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Posts posted by MickH

  1. Right now, so I am told, the top end AMD cards can't be trusted because of problems with fans, causing every card to perform on a different level. nVidia cards perform as advertised. AMD cards are cheaper though...

    As far as I can tell the problem is just with the R9 290 reference cards, as of yet there are no 3rd party cooler models. Also some issues were in Win8.1, not Win 7.


    No other R9 models are having problems and bench quite respectable numbers in relation to NVidia counterparts.

  2. FSX is the biggest still standing beta I've ever seen.  To have any FSX user come in here complaining about P3D when FSX wasn't usable in any reasonable state for nearly five years after it's release is laughable.  The OP states 6 months to get things sorted when the sim he prefers still isn't sorted out.  These posts and people's logic is 'nuts'...   :wacko2:  :blink:  :unsure:

    The problem with software, and videogames, nowadays is that people are much too forgiving of faults. Some people even buy unfinished products; DCS sells the Huey as a Beta version and some FSX aircraft are sold as unfinished products.


    Its an unhealthy trend that appears to be growing.

  3. I have ordered a new video card, a 780Ti no less, in an attempt to make it work well enough to be my main sim.  Not everybody is in a position to spend that kind of cash, but since I have had my current cards for about two years, it is worth it for me. I very much want P3D to succeed for the future of the hobby. Right now FSX is still better for me and what I want out of a flight sim. but I am going to do my best to give P3D every chance to impress me.

    The thing is if I absolutely knew that getting something like a 780 would be the be all and end all, and would allow me to run P3D fully with add-ons etc I'd get one, but at the moment I don't and its expensive.


    That's the thing its a moving target at the moment, I could get a 780 and then find that with complex add-one, sceneries etc you still blow through your VRAM limit or it's just not sufficient.


    I'll keep my 660 for the time being, if I don't see any improvement in another 53 days i'll cash in and purchase when cards, and P3D, have improved sufficiently, probably.

  4. adding pmdg and all of ORBX as well as opus will get inetersting

    No Kidding, people may actually go to FSX to get decent frame rates :blink:


    Talk about irony!

    Sorry mate but I do find this a bit funny.


    Can I suggest as the only really good thing that's come from P3D for me is it made me buy Global.

    Install fsx again/global....enjoy. Come back to P3d in a good few months. Try NY in fsx at max setting works well. O and no oom's

    The problem with P3D is it doesn't actually appear to have been Beta tested at all, or maybe we're the Beta team? who knows.


    I expected, I know its a daft idea, that Lockheed Martin, a huge contractor in the aviation field, would have thoroughly tested their program and had it working 'out of the box' properly. It feels to some degree, though not as bad, like FSX again.


    Like I said, I've got 60days but so have LM.

  5. I've sort of got to the 'hmmm' stage now really. I am trying to stay optimistic and will hold onto my purchase, at least for now, but I have to say I sort of hoped it would have been...well, tested.


    Just had a little fly around EGCC in FSX with the Airbus X and had it FPS locked with that DXTory app and I have to say it was pleasantly smooth about getting about 25 ish and that's with a AMD 8350 / 660GTX.


    I really hope LM get their act together quickly as i'm not sure how long I can stay optimistic and I bought the pro version, so £125 ain't chicken feed.

  6. Just traded out my old Radeon 6970 for a well-overclocked GTX 780 and the performance difference in P3D is night and day. Several of the graphical anomalies I reported earlier with the Radeon are also gone. Mid to high-end nVidia is a no-brainer if you intend to fly this sim.

    Whilst I've got an Nvidia myself, due to having used FSX, it's not exactly a 'fair fight' as the 780 is miles ahead in performance against the 6970 so you're not exactly making a true comparison. Maybe you should compare a 780 and a 290x?

  7. The Australian Blog Spot, AirDailyX is organising a petition to ask MS to release Prepar3D to the gaming community. If you are interested follow this LINK.

    Technically P3D is Lockheed Martin's baby, based on the same initial code as FSX is, so MS can't really do anything with P3D as it's not theirs.


    LM are 'releasing' P3D to the gaming community, you just need to open your wallet.

  8. This may have been mentioned before or in other P3D threads.. but can someone explain the difference between the Student version/license and the Pro one.. i've seen the comparison chart, but i'm unclear on if anything is "missing" in the student version.. do you gain more tutorials and training ability with Pro over student.. is student the same core simulator but missing certain aspects... or is it all a EULA/licensing thing.

    The Academic version is identical to the Pro version, as i understand it, apart from the watermark on the screen.

  9. I am still on a GTX 460! :unsure:


    So I will certainly have to upgrade and I will be happy to do so after Christmas.


    A GTX 770 or 780 should be fine. Otherwise, if AMD performs well in P3D 2.0 also a R9 290/x would be nice. I will keep an close eye on this. :wink:

    LM have already said that an R9 or a 770/780 is highly recommended. I've a feeling alot will change in P3D from how we're used to having MSFS. :rolleyes:

  10.  I can't speak for P3D, but with your system specs and a properly tuned FSX, you should be running default FSX smoothly 99% of the time even with mostly max settings. It's addons that far surpass what FSX was intended for that introduce issues.


    That being said, you bring up a good question that can't be ansered right now. How will P3D perform with all the new visual enhancements, plus, all the addons that we can't live without.


    I suspect, we will have a much smoother experience at default state as compared to FSX. However, enabling the new enhancements and then the adding all those addons will most certainly introduce new issues, fps loss, and maybe stutter.


