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Posts posted by Conao

  1. I downloaded a new version of a StreamDeck profile from internet and it comes with the corresponding group of scripts for AAO.

    What is the correct procedure to update this script group with the new version? Do I have to delete the old version and import the new one again or the import will overwrtite the existing one, automatically adding new scripts and updating existing ones?

    If I have to delete the old one, would that break any existing assignments for Axis and Buttons?

  2. Hi!

    I'm trying to connect my old MCP Combo 1 to MSFS 2020 using LINDA and FSUIPC 7.2.14. Yesterday, I installed all these latest versions and also VRiSim to find out what COM port to use. I followed the instructions in the LINDA Downloads post, observing the order to start the applications, and it worked. I had problems trying to change assignments, but let's leave this for a future step.

    For now, my problem is that today the MCP didn't connect to MSFS 2020. I observed the same order to start the applications, did it several times, rebooted the computer, re-checked the COM port and the configuration in LINDA and that FSUIPC was connected. The LCD displays were not updated by LINDA as they normally should and no response from any button. I'm using the MSFS Default aircraft profile with the default C208.

    Should I follow the Fault Diagnosis Procedure and send you the log files? I probably don't have to follow the whole procedure because I believe the problem is not with an aircraft profile or assignments. It appears it simply didn't connect at all. Anyway, just let me know how can I help you to help me.  🙂

  3. 2 hours ago, albar965 said:

    The altitude information is stored in the logbook entry which is actually using an attached GPX file. You can save this file for other programs like Google Earth but you cannot view it in the LNM profile.


    Ok, clear. Thanks!

    Any chance the logbook could save the vertical speed on touchdown? There're many apps doing it now, dedicated add-ons or flight trackers, such as FSHub, Volanta and SimToolkitPro but, honestly, after trying most of them, I keep going back to the combo LNM + Navigraph for all my planning, tracking and logging. Of course, this excludes the online maps, but this is not my thing. LNM is a fantastic application, full of everything I need (and way more) for planning and tracking, and now I discovered it's a great logbook too. The only info I'm missing in the logbook is the landing data. It would be great to have it and skip all those other softwares.  🙂

  4. I'll take a ride on this post instead of creating a new one... I tried the logbook feature today, for the first time. It looks great, with lots of information!

    However, I could see the aircraft's horizontal trail in the Map window, but not the vertical one in the Elevation Profile window. Is the trail recorded in the logbook limited to the horizontal track only or am I missing something? 

  5. 38 minutes ago, ScotFlieger said:

    The current code is currently bets and has only been exposed to my installation. Yours is installed under Steam. The MSFS2020 file structure is a major departure from previous Flt Sims. Can you email me the linda2.log? Send to Linda @ awginfosys.net.

    Ok, I sent you the log file.

  6. Ok, I see. So, it seems that LINDA cannot find my MSFS standard aircraft folder, right? Well, it's in the same Packages folder as my Community folder, which LINDA can find.

    The path for an standard aircraft is like this: D:\FSim\MSFS\Packages\Official\Steam\asobo-aircraft-c152.

    The path for an addon aircraft is like this: D:\FSim\MSFS\Packages\Community\C208B-mod

    I checked the linda2.log file and it found the right Packages folder: [MAIN]  [ADDON] Flt Sim Path valid ++++ D:\FSim\MSFS\Packages\. I can also see that it checked every sub-folder under the Community folder ([MAIN]  [ADDON] Checking Folder = Community) but absolutely nothing under the Official folder ([MAIN]  [ADDON] Checking Folder = Official). Any idea why could that be?

    I uploaded the log file to the same dropbox folder as the pictures, in case you want to take a look in it. You can use the link in the post above.

    Thanks a lot for your support, much appreciated!

  7. Thank you for such a quick reply, Andrew! It's good enough to use the default functions since these are default aircraft.

    However, the process you described to create a dummy module is exactly what I was trying to do (I guess), but it didn't work. If I type anything else in the "Aircraft search string" box than one of the add-on aircraft listed in the box below, none of the buttons in this window get enabled, except for CANCEL. Am I misunderstanding you?

    Here're a couple of screenshots of what I tried to do: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lu37qf0zdf8gkqi/AAC-i-FZM3ITwCQgBnFowVnPa?dl=0

    By the way, just to confirm, the assignments of the MCP Combo are also aircraft specific, right?

  8. I always loved LINDA! It made it possible to use my Saitek Switch panel and MCP Combo, as well as made it easy to configure joystick assignments for different aircraft. But this was in the FSX days, when I basically only used add-on aircraft.

    Now that I'm using MSFS I noticed  that it doesn't seem to be possible to create different sets of assignments for different MSFS default aircraft. Is that right? I mean, for instance, the assignments for the MSFS B787 must be the same as for the MSFS X Cub? I tried to create a new module, but I can only select from the list of add-on aircraft in the Community folder. If that's the case, the profiles in MSFS are actually more flexible, although, also limited (no support for Saitek panels configuration or the VrInsight MCPs). In the end, neither LINDA nor MSFS profiles are solving the problem. Is doing all the configuration in FSUIPC the only complete solution?

    Am I missing something or is it the way it is, i.e. we can create different assignments only for add-on aircraft?

