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Posts posted by fcerven

  1. Boy this subject opens a lot of doors!  I have not read all of the previous responses to this subject so forgive me for repeating.  They were all great I am sure.  This will be a list rather than a single item and what I consider most important to give us a great simulator to build on. 

    - Freeware developer access for addon development.  (I hope some of them are included as partners).

    - Sloped and undulating runways.  You know, the ruways where the airplane disappears behind a rise in the middle of the runway.

    - Both commercial and private aircraft traffic.  Traffic at the non-commercial airports is also important.

    - ATC for both SIDS and STARS as well as VFR traffic.

    - Military aircraft. I'd hate to see the military airports as empty as in FSX.

    - Flight replay with options.

    - Larger aircraft wing flex.

    Some things such as seasons, watercraft, microbursts, helecopters and support for trackerIR and VR no doubt have been mentioned and I heartily support them but the listed items are the things not discussed in length up to this point and, as said above, feel will round out this promising great simulator.

    Thanks for listening.



  2. Thanks Charles for starting this topic and giving us some hopes of running ATI hardware with good results on FSX.  Up to this point, all I saw was nVidia video cards were the only ones that worked.


    I will be in the market for a video card shortly (currently running on the Intel i5 3570K OC to 4.4Ghz HD 4000 video) and this opens up some alternatives when I get to that point.


    Just for information, my Orbix PNW is not yet reinstalled after updating the system 5 months ago but I do have UTXUsa and a freeware update for KSEA and get between 15 to 20 FPS on final to 16L.


    Thanks again,


  3. Mad Dog said, Yep 33 cents a day is a real showstopper smile.png It is if you've only spent 0.05 Cents per day over the last five years over and above the cost of a new systemWhistle.gif The $1000 I plan to spend to be able to run Flight reasonably is quite enough for me.

  4. Turns out I have at least two ways to make this work. The first is boot into the safe mode. The second is to hold down Alt-Control as I click download. This bypasses my pop-up blocker and the dialog line asking me what I want to do, and goes directly to the download pop-up box. Firefox fails just like Internet Expolrer if I don't do this. As far as cleaning my cache. I use CCleaner everytime I exit tne browser so that is always covered. Thanks for the suggestions anyway momtchil. It kept me thinking and eventually found a couple of solutions. Now you can really close this thread. Fred.

  5. Thanks momtchil, I rarely use a download manager but Tried to give it a try anyway. It did not work without a manager also. Just turned all my security off (both firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials) and still can't download. I'm out of ideas at this point. Obviously if it works for you it must be on my end so I'll think about it for a while and see if I can come up with something. You can close this topic as far as I'm concerned. Thanks anyway, Fred.

  6. I have been trying to download the 767 Habitat for Humanity repaint for the past few days with no luck. The screen for the download comes up for a few seconds but then I get the "Internet Exporer cannot display the webpage" message and never get the download dialog box. Here's what I've tried so far. This happens with or without Download Manager This also happens with or without a firewall This also happens with any other file I try to download from Avsim I CAN download without problems from other sites Is there a problem or is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance fro any help. Fred

  7. That's my suspicion also techguy but would like to hear what the results were from someone who actullay has the hardware and has tried it. FSX IS CPU bound. A couple of years back I went from a 7900GS to my current 9800GTX with zero effect in FSX (the 7900 started to have problems). Looking to see if the integrated GPU downgrade has a similar (non)effect. Anybody? Thanks again in advance.

  8. Just as it says. Those that have the Z68 MB, have you tested your 2500K or 2600K with just the internal video? What were the results, stock and overclocked. Looking to see if a low power option (without external video card) is a viable option. An approach to Seattle from the north where you have Seattle, Boeing Field and Seatac in the VC screen would be very enlightening. Right now my Core 2 Duo at 3.0 GHZ, a 9800GTX, and medium settings yields me 10 FPS or less (unplayable for me). Am looking to upgrade. Thanks in advance.

