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Posts posted by Gpruitt54

  1. Besides using the earlier versions of REX, I've never used a weather engine. With REX Texture Direct, I am trying a free weather engine called FSXWX.  It is a small .EXE file that I place in a directory and provide the path to the file inside of REX.  I ran FSX-SE and while running the weather engine interface in order to see what the weather engine was doing.  I flew a route out of Portland toward Seattle.  I was impressed at all the effects both visually and physically (in-cloud turbulence, clear air turbulence, gusts, etc) on the plane (Carenado King Air C90B HD). Above all, I liked the low use of system resources.  



    I will read up on how to setup ASN.  If it is as easy as using FSXWX, I may consider giving it a try. But, it is hard to beat an effective free option.

  2. i recently installed REX4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds. In the General Setting section there is a spot for the bath to a weather engine. I thought that is what Rex4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds was doing. I once owned an early version of REX2, and it (so i thought) pulled weather information from external sources and generated weather in FSX.


    So then, What is REX4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds if it is not a Weather Engine? I am not interested in buyng another tool because for weather. That is why I bought REX4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds. I am looking at free options like FSXWX (http://www.plane-pics.de/fsxwx/home.htm) but I want to ask you buys about this specific tool or a better, easy, and stable tool that will work to generate weather for Rex4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds.


    Any help you guys can provide will be appreciated.

    I am running FSX-SE.

  3. Hi


    I just installed my retail disk of the 747-400 on my steam version of FSX.  The installation went fine.  I noticed some frame rate issues with the plane. Because the PMDG 747-400 has been around for a while, I wonder if there are patches or updates that might help the plane work better with FSX.


    Are there patches for PMGD 747-400?  I see patches/service updates  for 777 and 737, what about the 747?



    Greg Pruitt

  4. hey greg this will solve your problem, it solved mine and i bought mine from best buy aswelljust follow these links and look over the part where it tells you to change the "regedit" hope that helpshttp://forum.qwsim.com/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=646http://ops.precisionmanuals.com/wiki/FSX_Trust_DLL_Policy
    Thank you for addressing this issue. I am trying to help my friend who is having issues getting the software to work on his machine. We both bought this product (PMDG 747-400X) from Best Buy. I will look at the links you provided.Thanks again. BTW, you better remember to include your full name in your post, or like me, you'll get jumped on here on this forum. FYI

  5. Greg, your question better addressed to the forum moderators. See: http://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=245586Although this topic was debated to death to the point where the Moderator states any posts arguing this requirement will be terminated. I recommend caution in your questing of them should you choose to do so.My personal position is that it is PMDG's prerogative to operate their forum in any manner they see fit. Ours is to comply or choose not to participate, free choice. Also I have made some pretty in-depth responses in posts where the initiator failed to sign his post. Those posts were deleted and all my hard work with it. I personally vowed not to offer assistance to those that did not comply with forum rules going forward.PMDG obviously want to attempt to afford themselves some form of protection against providing support to pirates. They will check forum names provided in the forum against names of those that have made purchase.I personally as a mature individual prefer to address those on forums in a mature manner by proper name. Quite frankly I am far more comfortable in the PMDG forum in that respect than any other forum in which I participate. It always seemed strange to me addressing Obi-Wan Kenobi on an i7 clocking issue. As far as your right to privacy, you have the option to choose not to participate and protect yourself against any perceived infringement upon that right. Participating in this forum is not a requirement of receiving support. Additionally all but making comment in this forum does not require any identification. In other words free to read you simply cannot write if you choose not to identify yourself.The forum is provided as a place for PMDG supporters to receive and offer support. Not debate freedom of information or privacy issues. Those wishing to dispute those issues and not abide by the forum rules here should consider starting their own forum on such matters.I mean it really isn't that big of a deal except to those that choose to make it one. My comment not directed at you personally.
    OK, so this is mostly about piracy. Humm! I made my purchases of PMDG products in retail outlets. So my name will not and cannot be found in any lists of customers. There would be no download record if my purchase. But, I am a legitimate owner of PMGD products. I hope this lack of a download record will not make me a presumed software thief.BTW, I edited my profile to include my signature, so my full name should show up at the end of this post. The signature is automatically inserted, right? It is not displaying when I preview this post.

  6. The inability or unwillingness to follow written instruction as basic as type your full name on your posts is not encouraging to those that otherwise may be in position to afford assistance.I suggest rectifying that situation first then take it from there.Alternatively as Geoff and Dan already stated, (see the trend?) send an email to pmdg support.
    Aside from the information I included in my profile, I am a scratching my head at the demand to include additional information along with my posts. This is the first of the many forums I am registered with that has such a demand. My first name is not enough? May I ask why? I value this forum as it is focused on a hobby I enjoy. However, I have a basic since of privacy that I would like to maintain to some small degree. I am not trying to be insulting, I just curious about this specific demand. If I may ask.Greg P.

