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Posts posted by mjordan

  1. I have tried that several times with no luck.  It will not accept a waypoint.  Unlike the OP I am not opening a previous flight plan since I just installed MSFS.  I can create a departure and arrival point and I can save the flight plan.  All without waypoints.  I will say again MSFS is running an XBOX series X.

  2. Just installed MSFS on xbox a couple of days ago.  I have tried several times to put in waypoints into a flight plan.  I get exactly what you are showing a straight line with no waypoints included in the log.  I viewed several youtube videos that were produced several months ago for the xbox and they were showing that you could place waypoints between the arrival and dest. points.  

  3. I think it should be reasonably obvious that resolving controller issues will be a key feature of the 3.1 update. I can fly in P3D v3, but my joystick still has a significant left bias, and it seems that plenty of other users have controller problems.

    I agree 100%.  Have not been able to fly 3.0 because of the controller problems.  How did this get out of beta with all the problems?

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