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Posts posted by fumap

  1. Just a question on the medical first class: which exams are the "hardest" or "worst" to pass? I'm too interested in this because, after the actual degree, i would like to take ATPL. I've searched around but i didn't found exactly the answer i was really searching for. Thank you in advance for help. It's a long way to the top (like somebody said it right)...but we like it! laugh.pngCheers,Paolo

  2. Thank you, i yet know the reasons that drives PMDG to leave those systems out of the sim and i agree at all. As i said, it was not a complain. It was only a question born from the curiosity when i realized that in the manuals those systems are left out. (mainly the WAGS part, that is a big one in the real FCOM, mainly in the AFS chapter and in the procedures part)Yes, for TERR radar i mean EGPWS (my fault :() and i know it cannot be simulated well, like WAGS, so it's all ok.Just simple curiosity...Cheers,Paolo

  3. Hi all,it's a bit time since i was very active in the forum, but i'm a bit occupied at this time. :( I'm reading now the printed manuals of the MD11 for the second time, amazing piece of manuals, and i love to. Today, while coming into the reading of the Flight Control chapter, a question bright in my head.Firstly,i want to state that i'm NOT complaining anything or anybody and my question is only for curiosity. It's a thing that's always caught my attention.The PMDG MD-11 is one of the best, if not the best, simulation out there. But some systems, for FS limitations or PMDG choices aren't simulated. Which are those systems or features exactly?I listed those: WX radar, TERR radar, WAGS (Windshear alert and guidance system), ACARS. Are there others i forgot?Thanks for any response,Paolo

  4. I happen to be working at NASA Ames and we do a lot of research for FAA about this sort of things. Ability to not only arrive at a certain point (lat,long,alt) but also to arrive at this point at a specific time is called 4D (as opposed to 3D). 4D would call for aircraft to have its software so finely tuned that you could meet the time with great accuracy (say +/- 10 sec). According to FAA standards no aircraft currently flying with airlines is equipped with 4D capability. No US traffic controller would demand of a pilot to arrive at certain point at a specific time - unless it is a pretty crude thing (like for transoceanic operations). FAA puts a lot emphasis on 4D for future operations, there may even be certain classes of airspace specially created where you would have to be 4D equipped to fly in that airspace. This is all part of the ongoing current research.
    Very interesting, thank you Cheers,

  5. Pawel,Maybe this will help?http://www.boeing.co...ps/md11sec3.pdfOtherwise I could recommend TopCat!Jan Peter
    This is a very intresting document that talks about Airport Planning about the MD-11The pages here are some of the document i'm speaking about.Unfortunatly, the MD11 performances tables are a secret document for an unknown reason.I recommand TOPCAT and maybe i suggest to go to the nearest airport served by an MD11 service, and talks to any pilot that walk around the terminal.Sometimes, that way gives me very nice opportunity, and a lot of helps. Some pilots are very friendly with FS/aviation enthusiasts...Cheers,

  6. You calcolate the dial-a-flap settings based on tables in performance chapter of manual, missed in the PMDG plane.It's based on weights, CG, rwy conditions and lenght...I suggest you to buy TOPCAT, a powerful tool that gives you all the calculations needed for takeoff and landing...Cheers,

  7. As i'm italian and i love the MD11, i fly very often with Cargoitalia planes out of my city airport, LIMC Malpensa Milan.Now i'm in love with Memphis and the infinite FedEx hub located on it. So, one of my favorite route is the LIMC-KMEM (with stop in EDDF or LFPG depending on the day).Shame that, because it's a long route, i can fly it very few times a year,Cheers,

  8. Starting from the point that this a "vintage" plane and is something amazing in FSworld...I think that to simulate perfectly the mouse, we need to modernize the navigation.From photos around the net i see that now the most 737-200 are equipped with FMS or the great old Garmin 155 TSO.And also complete the PDCS computer...for perfect simulation of the performances calculations...BTW, that's a great plane, yet near to perfect as it is.Cheers,

  9. Very interesting idea. Based on what i've read on real aviation sites, for instance PPrune, these scenariors are recreated in level -d simulators to teach real world pilots.Our problem is the fidelity of Flight Simulator and the addon aircraft we use. Can a desktop pc really be used to recreate a simulation of any such scenario to a high enough degree? P.S I also saw the AF 447 PBS episode.
    Of course not, in the way that also the "normal" operations of a plane in FS platform is not good as in Level-D simulators...The FDE is the real lack of flightsim series. Yes, PMDG and other company have done amazing jobs with the FDEs but you will never achieve exact performances like the real world, for a series of reasons.But i think that in a simple technical way, the emergencies can be fully recreated. Thanks to PMDG we have high fidelity systems and operating functions.Cheers,

  10. I recreated only one time an emergency scenario...The one happened in Madrid with the MD80 of Spanair...I used to fill FS with the data coming from the official report like weather, time, airplane setting and specific items not available to the flight.It was a long preparation; in fact, i never done it again...too much preparation work...Cheers,

  11. It must be interesting to find pre-packed download for a specific scenario...but i think that a similar thing is not available for FS.You can always read about any investigation using the official reports, and then try to recreate the scenario setting up time, location, weather and failures...PMDG has a good failure module for its MD11 and the coming NGX will be better. I guess if this idea of create predifined scearios can be done.Except for the real world related things, i think that can be very interesting in system and procedures related operations...Cheers,

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