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Posts posted by Agaguk_Jarin

  1. I'm really starting to believe that the screenshot when we access the official MS FLIGHT website was taken in game. First of all, the cessna in the background has a paint scheme that looks just like the one in FSX, also, the back landing wheel seems to be lacking a bit of detail if it were a RW photo, and last, the brake line at the bottom right is not very smooth... If it actually is an ingame screenshot, then it looks like pretty awesome graphics for us!

  2. Alright, perhaps you guys are right, and that gives me an explanation. Thank you for that. Like I said, I have DO have anti-aliasing activated, if you look at the other parts you'll see it's fine, except for the textures. It's a bug that's been annoying me for a while. I think my sim looks great, but that's my opinion, so I thank you all for the answer!

  3. Alright here's a screenshot I took. Only things I have off are bloom and lens flare, since I have the ENB series mod and the lens flare is just plain annoying. Now I know you will want me to post a video, but for some personal reasons, I would prefer not to. I will completely understand if you don't believe me, it is pretty incredible from what I understand. In the picture, there is some obvious aliasing on the texture. It's a bug that was there since the last driver, but I don't really mind. Here's the link: http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv283/A...3-12-24-703.jpg It was taken at KJFK with all sliders, including traffic, all the way to the right. I just wanted to take a quick shot so I didn't bother to change the weather. For all of you who are thinking "it should be at like 29.7 or something, it's never at 30!" Well it usually moves between 29 and 30.I feel like I should also specify that my loading times are ridiculously long (Takes about 20 minutes from when I click the shortcut to the actual simulation. I also use the program called "Game Booster" which you can find by googling it. It works really well. I posted this topic simply to share my FSX experience and because I was wondering if someone had an answer to that "miracle".Ps. TheFamilyMan, I always thought that my CPU was the first dual core ever made by AMD. Thanks for letting me know I was wrong :D

  4. I usually fly in the A2A Cub when I do bush flying, or the LDS 767 when flying airlines. Traffic is all the way to the right, although I use WOAI packages and FSX default GA traffic (I converted the FS9 traffic file to FSX)Simmer9304, my CPU was built a year before FSX came out... I'm pretty sure that even if it were amazing, it can't be THAT good :D

  5. I probably have one of the worst computers for FSX in the Avsim forums, apart for my video card, a XFX 260GTX. However, I have all my sliders to the maximum, and I still run at a smooth 30 FPS all the time. I don't have any tweaks installed or anything like that. Anyone know an explanation? Here are my PC specsAMD X2 3800+ @2GHz (First dual core AMD ever made), XFX GTX260, Acer 750W power supply, 2GB of RAM (DDR2), 2 hard drives, one 160 Gb at 3840 RPM and another one with 320 Gb at 7200 RPM. My motherboard is a stock lenovo one, and unfortunately they don't give information at all about it...So could it be that my video card handles a bit of the CPU with CUDA? I'm pretty sure FSX doesn't support CUDA though, so I have really no idea what it is that makes my sim run so smooth...

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