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Posts posted by sunhawk7

  1. I like Flight a lot. I started with FS back in 1983 and have enjoyed most of the flight sims that have been released since. Flight holds great potential and has the greatest immersive experience I've had yet in terms of flight dynamics, visual and aural experience and plain just feeling like I'm in the air. The lighting is a work of art in itself and seeing how the setting sun sparkles across the windscreen and throws shadows around the aircraft is beautiful. I truly enjoyed being able to beta test this product. But...what has been said before is true. It's a world empty of any life and after flying FSX, it just feels dead and I'm beginning to grow bored with having such a limited area to fly. Like many, I like flying over familiar areas as well. I haven't flown Flight in a week or so and have enjoyed a "mundane" flight in one of many aircraft I have for FSX. Seeing familiar roads and coastlines with traffic moving along the ground and sky plus having a real world weather makes a full experience so much more satisfying for me. I fear that my time with Flight will grow shorter and shorter because of that, which is frustrating. I love what Flight brings to the experience, but without some actual advancement to the program, I probably won't be going back to it much at all. Maybe if I was just picking up and experiencing the magic of a flight simulator now, it would be an entirely different story, but unfortunately, that's not the case. MS has the power to make something very spectacular here, but I'm not sure that's something they're even interested in doing.

  2. All I can say is wow. I'm pretty astounded by the negative attitudes concerning a new FS release. I've been pretty excited about the pending release and thought the talk might be interesting, but I was wrong. It's mostly venting and gnashing of teeth. Not that I'm surprised, really. I've seen the same go on in the past, and remember the negativity surrounding the FSX release, which turned out to be a great simulator for me and one I still enjoy. Maybe I've got too much going on, but I'm glad I haven't spent any time here now. I'm not new to FS as I've had them all the way back to the Sublogic version for the Apple IIe in 1983 and have had every single version since and have flown about everything else that came out as well through the years. Some good, some great, some not so great.Personally, I like Flight. I like the way the flight model feels, the way it looks and think it has the most immersive quality to it of any flight simulator I've yet flown. I'm not as big on the game aspects of it, but there are those out there that are and might even find more enduring interest through those means. I know I can find what I enjoy through it and expect that it will evolve further. I thought this might be the end of it after the demise of the original crew, but thankfully, for me at least, that's not the case. It may not be exactly what I want at first, but I'm hopeful that it will expand further as time goes on. From reading some of these posts, I'm more reminded of petulant children who would take great pleasure in the failure of this sim because it's not what they want. It's a strange attitude that doesn't serve anyone on any subject of life including flight simulators and is telling statement of the type of person you are. It's also a stark reminder of why I no longer participate in forum bantering any longer.

  3. The screen shots look so fantastic and amazing this early in development. I get more excited with every tease they put out. And with X-plane 10 also looking promising too, it looks to be a banner year for flight sim enthusiasts. At least for some of us. Of course, I'm pretty thankful to have FSX with some of the great mods and planes developed for it. It really is amazing how far flight simulation has come since I bought my first one for the Apple II in '83.One thing that is really interesting to me is the amount of negativity directed at these products. But I guess its not unusual as most complainers are usually the loudest. The chatter doesn't bother me, tho. Why would it effect my own enjoyment? But it is a great litmus test to whether you are basically a positive person or a negative person. You get a rough idea of what the rest of their life must be like. I feel sorry for them, but hope that some of these people will be able to see how fortunate they really are that products are being developed to help continue their hobby. (Although, there are a few that I think would love to see it all burn down just for the satisfaction of a final comment on it, LOL.)

  4. *******, thank you for the effort of putting together this automated tool. It worked faster than I imagined and couldn't have been easier. I rarely do any tweaking so it worked fantastic for me. I simply swapped out .cfg files and am getting not only faster and smoother framerates, but the graphics are much better all round. Thank you again very much.Kevin

  5. I am certainly not amazed that many of the people who are doing the MOST complaining are the ones who are endlessly tweaking with add-ons and configurations and when FSX develops problems they look up blinking and blaming the program for crashing after they were the ones messing with it. Priceless. LOL.

  6. I for one, do not have high expectations based on what little I've seen and heard so far. Sounds to me like a free Google map cloud-based flyer with three stock airplanes that someone with a $350 Walmart computer can race with others on the Internet if they buy Windows 7 only, and it will run smoothly. And we experienced flyers will have nice scenery. Frankly, thats about what I get from what they have said so far. It doesn't say simulator as far as I know.
    I guess every body sees what they want to see. It's a great test actually as to whether you are basically a positive person or a negative person. There is a lot of similar griping on this board about what they have not delivered in a several second teaser on a program that is probably a year away. To me, I see what appears to be an improvement on FSX just the same as every teaser that I've ever seen seems to be a further improvement of their last product. If they reverse their direction and release what many FEAR is coming, i.e. a "dumbed-down" arcade simulator appealing to only the X-Box player then it will be a landmark in the Flight Simulator line dating back to 1983 (I've only been using it since then, so they may have done differently before that). Some version releases have been better than others and that pretty much falls in line with everything else in this life from movies to cars to dishwashers. I saw the previews with great optimism and in the spirit with which they were released. I love the magic of flight, both real and simulated, and I look forward to each step any developer makes to allow me to have this experience.

  7. RE: How to make the POSKY 777 VC work in FSX How to make the POSKY 777 VC work in FSX5. Go to Posky Boeing777v2_VC_ panel, Delete the files: Pky_glassdirt and Pky_utilIt was pointed out to me that you should delete the directories and not just the files. Once I removed them, everything worked smoothly. Thanks to all who solved this problem.

  8. Deleting the directories solved the problem after redownloading different plane/model. I mistakenly misread the other post to delete Pky_glassdirt and Pky_util files instead of the entire directories. It all works well now. Thanks for the clarification on the directory deletion.

  9. I downloaded a different file from the posky site and finally got up the vc...only problem is I can't get any guages to appear. I forgot to mention I am running the acceleration version of FSX. Maybe this is one of those things that don't work with this patch?

  10. I'm getting a black screen filled with instruments all where they would be on the vc, but I don't get anything else. I've tried all the readme's, POSKY'S site, even googling, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been installing aircrafts and panels for years, but I gotta admit that figuring this out has got me stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated...even if you can point me to information I haven't found yet. Thanks.

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