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Posts posted by Dateowner675

  1. I am also a happy PMDG JS41 owner and am also the owner of saitek panels.Thanks for your work Massimo already. You have made this great addon even better already for those cursed with Saitek Drivers.I would love to be able to see Flight Levels,headings and speeds set via the panels etc.I am thinking PMDG are pretty busy at the moment with their upcoming NGX release.I hope your request does not fall on deaf ears.Regards Michael Haines

  2. Hi guy's Have just been searching around the forum and on FSUIPC's (configuring panels to work with FScrew2) and can't seem to find a key command or LUA that contains a trigger for the conspic lights.Does anyone know if there is one or how to make one and would willing to share the information?Regards Mick Haines

  3. Hi there Guys. Hope I'm not speaking out of topic here but have been using this great program for a while now and the only thing I miss is the ability to use voice reconition to control ATC due to the not being able to activate the speech engine. I have W7 Ultimate as an operating system does anyone know about a work around? That they are willing to share (payware would be fine).RegardsMichael

  4. Hi Guy's Have been trying to get through several start up procedures with this product and from what I've seen so far this is the best Co-pilot experience in a flight sim to date.I seem to have a problem with windows 7 speech engine executing applications outside of the game which in turn is causing flight sim to crash i.e."Start engine left" tends to open the start menu of windows and when I called out "Before start check please" the PC opened an Adobe version of the Before start check from the AOM. That kind of stuff.I've run the voice trainer seveal times and to no avail.I guess the reason for this post is to see if anyone knows how to rectify this problem/disable global voice commands etc. or have any hints or tips that can make this occur a little less.I only use voice recognition on this aircraft to date.Any advice would be much appreciated.RegardsMichael

  5. Ping Pong requires a lot of skill, patience, talent, and technique. I would suggest tiddlywinks instead. :( Best regards.Luis(yes, I know, an old post, but it needed some levity!)
    Don't you hate it when you say something dumb on a spur of the moment during an intense phase of "I cant do it's!!!!"Seems to hang around in this forum for a while :( Problem was solved after many forum articles were read...Guess I'll have to apply the skill, patience, talent, and technique I learned playing ping pong to the ever challenging world of scenery creation :( RegardsMichael

  6. Can you post your .inf file?What I do in GIMP, is first load my tiff (I use Geotiff so I don't have to mess with the parameters in inf, but I have GIS software to help me!) in the normal RGB mode. Then I create a new layer set to "white" (255,255,255) and edit the layer. I adjust the layer properties setting transparent to 40-60% so I can see my main bitmap "underneath". I use selections to set the area that's "all black" (and then fill with black) and "all white", then invert the selection so I am left with a selection where I want to get gray (to do the actual blending). Then I play with the gradient tool and the dodge/burn tool to get the "grays" I want. When you use those tools, try things like "additive" or "subtractive" modes.An alternative is to load your image and convert to 8 bit grayscale. Then again use selections and bucket fill to set your all black and all white areas. The transition area is now gray from your original image. Sometimes just using that gives a good result, but again experiment with gradient and dodge/burn. scott s..
    Hi there ScottThanks for your reply.Your instructions have shed some light on what I am doing wrong.Guess I will need more time playing with GIMP@ to nail this.Seems like I have messed up in the layer proccess of GIMP2 I did not create another layer but another BMP the converted to TIF for the blend mask and saved it as a seperate file in the work folder of SBuilderX. :( Here's a copy of my INI File just for a laugh.[source] Type = MultiSource NumberOfSources = 2[source1] Type = BMP Layer = Imagery SourceDir = "." SourceFile = "L16X116122X116128Y78959Y78963.BMP" Variation = All NullValue = 255,255,255 Channel_BlendMask = 2.0 SamplingMethod = Gaussian ulyMap = -34.558597459864 ulxMap = 138.938598632813 xDim = 1.07288360595703E-05 yDim = 8.83509452520581E-06 [source2] Type = TIFF Layer = None SourceDir = "." SourceFile = "L16X116122X116128Y78959Y78963_B.TIF" SamplingMethod = Gaussian ulyMap = -34.558597459864 ulxMap = 138.938598632813 xDim = 1.07288360595703E-05 yDim = 8.83509452520581E-06 [Destination] DestDir = "." DestBaseFileName = "Rowland_Flat_MH" DestFileType = BGL LOD = Auto UseSourceDimensions = 1 CompressionQuality = 100Kind RegardsMichael Haines

