignment.

    The problem is one needs a sequence to get past the 'on' and then 'start' position with the PMDG 737NGX APU on/start.

    The TMWH has just a one sided on/off switch for its APU button.

    Just then I took a look at the
    "..\Prepar3D v4\Modules\linda\aircrafts\PMDG 737NGX\actions.lua"

    and one can just edit the actions.lua by combining the 2 APU commands on/start to a new line item in the drop-down assignment menu, from within LINDA 'edit' function.

    in the EDIT function of the 737NGX actions.lua
    " -- $$ APU " for the menu drop down header
    then combine and add 'on' and 'start' to a new <function NGX_APU_on_and_start()>,
    underscores are needed for spaces, the name appears automatically when I restarted/reloaded LINDA :

    function NGX_APU_on_and_start()
        if ipc.readLvar('ngx_switch_118_a') < 50 then
            ipc.control(PMDGBaseVar+118, PMDG_ClkL)
        if ipc.readLvar('ngx_switch_118_a') == 50 then
            ipc.control(PMDGBaseVar+118, PMDG_ClkL)


    et voila,

    can be assigned to 'release' TMWH <APU START> button (direction OFF, for I want a down movement like in the NGX)



  11. I was about to try TARGET together with LINDA when I wanted the TMWH APU start/on/off switch to work with LINDA, or perhaps direct through FSUIPC .LUA command file assignment.

    The problem is one needs a sequence to get past the 'on' and then 'start' position.

    Just then I took a look at the
    "..\Prepar3D v4\Modules\linda\aircrafts\PMDG 737NGX\actions.lua"

    and one can just edit the actions.lua by combining the 2 APU commands on/start to new sequence,

    even from within LINDA 'edit' function.
    search " -- $$ APU " for the menu drop down header then combine and add 'on' and 'start', underscores are needed for spaces:

    function NGX_APU_on_and_start()
        if ipc.readLvar('ngx_switch_118_a') < 50 then
            ipc.control(PMDGBaseVar+118, PMDG_ClkL)
        if ipc.readLvar('ngx_switch_118_a') == 50 then
            ipc.control(PMDGBaseVar+118, PMDG_ClkL)


    et voila,

    can be assigned to 'release' APU START (OFF, for I want a down movement like in the NGX)



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