    I am sure by December going into January, there will be plenty of threads to read. ^_^

    The difference is that P3D wont rely anywhere so heavily on the CPU, meaning any frame loss can be easily rectified by turning down the settings or getting out your wallet and buying a more meaty GPU. You're not going to run it flat out on something like a 6000 ATI or a 560Ti Nvidia thats for sure.

  11. I think the 6800 having issues with full shadows is more likely to do with it being a low-mid end GPU rather than it being an ATI card. LM recommend either an R9 ATI, akin to a 7900 series or something like a 770 or 780 Nvidia GPU.


    Out in the 'real' world so to speak these two GPU manufacturers trade blows with each other and maybe now we'll get that parity in flight simming too.

  12. If you are in a modern airliner, you are already flying in pilot-less aircraft (the pilots are over seers). A computer flies the plane from Take off to landing and don't think for a moment anything in that cockpit can't be made to be remotely operated.


    FAA requires a crew, until that changes, you will have a pilot and crew on board.


    PS: Drones / UAV's /RPV's do not need to go away. They do have their uses.

    While you may have computers translating the inputs, especially on Airbus aircraft, but they certainly do not fly the aircraft in the truest sense of the term; unless of course the Pilot decides to engage the autopilot. Even when the a/p is on the pilot is still monitoring and can disengage as required and hand fly the plane. For me personally it will be a cold day in hell before I got on a pilotless aircraft.


    You are probably correct. I too am hoping that Prepar3d V2.0 will be a big step forward in simulation. I am afraid that many folks may be in for a let down if they expect that their older computers or cheaper video cards are going to all of a sudden going to become super computers. Yes, Hopefully better written and modern code should help many to enjoy the hobby more. It is important for all of us to realize that V2.0 very well may not only be an update. It very well may mean that this is where we stop "playing a game of flying" and start using a "Flight Simulator" in our homes. That change in thinking is going to be very important. I like most of you don't have a clue how this is all going to work out. I do know for sure Microsoft has built a huge money making machine that is designed to get all of "little Johnny's" lunch money for silly games. On the other hand, LM is a Defense Contractor who is active through out the world. I can assure you that although they have offered to sort of take us alone for the ride, which may turn out to be great, they will be playing by "grown up rules" and simply will not ever care if your 10 year old computer will keep up or not. You guys can make as many so called "petitions" as you want and it will mean nothing to them. Most of us deal in thousands of dollars and LM deals in Trillions.


    If you decide to go the Prepare3d route, I think that it is important that you just kind of change your mind set a little and it will be a great thing. If you are going to the local hobby shop to buy a model car then you approach that a lot different than going down to the Ford dealer and buying a new full size truck.


    So...FSX = flying game and Prepar3d = Simulator.

    Nobody is really saying that an entry level cpu/gpu combo is going to cut it. If LM offload a lot of the rendering to the GPU which is how you do it now, and have done for quite a while, it will free up the CPU meaning something like a Intel 4670 or 3770k non overclocked should be ample or even an AMD 8350 as if its properly multi threaded it will for once get rid of the single thread issues. Though overclocking obviously won't hurt it may no longer be essential to just get decent performance.


    Also a lot of FSX, FS9 people would really disagree with the statement of FSX, or MSFS, being a game and P3D being a simulator, some people take their flying extremely seriously; take using VATSIM flying for instance.

  14. I know what you're saying but you shouldn't have to overclock a cpu, especially not to FSX levels, to get a decent performance from the sim, it's just that everyone is now conditioned to thinking like this.


    To be honest it'll make a nice change.

  15. I wonder if the new R290x and 780Ti cards will make a huge improvement to the FPS. thinking of ordering one in anticipation lol

    That's another thing, will the Nvidia era finally come to an end with regard to the MSFS franchise? P3D v2 could really turn things on their heads.

  16. Seeing how P3D version 2 appears to be offloading much more to the GPU, it isn't outside the bounds of reason to think that the insane overclocking requirements of the CPU, as we have it for FSX, may actually become a thing of the past.


    Flight simming engines may finally enter the modern era where the GPU does the brunt of the rendering, this would make upgrading much easier as you'll just have to swap out your Graphics Card instead of a full mobo/cpu upgrade.

  17. ...and that talent should land them a job in politics :lol:

    Why are you more inclined to believe its a falsehood, than believing its legitimate, even in part? I suppose that's why politicians lead us by our fears, as we're more inclined to be influenced that way.


    Michael Hamilton

  18. I don't post very often, but generally monitor the boards for info and the like.


    I'm really looking forward to P3D V2.0 and hope that it will be the move forward that it appears to be, if i get it will really be up to how much of a move it is and the price point, but as long as the price is reasonable i'll probably hop on straight away.


    Whether PMDG is on board, not, or if they're being used for commercial aspects isn't really a factor for me. I've had some of their products and they're excellent but they're just one player in a crowd of many, some of whom are in the same ballpark.


    I'm just going to wait and see what transpires, then decide whether i'm going to jump in with both feet or not as the case may be.


    Michael Hamilton

  19. Even with a 3570k or 4670k if you're going to load 3rd party airports and other add-ons, as well as weather, to the sim you're really going to have to over clock the nuts off those processors, most people say at east 4ghz minimum - even though they are blisteringly fast already - to get a respectable frame rate of 30+.


    Michael Hamilton

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