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Posts posted by starrs

  1. I suspect that your Autogen Descriptions file has not been updated correctly. You need to try the following......


    1. Go to the Earth Simulations website - www.earthsimulations.com


    2. Click on HELPDESK in the left side menu.


    3. Scroll down to where it says "FSX is crashing to desktop when loading any scenery area" (don't worry that this is not what is happening on your PC), and click on it.


    4. Download the HOTFIX, and follow the instructions.


    Hopefully, that will solve your problem. I had to do this at one stage, so you are in good company :smile:


    Let me know if it works.

    Hi Chris. . . Unfortunately it didn't work. Besides, I do not have an Autogen folder in my backups folder.  Thanks for all your help. Will keep searching for a solution. Cheers.

  2. Are the folders named "texture" (as opposed to "textures")?

    Let me know the number of AGN files in each texture folder, and the total size.

    Vol. 1, Area 1: 242MB ( All folders are: "Texture", not "Textures".)

    Vol 1, Area  2: 341MB

    Vol.1 Area  3: 379MB


    Vol.2 Area 1: 336MB

    Vol.2 Area 2: 222MB

    Vol.2 Area 3: 184MB


    Vol.3 Area 1: 160MB

    Vol.3 Area 2: 273MB

    Vol.3 Area 3: 174MB     Thanks. . . Total: 2311MB

  3. Rockliffe, on 18 Jun 2013 - 3:52 PM, said:


    Hmm, unsure then. I hate to mention the obvious, but... you have got your autogen slider set at normal or above? Failing that, I suggest you ask over on their forum, or maybe some of thewother guys have an idea...

    Yeah. . . autogen set to dense and above. there has to be an answer. Thanks.

    Christopher Low, on 18 Jun 2013 - 4:14 PM, said:


    TreeScapes does not appear in the Scenery Menu, so looking there will not help.


    Can I ask......do you get a command prompt window that opens, but doesn't seem to do anything? If so, then you will need to manually install the autogen....


    I was going to copy and paste the instructions from the ES forum, but it is currently offline whilst they prepare the new website. You should have an Earth Simulations folder somewhere that has the TreeScapes folder in it. You will need to copy the TEXTURE folder for each area in each volume (a total of nine areas; three per volume) to the relevant folder in your Horizon Simulation folder. For example, the TEXTURE folder in Earth Simulations/Treescapes/Volume 1/Area 1 will need to be copied to the Volume 1/Area 1 folder in your Horizon Simulation folder (there should already be a SCENERY folder in it).


    Do that for all nine areas, but make sure that those TEXTURE folders are full of AGN files.

    will do that now. Thanks Chris.

    Christopher Low, on 18 Jun 2013 - 4:14 PM, said:


    TreeScapes does not appear in the Scenery Menu, so looking there will not help.


    Can I ask......do you get a command prompt window that opens, but doesn't seem to do anything? If so, then you will need to manually install the autogen....


    I was going to copy and paste the instructions from the ES forum, but it is currently offline whilst they prepare the new website. You should have an Earth Simulations folder somewhere that has the TreeScapes folder in it. You will need to copy the TEXTURE folder for each area in each volume (a total of nine areas; three per volume) to the relevant folder in your Horizon Simulation folder. For example, the TEXTURE folder in Earth Simulations/Treescapes/Volume 1/Area 1 will need to be copied to the Volume 1/Area 1 folder in your Horizon Simulation folder (there should already be a SCENERY folder in it).


    Do that for all nine areas, but make sure that those TEXTURE folders are full of AGN files.

    hmmm. . . In my VFR volumes, only Vol.1, area 1 has the AGNs. The rest (Vols2 and 3 Texture folders have no AGNs at all. Nor does Vol.1, areas 2 and 3. In my Earth Simulations folder NONE of the areas have any AGNs.

    Yet it said that Treescapes had installed properly.

    I think I have to reinstall.

  4. OK, if you are using Windows 7 then there is a known bug. There is a work around, take a look at this link, it should help http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/topic/6035-how-to-add-scenery-to-fsx-with-windows-7/

    LThat link looks like this vid by Bill Womack ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=C8kO1IsJMuE ) which helped somewhat I found the Vol1:1 2.4 Photo in the Scenery list and hit on the space as your and Womack's vid say. It said the scenery was already in my list. I found it and moved it to the top. No success. I moved ALL of Vol 1 to the top. No success.


    I guess I will just squirrel away 'til I get success. Thank you very much for your help. I have to be missing something somewhare. Would still like to have someone d/load a view of somewhere else on their FSX to show me how it should look. Take care, my friend. (Yes - I am using Windows 7).

  5. Have you seen if the treescapes appear in your scenery library and if so, ensure that it is above the photoscenery...

    Thanks Rockliffe. It isn't. I try to add the area from the volumes. I get as far as Photo2.4 and it goes into the add bar.   I then  O.K. it but it doesn't go into the Scenery. Sorry to bother you but what am I doing wrong ?

  6. Hi all. . . I have a problem for which I would really appreciate your help.

    My PC is well able to cope with FSX plus addons etc. I have installed Horizons package 1,2 and 3 for England.

    I installed Treescapes bundle 1,2 and 3 successfully. It doesn't show. I tried many approaches.

    I finally uninstalled both the VFR and Treescapes and reinstalled them. Still no success.


    I use the pic. from Treescapes site:: Lat.N50  49.34.  Long W1  30.63.  Alt 394 as my test.

    . Mine is totally absent of trees.


    Can some kind soul please attach a typical area with the locs which has the Treescapes in it so I can compare with my similar area, or please tell me what I am doing wrong?. Thank you very much.

    p.s. I have followed all the suggestions re. Scenic settings etc.

  7. Hi all. Let me first show my PC specs and FSX installed programs.PC: Win. Vista Home 32, 4GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX460, Intel Core 2Quad CPU.FSX Deluxe. Installed:Abacus World Extreme mesh (Plus U.S.A.)Full FSGenesis world mesh.GEXASE (ESE).Ultimate Terrain for U.S.A and Europe.REX.Ultimate Traffic 2.4 ORBX installs for N.West U.S.A.I think that covers about everything.The picture shows the problem. Although I do have reasonable PC and FSX setup, I have never been able to correct cliffs like this. Some say it's to do with terrain and Ultimate Terrain can fix it; also to do with water tiles but so far I cannot fix the problem.]Any good advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  8. Yep... that's the easy part... simply deleting the hash icon on the server you want to use and adding the hash to the previous one. Still can't figure oput why the green tiles everywhere in Europe and the UK. The Yahoo server for USA works a treat.

  9. Just use the VE server for UK and Europe.Use http://www.flashearth.com to see the level deatail, it's pretty good.
    Thanks for the reply but I have already tried it on saves and on newly created flights and it always comes up with green tiles everywhere. Any suggestions?Thanks but I have already tried it on saves and on newly created flights and they always come up with green tiles everywhere on the land. The sky seems O.K. Any suggestions? :( I checked my Anti virus programs and disabled one and uninstalled the other; unchecked Windows Firewall. Still nada.

  10. Hi all... The already established server: #source=Service Example 3 (Yahoo) works great for me in the USA. However I would like to see TileProxy work in Europe and the UK. The other options do not work there. I get either black screens or distorted tiles. Can someone please tell me what I should type in the list below, to get good results in Europe or the UK? #source=Acme Globe Service (is the fake)#source=Service Example 1 (Virtual Earth)source=Service Example 3#source=Service Example 4 Thank you very much... :(

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