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Posts posted by neoznet

  1. I just looked at them following your link...hmmm... I could just say that the prices are way over the market... And it doesn't even come with a keyboard/mouse?I'd suggest to buy the components and build it yourself :( Regards,Stephan

  2. If your graphic card support DX11, then I would recommend to install it... You will have anyway backward compatibilty with DX10 and DX9 anyway...DX11 offers many new features and graphics enhancements comapre to DX10.Stephan

  3. I will check the USB Wake up settings also in the Power managment for the USB Hubs, first in the Devices Manager. Checking the BIOS is an idea too though but I will tend to say it's a power managment issue as a first guess. Since you didn't say if it was waking up correctly before or not.Stephan

  4. When you think about it, it's been only 1 week and 2 days since they announced that the release was, I quote, "darn close"...I wish there was a form to enter email adress and receive updates that way and when the 737NGX will be out for purchase so we don't have to come on avsim check for updates... (I am sure that avsim is greatly happy to see their traffic up and and going to be able to sell nice Ad Space :( )All I ask from PMDG is to not make the April's Fool joke a reality... and a RSS from their website or email alert for the day of release, well you know what I mean ;-)Stephan

  5. Hello,In fact dreams are a good thing... they occur in the primitive side of the brain and since animals have brains they "dream".If you have a cat or dog, you can observe their dream of hunting and whatever action they are involved in their dreams. It has been proven to actually prepare yourself for a danger, a particular situation and you will in fact react faster at the time it will occur.In the case of PMDG 737NGX release dreams it will make you, I guess, faster to click on the "check out" button... It is just about anticipating the day of the release so you will be ready for that event... Or if you are studying the 737 flight crew manual you will react faster in case of emergency situation and so on...I'd say for the McDonalds after a crash... the big mac will not extinguish an front cargo fire :-)Stephan

  6. Hello,Apparently, there will be a "tutorial" for the NGX according to the description for the flight manuals:Overview: Collection of Jeppesen charts for your 737-NGX Training (appx 50 pages, spiral bound) When training for a type rating on the 737, your airline will provide you with a handful of SIDs, STARs, approach plates, airport diagrams that match the simulator training scenarios you will experience during the next two weeks of training.At PMDG we want you to feel right at home as you learn not only the "switch-ology" required to operate the PMDG 737-NGX, we want you to have the opportunity to learn the judgment and aeronautical decision making skills that are necessary to succeed as a modern airline captain.To that end, we are providing purchasers of the PMDG 737-NGX Chief PIlot's Flight Deck Manual Set a collection of charts that you will use in the tutorial lessons that accompany the software.I wish I could have details on that "tutorial" because it says : "simulator training scenarios you will experience during the next two weeks of training"Will that training take place in the Seattle area? Will that training will be "mission-like" scenario? etc... More details please?Thank you,Stephan

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