  7. Hi there Guy'sI am trying to make a Photoreal ground texture for a small airstrip called "Rowland Flat" in the Barrossa Valley South Australia.Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial for making a blend mask for photoreal scenery using Gimp 2.I have been using different resourses ie"Modifying Default Airport Terrian with SBuilderX/OZX Developers Guide,{Making scenery for country airstrips}""to try to work out what is going on but to no avail.I am able to create a BGL that is photoreal in SBuilderX that is the size of the initial BMP but after changing the INI file adding [source2] etc...and trying to compile with my blend TIFF resample does not seem to work.It just flashes and no new BGL is produced.Any help or Direction would be much appreciated.RegardsMichael Haines

  8. Hello Michael,Since I assume you refer to the tutorial I wrote, I am always interested in knowing what readers find difficult to understand, and would appreciate more details on the "holes" that you found.There are other tutorials for SBuilder although mine is perhaps the most complete.Perhaps you are having problems getting the Google Earth server to deliver image tiles? As it happens, Google has repeatedly sought methods to block third-party applications from accessing its Google Earth server and has finally succeeded, it seems. So, SBuilderX users will find great difficulty and should probably just use any of the other image servers available, such as Yahoo, Microsoft Bing Live Virtual Earth (or whatever they are calling it this month!), etc.Best regards.Luis
    Hello LuisHmm.Seem's like there are are far more "holes" in my knowledge than in your tutorial.I did claim that I was an Idiot... :( I have been able to access sat images via Manifold but as you stated... only the flavour of the month i.e. Virtual Earth. Using imagery from another provider has worked and I am now working my way through your tutorial.Thankyou for your response .Kind Regards MichaelRegards

  9. I'd be happy to see them all and in a recent post I begged/implored PMDG to rapidly expand their development house. I agree with the basic premise put forth by the OP: there are no others in PMDG's league who are actively producing... none. I say this as a man who has paid good money to try just about all the others. Time and time again, I come away SORELY disappointed with the competition. PMDG has it right and we need as much as they'll give us:- NGX - Abso-freaking-lutely. This is a "signature" series for them and my gut tellsme they're going to win big with this one.- 777 - YES! It is not only underrepresented, but it is an important part of the Boeing stable- AIRBUS - YES! do the whole familyI could go on and on, but PMDG is the last word and I see no other contenders who are able to deliver SIMULATION-quality addons.

  10. I have found that when I install the gauge to my cirrus g20 and the LVLD767 I get the correct gauge. I checked and my panel config for the PMDG 747 is numbered correctly. I stll get the black box with out the enable box. Ken
    Hi there KenI had a problem with PMDG 747 displaying a black box where to ATC menu should be with Voxatc deluxe some time ago.I contact Vox support and was supplied with a modified panel file which enabled it to work on this aircraft.If its working on Win7 64bit with these other addon's it might be worth while getting in touch with support and asking about the problem.RegardsMichael H

  11. great idea, I didn't think to look for the cards in the manual. I like the cards in the cockpit, but they are a nuisance to deal with having to zoom in. It would be nice if they made the cards appear bigger in the VC so that they more readable without having to hit the zoom button a few times.
    I printed into booklet form, cut down the center, lamenated, spiral bound at the top and hey presto looks like the one in the sim.Kind of cool not to have to click and fumble with it in the sim also lamenated the check list.Michael Haines

  12. Hey,at engines shut down with powerlevers pulled back at rpm <50% to full reverse by moving the powerlevers in the VC the startlock engages and the Props remain in fine pitch ! Thats all ok!but now after a new enginestart and conditionlever in flightposition i get only 35% torque with powerlevers full forwards!if i shut down engines now with powerlevers on idle (not reverse) then the props remain in finepitch regardless(should go in featherposition)i have to load the JS4100 from the aircraftmenue new to get things working engineshutdown with props feathered and thereafter enginestart with unfeatherpump works fineany ideasregards J

  13. I have found that it's just something you get used to over time! Since fsx I have never used a 2d panel. I got so used to the hat switch, and now track IR that I could never never return to 2d. I have planted several j41 seeds in the ground because I found my self fascinated with the detail of the j41 vc! and if the forth comming 737 I'm sure I'll be planting some 737 seeds as well :(
    Couldn't have said it better myself.

  14. What software version? If your using the 5.0 switch to 4.0137, Im using trackir 4 and recently upgrade to v5.0 software and it was just awful. Switched back to my original 4.0137 and its great again.
    mmm, strange I just uprgraded to V5.0 from 4.0137 and found it seems to works much better .No drop in FPS here. So much so I'll start using it again for the larger aircraft.Michael
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