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Posts posted by rafman925

  1. After starting FSX and when selecting 737NGX I have a skeleton of an aircraft with flight deck, Engines etc showing as it revolves and no airframe to speak of. When selected I can see through chunks of the Flight Deck that are missing so it is difficult to fly (with all the light and air rushing through and into the Flight Deck)...Can anything be done to sort it?

  2. Hi all! today i have bought 737ngx and at first just tried a ils approach). when it was about 1500ft, all controll of the plane was freezd, all displays do not react on anything, finaly i crashed. its allways when ILS. Help me please to FIX it :) and for me, when i tap on WRX, nothings happend, just rounds. Thanks. Ilya Sorry for bad English
    Your English is better than most.Stan.

  3. Captains-It is late.We are all tired.The working days around PMDG have been 18-20hrs...The beta testers are starting to get twitchy, because their reports are no longer answered cheerfully.Some of us (not me!) haven't showered or shaved in days...But...We have reached the point where we feel comfortable letting you know that we have placed a marker on the calendar.From where we stand tonight- we anticipate that the PMDG 737NGX will be in your hands sometime in the next 7-10 days.I want to be very specific in making the following clear: Our beta team is working EXTREMELY hard to find problems in the software- and if they find anything that gives us concern, the dates might shift slightly....But if all goes well over the next few days- we anticipate releasing the PMDG 737NGX on or before 04AUG11. (My birthday- if anyone cares! :( )This has been a LONG and very detail oriented development process. We feel that the PMDG 737NGX is the most detailed airliner simulation ever developed for use by individuals- and we are very confident in the quality, completeness and accuracy of the simulation.In short: We cannot wait to see what you think of the simulation once you have it installed on your machine!That being said- we are committed to ensuring that the product quality is of the highest possible standard on release day. This is a ground-up development exercise where NOTHING was brought in from previous simulations. This being the case- there are some things that we have seen during testing that require more attention- even though the simulation itself is working perfectly 99.9% of the time. There are a few items left in the "bug" category that concern us- and we are working on them. If we feel that a few more days might be valuable, we will take them. (I'm certain that will upset a few people- but we really do want this to be a trouble-free release!)So in conclusion: From all of us on the PMDG development team: THANK YOU.This has been a very long development cycle- FAR longer than any of us had imagined when we started. We are confident however, that in the end, the PMDG 737NGX will exceed your expectations in every way.We look forward to hearing your feedback once you have flown her!(PS: For those interested in pricing, etc: Tuesday. :( )Okay- back to work... there are still a few more items to be resolved!
    Can I be allowed to say........About time? rafman925 :(

  4. Shame%20On%20You.gif Is that because that year will definitely happen? or you have some inside information? 'cause I'm doubtful PMDG 737 will ever appear. Just the odd instrument or a forward glance maketh not a flight worthy a/c, how many of you so called beta testers have seen any site of it? I guess this posting like others I've posted will fall off the forum...too embarrassing, and they only speak in 'How Dare You' tones, come on PMDG a little honesty would not be a bad thing.....Maybe your out of money!!Big%20Grin.gif

  5. Shame%20On%20You.gif Rafman925. Well that's lovely, and it looks excellent, but when O when are you releasing it. (PMDG737NGX) 2010 is nearly up, but maybe you've got another a/c to release again in front of it. Please play fare and keep a smile on my and many others faces, I have a whole family of searchers wanting to buy it for Dad's Christmas :( Rafman925EDITED BY MOD TO REMOVE FULL QUOTE OF ORIGINAL POST.
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