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Posts posted by gbk1

  1. Guys


    Milviz is not an ordinary development house. Quality is their first criterion in everything they do and therefore they don't release products that they are not enthusiastic about. As was publicly announced, the K 350i has seen a major change in its development process due to this emphasis in quality, and as expected this change has affected the development time.


    I'm one of the early purchasers myself and I know that the product I'll get will be a gem. Also don't forget that these guys still improve the models they brought out several years ago.


    Therefore it is better to wait with excitement than complaining.

  2. It is so rare to see developers updating their products after 3 years from their release date. That means a lot for Milviz's dedication to quality and customer support, and is much more important than the small and quickly solved download bugs caused from patch release stress. All in All, thank you Milviz team for your efforts.

  3. I've also seen improvement in my PNY GTX 570 since installing these new drivers. However there are words in various popular hardware related sites' forums saying that these drivers may cause hardware problems to the GPU's and there are people confirming these words. In my case Iv've seen zero problems so fa,r so is anybody else confirming that there no problems with them?

  4. We were delivering the installer via our fast cloud servers and processing the transaction, but the activations were handled by a completely seperate Majestic server not controlled by ourselves. Unfortuantely this activation server was down for a brief period this morning. Any purchases made during this time were not logged and had to be processed by hand, which has now been completed.

    The demand for this product really has been unprecedented.

    So please clarify, when purchased from JF, is NOW this particular product's installation  handled from JF, or from the so-called separate server.


    P.S  I've been very happy with my JF's installs so far

  5. I've thought that it was JF robust server network dealing with this model's activation. This is what it has been announced here, however from Majestic's response it seems that it is Majestic's servers involved instead.


    Somebody has to clarify what's happening and also if all this hassle is necessary. I wonder why most other products' installations  work flawlessly (Say JF's other products, Aerosoft's, etc, etc) and this one, a highly priced product is not.

  6. Considering the previous activation issues with the majestic Q-300 mentioned in this forum ( USE OF CC INFO AND SECURITY NUMBER TO ACTIVATE THE PRODUCT), and the promise to correct it, is it please possible for anybody with official knowledge to inform potential purchasers about the activation method used in Q400 ?


    Also, are there any differences between the activation methods used by the online sellers, especially regarding the data used to activate (e.g cc info)?

  7. My experience with AFS DESIGN and the model designer person in particular has been more than happy.


    One of their products has been updated, whereas the online store I've bought it from didn't offer a way of getting the updated product without purchasing again. I've sent AFS DESIGN an email and in just a FEW MINUTES I've got a reply with a Thank you for my purchase and download links for the updated product.


    I've felt obliged to inform you about my good experience with AFS DESIGN since the support and the friendlyness I've been treated with has been outstanding.


    P.S I've nothing no commercial or any other interest with AFS DESIGN

  8. Doesn't make sense to put a feathering prop onto a single engine plane. Once the engine quits you are going down. No need to reduce the drag for 'performance reasons'You might arrive at the crash scene a few seconds or minutes later but that's not worth the effort, LOL
    Thats a good point !!!

  9. While all views presented here are valid (but one IMO), I again think that fellow simmer DJJose likes to enjoy his purchase, and having had this problem in the past, I simply described my good experience with VRS Staff.Regarding the fact that unlimited activations is like no activation, I again think that this is not true. Almost all developers ensure that once numbered applications end, they refill them by just notifying them. If some developer doesn't choose to offer this polic,y then this has to be clearly stated in advance, so that the customer knows what he is purchasing and for what circumstances. Computer parts failure and upgrades, OS reinstallations and HDD formats is a common behaviour and therefore if a product is of limited use, this must be clearly and boldly stated upfront.

  10. GentsIt is my belief, judging by the service I was treated with, by VRS staff that the picture given for these nice guys is a unfair. I've also run out of activations because I've never realized that I had the option to deactivate. After a simple email message, VRS friendly staff reset my activations count on a Sunday!!!. I didn't know them personally, I am just a customer and for me it was enjoyable, simple and social to communicate with developers like VRS who always take care of you.They have to protect their work by some means. When they offer the deactivation option, which is in fact a process of unlimited activations (when you follow it), everything turns ok. The other effective option would have been a codemasters stick which is probably the best protection method but at the same time very expensive.Concluding, if you enjoy the bug, send VRS an email and I'm sure that you'll be both happy and convinced about your purchase being the right move.

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