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Posts posted by Stetson

  1. First baton leg for myself, VYMM to VTSC in the DeHavilland Hornet, a world war 2 british two engine beauty of an aircraft. Very fast. With Roman flying wing in the Bearcat. Also very fast. After some Duenna struggles I finally was off and climbing to 30 thousand feet. I was greeted with a 25 knot tailwind once at altitude and settled in for a smooth quick leg. Was a little nervous flying my first leg for Avsim but Roman and the other team members online made it an enjoyable flight. The weather at 30k was very clear but dropping down towards VTSC the weather turned rainy and visibility dropped to near zero a few times. Thankfully the haze cleared as I approached the runway and I set the Hornet down without incident. Ahhhh.

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