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Posts posted by Jkgmchandler

  1. Hi Steve,


    Still "no Joy". I do have the latest 2.20 software installed. I will check the updates for .NET framework4. I am also using SP1c for 737NGX. I Did the reset you mentioned, even experimented with the different values to no avail. I will also give a email to Goflight to see if my symptoms might be handled through them.


    Thank you very much

    Jason Chandler

  2. Hi Steve,

    Yes, I have the latest goflight cofig program. I don't have FSUIPC or LUA at all. I checked Task Manager to see if there was any processes or services that could be in coflict, but I didn't see anything that could account for the problem.


    Here are my computer specs:

    Windows 7 professional 64 bit

    Asus motherboard

    AMD ATHLON II x 2 (2.9GHz)

    4096 MB ram

    ATI Radeon HD5799


    I Wonder if my MCP is older and not compatable with the program?


    Again, thanks for your time and effort.

    Jason Chandler

  3. Steve & Trevor,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I do have the Goflight config file set to Level D with "no assignment" for each field. I've also tryed to setting the config file to Progect Magenta with no luck. I will keep trying different things and let you know if I find anything that works.


    Jason Chandler

  4. I've installed the Driver by Steven Munn for the PMDG 737X and Goflight modules. I am using version I am also using the latest Goflight config program as well as latest "C" update to the PMDG 737NGX. I use the Goflight GF-MCP (not MCPPRO) to control auto pilot functions. My problem is that the display screens for Vertical Speed and Altitude seemed to shifted to the left one digit causing the screet to display 0400X instead of -0400 verticle speed and 4000X instead of 14000 in the altitude display, X being a blank digit not lighted. every thing else seems to work fine. I am Excited about this driver and its use in my flight simulator, any help would realy be apprecieated


    Jason Chandler

  5. I've installed the Driver by Steven Munn for the PMDG 737X and Goflight modules. I am using version I am also using the latest Goflight config program as well as latest "C" update to the PMDG 737NGX. I use the Goflight GF-MCP (not MCPPRO) to control auto pilot functions. My problem is that the display screens for Vertical Speed and Altitude seemed to shifted to the left one digit causing the screet to display 0400X instead of -0400 verticle speed and 4000X instead of 14000 in the altitude display, X being a blank digit not lighted. every thing else seems to work fine. I am Excited about this driver and its use in my flight simulator, any help would realy be apprecieated


    Jason Chandler

  6. It sounds like you to Need to have the parking brake set before you open your flight. If you areusing a presaved flight, try saving the flight whith the park brake set. If not, try setting the park brake in your your current flight while parked at the gate. Exit the flight. Open the flight again and see if the brakes are set now. Hope this helps.Jason Chandler

  7. OK, I can look down and move the eye point over the throtle gaining an ok view. I don't need to push buttons on the new view. it would be nice to have a somewhat angeled view, I'm guessing that i can save the flight with this view option. I would appreciate any insight into this idea.ThanksJason Chandler

  8. I have a HAT switch on my joy-stick that allowes me to look in the different directions in my 2d view. Is it possible to assign a HAT switch position to look not just left out the window, but down at the throttle quadrant as a work around for not having a throttle pannel? If there is could that view be "snaped' untill I'm through working with the throttle quadrant?Hopefully some one smarter than I may have already thought of this.ThanksJason Chandler

  9. Thank you for your reply. I have not made any modifications to fx9 or 737ng. I have tried downloading updates, but since I do not have the earlier 737ng-300 installed it will not udate. The version I am using is boxed version of 737ng-800/900). ThanksJason Chandler

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