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Posts posted by romemart

  1. HiI was testing this function, because I’d want to introduce weather radar for my panel.I‘ve compiled the function with these values:hr = SimConnect_WeatherRequestCloudState( hSimConnect, REQUEST_CLOUDSTATE, (pS->latitude-0.16), // minLat (pS->longitude-0.16), // minLon 0.0, // minAlt (pS->latitude+0.16), // maxLat (pS->longitude+0.16), // maxLon 49000.0, // maxAlt 0); //Double word containing any flags. Reserved for future use.Remember one degree of latitude or longitude is 60.043 NM (nautical miles), in my case 0.16 degree is approximately 10 NM from user aircraft.To be sure that the altitude range is covered, I put from 0.0 to 49000 feet. I also took into account in selecting two cases from FSX:1) World >> Weather >> Major Thunderstorm.2) World >> Weather >> Clear Skies. First caseSIMCONNECT_RECV_CLOUD_STATE* pWxData = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_CLOUD_STATE*) pData;pWxData->rgbData[1] it should return 0xff or 255Second casepWxData->rgbData[1] it should return 0x00 or 0In both cases “pWxData->rgbData[1]” always return 0If anyone knows how to use this function please let me know !!!!!CheersMartinPlease visit my channel for watching my panel !!!!!http://www.youtube.com/user/romemart

  2. I must include that in sd2gau. My MSDN subscription was finally renewed this week and I've just installed VS2010 with the intention of getting to the bottom of this, but I'm really pleased to see you got there before me. When you tried the compiled gauges, did it give you a blackscreen followed by a GPF, or did it simply not work?-Dai
    Hi Dai:I don't remember if there was a blackscreen but it didn't work in FSX, and FS9 appeared a message saying:"Flight Simulator was unable to load some aircraft or software. You can continue using Flight Simulator but this aircraft or software will be disabledFile: GAUGES\dfdsnd.gau"In FSpanel Studio I could see the three squares (red yellow and green), and two subgauges.Martin

  3. Hi MartinIt would possibly help if we both had the same starting point. Adding that DirectSound code into gauges isn't simple but I did try to make it as easy as possible. First: does the compiled sample gusge work in your FS setup?Second: let's get your IDE set up for building gauges. Although this refers to VS2003, there isn't much difference for VS2008 and so probably not VS2010:-http://forums.flight...-2003-IDE-SetupOnce that's done, load the project as I've supplied it and run the compiler. That will give me a fighting chance of following what you are doing. IMHO it isn't worth using MAKEFILE now although years ago I used to swear by it.Be aware that the compiler will probably throw a complete fit on the fact that I used strcpy to output the debug strings (no security at all - it was meant to be quick'n'dirty for testing and to be removed for final (release) compilation).-Dai
    Hi DaiYour compiled sample gauge (dfdsnd.gau) doesn't work in my FS.I took for ruled, that should work.Related to the second point, you are right. I should have my IDE ready. So we have the same starting point.For over a year ago, I was fighting to setup my both VC2010 and VC2005, doing the steps exactly as they are shown there. But I had no luck. I think It must have something else to do, wich wasn't taken into account.Can you imagine what is missing?At the moment, the makefile is the only tool I have.Alternatively, I found a temporary solution to play sound in my multigauge, using external module. It worked only in FS9. Martin

  4. Ah - all that suggests that you are missing the link to sound.cpp. The prototypes are held in \include\sound.h.-Dai
    Hi Dai These prototypes (sound.h and waveread.h) that you mentioned are included in your dragonflight.h, I took care of adding waveread.cpp and sound.cpp before posting the previous compilation report.Let's do a resetIf I have in my projectmaingauge-----> panel.cppresources-------> panel.rc header-----------> panel.hsubgauges-----> xxx.cpp yyy.cpp zzz.cpp etc.On the other hand we have:dfdsnd.cdfdsnd.rcdfd_sound.cppsound.cppwaveread.cppHow do you suggest to make the connections? ... So I follow your steps exactly.Martin