  7. Greg,I can understand your issues. When we all first walked aboard and looked at the controls, systems and settings...all a bit overwhelming. But, like the old phrase, 'eat an elephant in small bites'. Read the type rating manuals on the PMDG site. Look on Youtube for many many tutorials for the PMDG...The FMC is not too difficult once you dive in. A great FMC tutorial I used many moons ago was...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzG5IYgVFWo Several sessions, but it walks you through the setup and the flight. Hope this helps.Regards
    WoW, thanks for the Youtube suggestion. After only a few moments viewing the link you provided, I could see that the person who put the video together really knows what he is talking about. Author does an excellent job of explaining what is a very detailed and complicated system. I am always amazed that we are at this level of realism with PC simulations. Anyway, thanks for the pointer. :( Greg

  8. Greg, the forum is mostly hobbists just like you and a few pmdg moderators check in occasionally. They want full names, not that most of us care one way or the other. Direct support from pmdg is only available via email. If you email them, make sure you get an automated response to ensure they got your inquiry. It's kinda fishy your buddy isn't asking the question himself, that's probably the reason for the hesitance in helping you. Try the email route.
    OK, I understand that this is a form for those who love this hobby. I simply figured that some of you guys have have already seen an issue like this one.I purchased the product CDs from Best Buy. My install worked, and his did not. Kind of feel some obligation to help with a solution to his problem. Nothing fishy at all about helping ones friends out of a jam. But, that's just me!Thanks Greg

  9. Hey Greg,The answer is, yes and no really. There is no way to get the GPS1000 to work with the systems that they are coded for, or by itself for that matter. The depth and coverage can be a bit overwhelming, but there is no need to learn everything about the systems to do successful flights. I started off with the PMDG 747 and after doing a tutorial or two, just did as I was told without fulling grasping the systems. After a little while and as I got more comfortable with the basics I started to learn more and more, then as I started doing long distance flights I would often scan the manuals and incooperate more and more things. I learn something new everytime I read them and it adds more and more as you decide what you want to learn next. But there really isn't much to learn to get in, load a flight plan and get to where you're going. The exciting aspect is as you do learn more (And you definitely will), it only adds to your entire sim experience. The truth of it is, some get intimidated and if they were to use something like the 1000, they would probably never break free from that comfortability and learn anything else. I recommend the tutorials as well as AOA's DVDs . The DVD's are top notch and great for reference as well. You could even find loads and loads of videos on youtube. You have in your possesion, a very accurate, highly detailed, well designed model of the real deal. If you rather fly with systms like the Garmin 1000 then your not giving yourself a chance and might want to just edit the panel of the default 747. Give it a valiant effort and you'll be surprised.
    Paul,Thanks for your detailed reply. You have answered my question and I thank you for that. It was my hope that I could at least get the Garmin GPS (not the G1000) to display in my second monitor as a navigational aid for following way points and the help me determine the best point to start descent into the airport.I just started looking into the AOA DVD for PMDF 747-400. I hear these are very good. I had not considered using Youtube as a training resource. Good call. I do intend to to some long flights with the 747. I currently fly the Captain Sim 727-200. So, now I want to try the big jet.Thanks,Greg

  10. Please sign your name to posts in this forum.No, the PMDG 747 has a very functional navigation system, much more advanced than the default Garmin. Visit the PMDG Ops section and get the tutorials.
    I agree that the system is advanced, and this is a fantastic product. At some point I will be in a position to use the advanced features of the PMDG 747-400. But for now, I am looking for a solution better suited for a beginner like myself. I can fly and land the plane. But navigation using the FMC is simply out of the realm of reason for a beginner.So, I am asking if there is an easier navigation solution for someone like me? Someone getting their feet wet with this product?Thanks, Greg

  11. Hi ??Forum rules require you to supply full name, otherwise you risk your post being locked out..Suggest you send off a support request to PMDG with your order No etc. Make sure you get an automated reply, if not, they did not receive your email. Sometimes it is easier to open a free email account with someone like Gmail, which seems to work ok.Regards
    OK, to confirm to the rules, my name is Greg. This information should be available in my profile. There is no order number. This was a retail CD purchase from a retail outlet (Bestbuy). This was NOT a product download. I guess I am a little confused. The path to this forum is from the AVSIM PMDG support section. This seems reasonable to post this type of question on this part of the forum. Is that correct, or no?Greg

  12. Recently, I purchased two copies of PMDG 747-400X. I installed one copy on my PC and my buddy installed the other on his PC. My install went easily. However, my buddy says that his install also seemed to go smoothly. However, he tells me that when he selects the PMDG 747-400 from the aircraft menu and after clicking OK, Flight SIM X crashes back to the initial load screen.I have not seen this first hand, so I am writing this based on his accounts and my questing him on what he is seeing.We are both running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit with 4 gig of ram, Q9550 Core 2 Quad processor, Nvidia 9800GTX video card with 512 of ram. Other add on air craft are installed on our machines and running with no issues.Any idea as to what this appears to be?

  13. I recently bought the 747-400X from Best Buy and I am learning a lot about this aircraft - having a blast with the level of detail on all the systems. Will Best Buy be selling the MD-11, J41, and the up coming NGX? If so when can we expect to see the MD-11 and J41 on the shelf?Thanks,David Beland
    I agree, and friend and I both recently purchased the 747-400X from Best Buy. To my total astonishment there it was on the shelf of Bestbuy. I had no idea that Best buy sold anything as advanced as the PMDG products. Yes, the product is cheaper at Best Buy. I would love to have the MD-11 as well. I like having the CD on hand. As it turned out, I needed to install and software a couple of times in order to get a good installation. There were issues with parts of the plane being see through. The solution was to reinstall the application.Are there other PMDG products sold at Best Buy?
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