  9. On Facebook Hiroshi says the address for the FSX model of the 767-300ER Cargo variant (the only one he did a FSX model for) is located to the right of the messages. Unfortunately, I don't see it and am not registered on his page - yet. Does anyone know where Skyspirit keeps their model files? I'd like a freeware 767 I can put a FSX VC panel in.Thanks in advance

  10. Hi guys,The JB panel works great for me in the VC as well as the 2D panels. The only problem I have is the Autopilot numbers for speed, etc. flicker when I mouse over them to change them in the VC--but that has always been a problem for me, even after trying the suggestions on Opensky. I guess my 4 year old system is now low end for FSX and I can live with that.What I would really like to do to complete the JB panel is find a Freeware FMC that works with it. I've tried the Garrett Smith FMC and added a NAV/GPS switch with no luck. The switch never toggles. This combo would be the equivalent of a "lite" payware aircraft using freeware components.Anybody have any luck trying this?Thanks in advance.FC

  11. Interesting, I do miss Maya, on the other hand 3ds Max has grown on me. In regards to money, you can't take it with you, and besides I always liked hot dogs and Kraft Dinner.Regards, Mike Mann
    Love the cavalier attitude about someone elses money. If you have so much, how about sharing.On a more serious note, IF flight is a step up from FSX, I will spend the $1000 for the mid level computer to run it and that is the limit of my budget. If I didn't have to upgrade my computer each time a new FS version came out, that money could be used for 3rd party addons. For FSX, apart from spending about $100 for Flying Club X, UTX USA and 2 ORBX products, my addons are exclusively freeware. My concern is for the health of the freeware development community when they have to buy a computer and also spend the same amount for development tools. Given this scenario, I don't see it surviving.Just my 4 cents worth.

  12. I agree with most of the things the OP hopes we'll see. There is one thing that I would like to add because it is talked about way too little - Freeware.FSX has been my FS simulator now for about 4 years as is the core 2 duo computer I thought would run it well. In that time I have spent only around $100 in addons. These consist of Flying Club X, UTX USA and two ORBX regions (PNW and Northern Rockies). The rest of the addons are selected freeware addons for weater, water, airports, guages, traffic, repaints and aircraft. This has given me the experience I look for and don't feel the need to do more. I must say that there are some real freeware gems out there. My concern is that we may loose them if Microsoft requires, be it for speed or other reason, expensive programs in order to develop for Flight, we may loose these gems. A path for freeware must be left available. If Flight is to be the program that brings us all together, the SDK must be simple and inexpensive enough so that all developers can participate, not just payware.Terrain (scenery), although not addressed by the OP, is another thing I would like to bring up. Up to this point all posters on the subject seem to think in terms of tiles. Microsoft has Bing Maps. why not use it rather than tiles. Flying above 3000 ft AGL, no autogen except for tall buildings should be necessary. Below that, gradually phased in autogen should be available to add depth. The seasons can be derived from the Bing Map summer textures. Having just one texture layer should streamline it's generation significantly.Well, that's my four cents. Just as for FSX, after spending $1000 for the Flight computer, I would like to have my Flight addons cost me around $100. Hope Microsoft keeps casual users in mind.Thanks for listening.

  13. Hi everyone,My FSX SP2 system has been stable for over 2 years. FSX is still stable but, just in the past few days the following problems have cropped up:- Airport Design Editor (ADE) gives me an error when starting it and won't start- Autothumbnail will not start with FSX and gives me an error message similar to ADE- The Flight Terrain Demo FTX Central file gives me the same error and won't startI am running XP SP3 32 bit, FSX SP2, 3Gig of memory,Nvidia 9800 GTX+, and Intel C2D E6300 OC to 3Ghz. All drivers are the most recent stable (Nvidias latest is bad and was withdrawn).Like I said, up until a couple of days ago, I was stable. The only thing changed was a Microsoft security update and I added .NET framework 3.5 SP1 because FTX needs it. Here are the error messages I get:FTX Central has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.EventType : clr20r3 P1 : ftxcentral.exe P2 : P3 : 4b931a40P4 : mscorlib P5 : P6 : 4a7cd8f7 P7 : 2526 P8 : 0 P9 : system.io.filenotfoundexception Airport Design Editor has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.EventType : clr20r3 P1 : airport design editor.exe P2 : P3 : 4a9aed5c P4 : mscorlib P5 : P6 : 4a7cd8f7 P7 : 1f6dP8 : 0 P9 : system.io.filenotfoundexception Autothumbnail has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.EventType : clr20r3 P1 : autothumbnail.exe P2 : P3 : 45f527a0 P4 : mscorlib P5 : P6 : 4a7cd8f7 P7 : 3580P8 : 24 P9 : system.io.filenotfoundexceptionAs you can see, they are all similar and seem to be looking for a missing file. Any ideas? Maybe a missing or corrupted file?Any help other than a reinstall (which I think should not be necessary because FSX itself is still stable) is appreciated.Thank You.