  9. Hi Scot,


    Thanks for your reply. The assignments that you suggested are exactly what I had in my config-hid.lua file, which I had already copied from the config-hid-saitek.lua file. But it simply doesn't work.


    It seems that LINDA completely looses communication with FSX when the Carenado BARON 58 module is selected. It communicates with the hardware, as I can see my buttons presses being indicated in LINDA, but nothing happens with the sim. Since it works fine with the FSX Default module selected (although I only have the basic commands), I decided to make a test where I replaced the Avionics assigment from the B58 library with the one from the FSX Default library in the Carenado module. I expected it to work, since it worked when the FSX Default module was selected, but it didn't. Hence my conclusion that it seems to loose communication when the Carenado module is selected, since even commands that work from other modules with this same aircraft, stop working. Or shouldn't it work anyway?


    Assuming that I have done all the installation and configuration of LINDA correctly (all my other aircraft are working fine), what else could be wrong with this module only?





  10. Hi,


    I installed the Carenado Baron 58 module today but couldn't get it to work. No commands from any of my devices (Saitek Yoke, Saitek Switch Panel and VRi MCP1) make any changes in the aircraft. Actually, it works much better if I remove the module and use the default FSX assignments, many of them work with the Carenado B58. I renamed the file config-mcp.default to config-mcp.lua and copied the Switch Panel assignments from the file config-hid-saitek.lua to the file config-hid.lua (not sure I should do this, but it seemed reasonable to do it). The assigments show up in LINDA, but have no effect in the aircraft.


    My other aircraft are working fine with LINDA, including the Majestic Dash8 and the PMDG 737NGX. Any ideas about what could I have missed for exactly this aircraft?


    . Linda v2.8.3

    . Module: Carenado BARON 58 v1.1

    . FSX SP2

    . Aircraft: Carenado Baron 58 (I guess the latest version)





  11. Is there a secret to the com and navigation radio tuning on the mcp tuning the radios in the plane. The frequencies do coincide but when turning the mcp knob, the aircraft radios don't change, just the display on the mcp. I do have the latest module.

    Thx lee


    It appears that Majestic uses their own code for radios, not standard FSX (read it in a forum somewhere, maybe this one). Hence the MCP Combo radios don't work with the aircraft's ones. A pity...



  12. Hi again,


    It occurred to me that the E-Jets use the keyboard for most of the actions available. So, I guess, it wouldn't require a special module in LINDA for the joysticks, as long as I map the necessary keys.


    The question that remains is about the MCP Combo. Would it work for any aircraft or does LINDA need also a specific MCP Combo module for each aircraft?





  13. Are you sure this isn't activated by the default FSX TOGA command, I seem to remember I assigned it when I flew this aircraft many months ago. I could be wrong though.


    No, I'm not sure... because I haven't tried it Andy. I'll give it a try and let you know.



  14. Thanks Guenter! I'll be looking forward for the update. From the Dash8 sample flight manual:


    "Press TO/GA button on a side of the Power Lever, this will make the Flight Director bars appear on the PFD, commanding the 9 degree pitch and the level flight."


    I suppose it's the one below, that I found in a list in one of the previous posts in this thread.







  15. Hi all,


    First of all, let me say that LINDA almost got me awaken for the last two weeks! I had just found it following a hint in a YouTube video and, since I own Saitek hardware, including the Switch Panel, as well as a VRinsight MCP Combo, it was love at first sight! I have, since then, spent hours configuring my hardware with the Twin Otter and the Dash8! Simply fantastic! A game changer! Thank you so much for this wonderfull piece of software and thank you for the modules!


    Now to a simple question... I haven't found the TO-GA command from the button on the PL available in the LINDA module, although I saw it in one of those macros list in the previous posts. Am I missing something or is it really not available?





  16. Hi all,


    This seems to be a fantastic software, although I confess I haven't tried it yet. The reason is that I'm mainly flying the Wilco/Feelthere E-Jets (E-17x & E-19x). I own a Saitek Switch Panel and a MCP Combo, so I'd love to try LINDA with this set up and the E-170!


    Anybody working on a module for the E-Jets?





  17. I'm so sorry. I misinformed you. I use Radeon Pro and the limiter is in it and not sweetfx. I apologize for the confusion.


    No worries, thanks for trying, anyway.


    If anyone is interested, I just tested the limiter from Nvidia and it works fine with SweetFX. That solves my problem about FPS Limiter not working with SweetFX, allowing me to use SweetFX again.





  18. You don't need the external limiter if you're using sweetfx as it has one built in on the tweaks tab.


    Thanks Krwynn... but I can't find any frames limiter in SweetFX's settings, at least not in the way it's showed in FlightFX, which I'm using for tweaks. Any specific key or file you can point at?


    Otherwise, what I found searching around is that we can use the Nvidia's limiter, through Nvidia Inspector. I'll test this tonight.





  19. Has anyone tried to see what it does when you run it with an external FPS limiter ?

    For some reason, after using SweetFX, my external FPS limiter has stopped working.



    Hi all,


    I just replaced my ENB with SweetFX and got the same issue as above with FPS_Limiter. Is there an explanation, or better, a fix for this?





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