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Posts posted by log_0_Inf

  1. Hi Aharon,

    they had a sale in 2017 with 25 % off and this was the last sale they had (https://www.facebook.com/flightsimdevelopmentgroup/photos/a.1421996194708530.1073741832.1397041187204031/1913030302271781/?type=3&theater). I have been patiently waiting ever since, oh well. I have bought a couple of their LITE sceneries in the meantime which are very reasonably priced. Perhaps they'll have a similar sale in the future as they are releasing their existing sceneries for MSFS.

    All the best,



  2. 1 hour ago, Farlis said:

    The stingyness of some people is really off the charts.

    Add-On Airports have reached the 30$ mark years ago and now that MSFS add-ons are sold for less, people still complain about the lack of discounts?

    Hello Farlies,

    Apologies, but I do find your statement actually a little bit out of place. Companies are free to choose the price points for their products and I do not question that right nor do I complain about the lack of discounts. I for one have a limited budget and will simply prioritize buying discounted MSFS sceneries, but I do not feel entitled to any discount and I accept that other customers choose differently.

    I do however have very strong preferences for transparent communication with your customer base and I do believe that free markets are dysfunctional with that sort of asymmetric information. Orbx have always been very transparent about their end of year sale for instance and hence I wonder why they choose to not communicate the end of the “launch window” in a similar way.



  3. Hi there,

    I was wondering the same thing and asked via e-mail about the 40% cross-platform discount announced here:


    Just heared back from ORBX support and apparently that was a time limited offer that expired 30th of September, which I find quite peculiar as, at least as far as I know, it was never communicated to be a time limited offer, and it also makes little sense imho to limit a cross-platform discount (in contrast to a launch offer for instance). Well, I will probably wait for the next sale then, just wanted to let you know what I heard directly from the developpers.





    I stand corrected, it was mentioned in a forum post on 23rd September:


    I still find it a little puzzling why it was not broadly communicated to all potential customers.



  4. Hi Canine, 

    I had the same issues and iirc there is an option during the installation process asking if you have ORBX global or Ireland installed. Now you said that you have deactivated ORBX and it’s still a problem, but it might be worth a shot. 

    I deinstalled the scenery and then reinstalled it making sure to indicate that I do use ORBX global. Worked for me.



  5. 47 minutes ago, Sir Blackbird said:

    Well it seems like the Q400 is popular, but I would like a good FMC for vatsim so does it have directs, holds, airways etc? So nobody recommending the PMDG?

    Directs - check

    Holds- check

    Airways - check

    Go get it 😉

    All kidding aside, as other have mentioned elsewhere the FMS is extremely capable in terms of lateral navigation (also RNP approaches for instance), but limited (as its real world counterpart) in terms of vertical navigation.


    Edit: I have flown it extensively on VATSIM and it is challenging but not because of any FMS limitations but because you often operate into larger hubs with VREF of 115 kts while everyone else is doing 140 kts. It's great fun!

    • Like 1

  6. 43 minutes ago, Wise87 said:

    As far as PMDG and the MD-11 goes, I don't think disappointing sales had anything to do with it. I think it's due to an old partnership that went different ways after the MD-11 project. 


    Hi there,

    I think that RSR has repeatedly stated that their decision is a purely financial one. Look here for instance for a very recent post on this very same issue:


    Although I totally understand the disappointment in the community - trust me, I would have loved to get my hands on a PMDG-level MD11 years ago - it is imho important to stick to the facts.



    • Like 3

  7. According to their Facebook status (one hour ago) they are currently under maintenance and will be back online shortly:



    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, vc10man said:

    Please read my post again. I did ask Flymaddog Support if I could get that SP1 from them directly.

    That's why Ramon asked whether you have registered in the MaddogX forum. There is always free access to the latest installers for registered forum users via their download center.


    1 hour ago, ttbq1 said:

    To be honest, the MaddogX is really one of the best addon I have ever had.

    Exactly my experience as well, in particular when it comes to support. I have been using it since the 2008 version came out. Wow, I feel old now 😉

    • Like 2

  9. Dear Rick,

    On a slightly different note. You have been a very active member of the AVSIM community (much more than I have ever been or will be), and I couldn't help but notice that many of your more recent posts carry substantial negative sentiment (e.g. your numerous posts on the simmarket fiasco). I was also following your original post in the majestic forum and while I agree that the devs' response was sub-optimal (to say the least), I think that some positivity and taking things easier will make this whole community a more pleasant environment. This will most likely also get you faster and better support in many cases. Again, just a remark. Thanks for posting the question as it helped me as well figure out how to use simbrief to ex/import flight plans  for the Dash.



    • Like 1

  10. 5 hours ago, chironale said:

    Dear Maddog Team, dear fellow MD80 pilots,

    First, let me congratulate to the release of the Maddog X, which brings back a lot of good old memories from flying the Maddog in FS9 and FSX. Well done! With that being said, I would like to kindly point your attention to the following (exemplary) offer over at simmarket:


    In this context, I would like to ask the following two questions:

    1) Based on the facebook page of GLC Textures, it seems that they produced the initial set of textures for the release of the Maddog X. Is this indeed the case?

    2) If the above is true, I find it a little irritating that liveries are being sold on simmarket while the paint kit has not officially been released to the community. I would thus kindly ask if this is part of the business model of Leonardo software (needless to say, a decision that I would hardly support).

    Best wishes,


    I just learned that the paint kit has been released (source). Thank you for supporting the freeware community and I am looking forward to start working with it.



    • Upvote 2

  11. Dear Maddog Team, dear fellow MD80 pilots,

    First, let me congratulate to the release of the Maddog X, which brings back a lot of good old memories from flying the Maddog in FS9 and FSX. Well done! With that being said, I would like to kindly point your attention to the following (exemplary) offer over at simmarket:


    In this context, I would like to ask the following two questions:

    1) Based on the facebook page of GLC Textures, it seems that they produced the initial set of textures for the release of the Maddog X. Is this indeed the case?

    2) If the above is true, I find it a little irritating that liveries are being sold on simmarket while the paint kit has not officially been released to the community. I would thus kindly ask if this is part of the business model of Leonardo software (needless to say, a decision that I would hardly support).

    Best wishes,


    • Upvote 4

  12. 3 hours ago, CaptainTim said:

    We've been working on a new add-on manager which will make small updates like this easier in the future. 

    How I start the A320 up when I use it is to load the 320 straight into the P3D, so select the paint I want, the airport and gate and select fly now. Then I connected the external power, external air and chocks and shut the engines off. That should provide you a good turnaround state and a 'clean' aircraft so to speak from which to start your next adventure. 

    Hi Tim, 

    good too hear, sounds great. Again, I now that you guys have been extremely busy and I am looking forward to any future updates. Keep up the great work!


  13. Concerning the C&D state, I have been using a C&D Cessna as my default flight. You can then select the FSL A320 directly from the menu. Works flawlessly for me.

    I agree however that communication to the community has been somewhat underwhelming by FSL. I understand that a lot has been going on behind the scenes, but some critical issues such as the missing transitions should have been resolved via an interim update imho. 

    Anyways, still by far the most immersive add on in my hangar and really worth the money.

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