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Posts posted by Glocke

  1. I installed Shockwave lights and the update 1.1 on a fresh FS9-setup with no addons. Now I experience with the default airplanes (Learjet and Beech King Air 350) having thegaugeXX=shockwave_lights!SW Lights_gear, 1,1,1,1 //shockwave lightwritten in the PANEL.CFG that the landing lights attached to the UC legs just flicker for a blink and then go out automatically when lights are turned on. When I press the landing lights switch on the panel it shut down automatically as well.What's the matter? Is there a gauge conflict?I'd be happy if anybody has a solution.BestGlocke

  2. Hello active sky community,I'm a newbie and I'm just discovering the advantages of Active Sky 6.5. I wonder, if somebody has ever cared to develop an additional set of weather themes (as AST-files), which I could transfer to the template folder so they would show in the WX-configurator.Of course it's a thrill trying to fly in a hurricane, but to have some more elaborated weather themes at hand would be great.Thanks in advance for your help.Glocke from Germany

  3. Hello to the pilots of the marvelous PROJECT Fokker F70/100 in the FS2004-update-version V3.0I wonder if you encounter as well that the landing lights and the taxi lights toggle are linked and CANNOT be switched seperately? Thus the landing light cannot be turn off on the taxiway.Is there a solution for this bug?Thanks a lot in advanceMax

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