  14. Great Idea:"A tool to test gauges outside FSAnd for the learners: Simple examples how to create gauges, dlls, (several one-gauge-examples, like a light switch, VSI or similar and then some more complex things)"An example would be to simplify the development of a VC. The SDK could provide a "tub". This tub could be stretched to fit the inside of the aircraft model, allow placing of instruments, controls and displays using drag and drop from a list of what is available on default aircraft, and make the necessary connections to activate the item. This way we all could do VCs, even in models which don't have them. Since ACES is already re-doing the engine, why not include this capability.Thanks for listening

  15. Hear Hear! Phil should stay.Most suggestions for improvement I have made have been in the spirit of improving an already good product. My suggestions for improvement always include things that are good about FSX. Your willingness to give us a peek into the thinking of ACES that got us where we are now is appreciated and helps in understanding some of the product's limitations.Thanks and keep up the dialogue.

  16. Quote: 1. creating the sim for "todays" hdw., not tomorrows; in 5+ yrs. since Processors first hit the 3ghz. mark (default clock speeds) and they haven't increased 1 full ghz. never liked nor understood the future proofing theory. give the video card as much work as it can handle without it being a major bottleneck. full multi-threading support from the ground-up.I couldn't have said it better FM.The following list for FS11 was posted on another site but bears repeating here (IMHO). Note item 2. It provides some measurable parameters for what IMHO should be target performance figures for "todays" hardware when FS11 is released.This is first of all a flight sim. If the sim part doesn't work, the rest is a waste of time. So, my priorities are to get the sim flyable, then work on the rest. FSX is a good product with some basic sim related problems. My list, in order of priority follows:1 - Make the VC editable by the user like the 2D panel. If Microsoft can't QA the panel functions (and they blew it in FSX) so they are the same in both and flyable, let the user do it.2 - Design for the top end machines at the time of release to be able to run the sim at 24 FPS and medium settings everywhere. This would still allow for a lot of growth. We still can't do this in major metropolitan areas a year and a half after release. My rationale for this is as follows. Here we are 1 and a half years into FSX release and many people are still on FS9 because of blurries, etc. Even the quad core machines at the sim convention in Seattle had blurries a year after release and those were state of the art. If the object is to make money, then your target should be to reach a larger FS market share. You have left a lot of the market behind.3 - Improve the AI as many have already suggested.4 - Tweak the scenery as many have suggested. Since getting UTX, I am almost satisfied (except for blurries) with this aspect of the sim.5 - Improve weather as many have suggested.My current machine is a C2D running at 2.6 GHz, 2GB 800MHz ram, nVidia 7900GS 256, and a 21" CRT running at 1280 x 1024 running on XP32 SP2. What I term a middle of the road machine. I run with most of my sliders 3/4 of the way up and low traffic. This gets me 28FPS (locked) around medium towns but only 15 or so around LA and even less around NY. I also get blurries so I perodically have to hit pause to allow the sim to catch up with my 737. This should not be necessary.Hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears like the comments leading up to FSX.An FS enthusiast.

  17. After a bit more flying, this time in VFR conditions, I returned the filtering to Anisotropic because everything was blurry just a mile out. I do like to see things when doing VFR.Glad to say that I still have not seen a crash so just moving the AA from the game to the video card did the trick for me.Thanks again.My System:-ASUS P5N-E SLI MoBo-E6300 Core 2 Duo OCd from 1.86 to 2.66GHz-2GB 800GHz memory, stock timing-1-Evga 7900GS 256, stock timing

  18. Have been running FSX since Christmas and now that I am starting to do long (over an hour) flights in IFR conditions. With the additional view switching, communications and overall screen busyness I was also getting to the point where I rarely got to complete a flight due to a CTD or FSX just freezing. Restarting required a re-boot.Took your advice about no AA in the game (I turned on 4X in the video card controls) and filtering back to trilinear and now can complete a flight, taxi to parking (with a number of screen switches), look at a replay and do another flight without a crash. The concern I had with these settings was how the sim would look. When I first got the sim, I had lots of fun balancing detail with minimal shimmering. I did not try the combination of 4XAA on the card and trilinear on the sim before (just did either-or rather than a mix).Anyway, Thank you very much. Hope this helps others and saves many re-installs. It sure works for me!My System:-ASUS P5N-E SLI MoBo-E6300 Core 2 Duo OCd from 1.86 to 2.66GHz-2GB 800GHz memory, stock timing-1-Evga 7900GS 256, stock timing

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