  5. Hi MartinPost the errors here (if there's not a whole mountain of them!). I don't have VS2010 - although I have VS2005 and VS2008 for standby, I actually prefer to still develop in VS2003. I know that MS introduced safety versions of a lot of old favourites in stdio.h (e.g. s_strncpy for strncpy), so if VS2010 deprecates the older versions that could be the problem.You could try adding the following before the call to stdio.h etc.:-#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE-Dai
    Dai:After some arrangements, the compilation report changed, now is this:Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 x86 tools.C:\martin\project-cpp>nmakeMicrosoft ® Program Maintenance Utility versión 10.00.30319.01Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. link /dll /out:.\final\panel.gau panel.obj panel.res user32.lib gdi32.lib kernel32.lib Shell32.lib gdiplus.lib ole32.lib dsound.lib Microsoft ® Incremental Linker Version 10.00.30319.01Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Creating library .\final\panel.lib and object .\final\panel.exppanel.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _FreeDirectSound referenced in function "void __stdcall dfdsndCallBack(struct GAUGEHDR *,int,unsigned int)" (?dfdsndCallBack@@YGXPAUGAUGEHDR@@HI@Z)panel.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _StopBuffer referenced infunction "void __stdcall dfdsndCallBack(struct GAUGEHDR *,int,unsigned int)" (?dfdsndCallBack@@YGXPAUGAUGEHDR@@HI@Z)panel.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _PlayBuffer referenced infunction "void __stdcall dfdsndCallBack(struct GAUGEHDR *,int,unsigned int)" (?dfdsndCallBack@@YGXPAUGAUGEHDR@@HI@Z)panel.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _LoadWaveFile referenced in function "void __stdcall dfdsndCallBack(struct GAUGEHDR *,int,unsigned int)" (?dfdsndCallBack@@YGXPAUGAUGEHDR@@HI@Z)panel.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _IsBufferPlaying referenced in function "void __stdcall dfdsndCallBack(struct GAUGEHDR *,int,unsigned int)" (?dfdsndCallBack@@YGXPAUGAUGEHDR@@HI@Z)panel.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _InitDirectSound referenced in function "void __stdcall dfdsndCallBack(struct GAUGEHDR *,int,unsigned int)" (?dfdsndCallBack@@YGXPAUGAUGEHDR@@HI@Z).\final\panel.gau : fatal error LNK1120: 6 unresolved externalsNMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\link.EXE"' : return code '0x460'Stop.C:\martin\project-cpp>As you can see, there are all the libraries included in the makefileMaybe, you've realized, which library is missing.By the way, I've installed DirectX SDK (june2010)Martin

  6. The source code was created in VS2005 (or VS2008 - I forget which), so it should work. Have you tried adding the sample gauge exactly as described? I checked and re-checked that before including it so it really should work 'out of the box'. What sort of incompatibility errors are you getting?-Dai
    Dai:When I decided to include your directsound code, I tried to follow all your steps of the tutorial, but something was wrong, because the compilation has stopped and reported errors in some lines of stdio.h as incompatibilities between header and your code, but when I removed the directsound code all returned to normal.I know your Directsound code must be working ok, but I would have to setup my MSVC like yours.If you prefer, I'll try again and copy the compilation report to send to you.As I told you before, I have installed MSVC2010, by the time, I'm using MAKEFILE to compile, with vcvar32, because I still couldn't setup my MSVC2010, for the compilation.I don't know if the MAKEFILE is the right tool to test this code.(Imagine, I compiled using this method all the GAUGE, it has 400 BMP's and 52 subgauges at the moment)Are you using MSVC2010?,... because, I couldn't see any post in this forum about it.Martin

  7. Alternatively, use the ubiquitous "GaugeSound.dll" module. There's a ton of examples in this forum about how to use it...
    Dai:I remember, the compilation errors appear in some lines of STDIO.H, like incompatibilities.Obviously, I use “stdio” in one application of File I/O, when I made a code the Garming GPS165 TSO, wich is able to read SID / STAR from a text file database and it worked ok.I use MSVS 2010, but I prefer use by the moment MAKE file and vcvars32 for compilation. I had no time to setup the VC2010 for compilation. I saw one link MSVC++ .NET 2003 IDE Setup, but I couldn't make it works my MSVC2010.Bill:I could download gaugesound.dll module from AVSim, It uses some library....?Martin

  8. Dear GuysAfter reading Dai Griffiths gaugeminibook lastest release. I started to make a multigauge with numerous subgauges (main panel, overhead, etc) , everything seems to work ok. But the problem is adding sound and the samples proposed by Dai in his tutorial doesn't work in my project both FS9 and FSX. I hope some of you could advise me about code could be used to add sound to my gauge.THXMartin

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