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Posts posted by BigT0827

  1. Ronan is that you can't enter it as BGI/-12? I'm a tad bit confused... I've already read that section on "Manually Entered Along Track Waypoints" which doesnt say anything about using a radial.. so what you're saying is that for the FMC to recognize it you must put in the radial?
    When you enter the along-track waypoint you must select it from the legs page to get it to the scratchpad. For example, to add a waypoint 12 miles before BGI first go to the legs page, and select BGI. Once it is selected it should show up in the scratchpad, and then you can add "/-12" to the end s that it says "BGI/-12" in the scratchpad. Then click the LSK next to BGI at the top of the legs page to add the new waypoint. It will not work if you manually type BGI into the scratchpad, it must be selected from the top of the legs page. Anthony Marsillo

  2. I started ASE, then FSX, I loaded up the flight and waited ten minutes and I got the same result. Then, I closed everything, restarted ASE and unchecked visibility graduation and smoothing, started FSX and loaded up the flight and waited ten minutes and the weather was correct. This is the METAR from ASE: KJFK 281351Z 18024G33KT 0SM R04R1200FT -RA FG VV001 1514 A2972 RMK AO2 PK WND. I took screenshots of each so you could see the difference.The first one is with visibility graduation on, and the second is with it off.

  3. I was trying to set up a flight at JFK this morning, and the visibility should have been less than one mile. When I loaded the sim up the visibility was correct, but after ASE finished configuring the weather the visibility suddenly increased. When I disabled visibility graduation and smoothing the visibility went back to <1. After I switched this setting back on the visibility suddenly increased again. Is there any way to leave this setting on and have the correct visibility on the ground? Thanks.

  4. I tried to fly the second tutorial flight, and everything went fine until I got to cruise altitude (FL350). The plane kept climbing and leveled off about 500 higher than cruise altitude. I pressed the b because I thought that I forgot to change the pressure, but this changed it back to local pressure and now the plane was level at cruise altitude. I could not get the plane to hold fl350 at standard pressure. Does anyone know what could cause this? I have included a picture to make it easier to understand what happened.Anthony Marsillo

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