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Posts posted by dslaugustus

  1. Lets not jump the gun on getting dissappointed on which varients are not getting done or are getting done! :)Lets wait for the annoucment and then debate from there, getting upset over information that doesnt exsist yet is a waste of energy! :(

  2. I'm afraid that may be at the rate things are moving. Strictly speaking, an alpha build can turn beta/RC tomorrow. However, PMDG has perpetually promised updates "in a few days", "very soon", and even "this weekend" (referring to previously promised lighting shots in this thread). We are then left waiting typically for weeks, even verging on months before another update. Now I understand that things may take time and they have the right to work on their schedule. However, if you do choose to set a deadline (i.e. night shots "this weekend"), follow it (or at least close to it)! Anyway, venting done and likely on the soon to be modded/deleted list.Eric Szczesniak
    I agree with the underlined quote.Regards,

  3. Guys,This is SUCH a small matter! Do you really want to delay the release?? You'll only ever see them once or twice and its not going to affect the way the aircraft flies... So lets just leave them the size they are ;)Regards,Tristan
    I agree.! Window size is small matters,. . . ->.737 NGX is the main focus! :DRegards,

  4. This is an important distinction to note - the actual "checklists" are very short, they don't tell you how to do every single step needed to operate the airplane - those are the normal procedures. There's some confusion about this in the FS world I think because some companies have huge step by step lists that they call checklists when they're really closer to full normal procedures. Real pilots basically commit the normal procedures to memory (these are the "flows" etc), they're not reading those out of a book/checklist.
    Thanks for the additional information Ryan.Regards,

  5. One thing to remember, and I think a lot of people are confused about this, is that the standard checklist is only 2 pages. It is very simple and brief, and for most of the time, this is sufficient and ruduces the complication. This standard checklist is the one that is laminated with the captains and chief pilots sets, and bound into in the QRH. There are however 86 pages of very detailed normal proceedures in FCOM Vol 1, Chapt. NP, Sec. 21. These proceedures are incredibly detailed, and include everything from the walkaround to testing the emergency systems to securing the aircraft. They are not the checklists, but meant to be used along with the standard checklist. For example, it might give step by step insructions for a proceedure, and then say "Do After Take Off Checklist", which you would then do using the standard checklist referred to above. Then there is a supplementary proceedures section in the FCOM Vol 1 as well. These are additional detailed proceedures for non-emergency events that don't happen on every flight. (eg. Bad weather proceedures) Emergency or abnormal proceedures are obviously found in the QRH. Here's an example between the standard checklist, and the proceedures found in the FCOM: (Sorry for the bad quality. Thank Mr. iPhone, not me!) Standard Checklist:T/O Proceedure from FCOM Vol 1 (Three Pages)Hope this helps! =)
    Thanks for the response. Yea, the normal procedure information I was inquiring about. I have the QRH with the standard checklist. Regards,

  6. That was just a figure of speech guys... "I'm in the middle of something" doesn't literally mean "the halfway point" of doing it. We are definitely past the halfway point lol...
    Yea. . . "I just totally misread /[-understood] The key word: *middle* just messed me right up. .ha! Regards,@TABsIn regards to the manuals, which set has a complete checklist? [Flight Crew Operating Manuals Vol 1 & 2] >>?Regards,

  7. All they lack is finishing it. Tounge.gifIf you'll recall they decided to add several major cutting-edge features a while back & doing so cause them to have to 'fix' other parts of the aircraft. I'm sure it's probably at the point where most major work is done & it's mainly tweaking/adjusting to make it all seamless.As far as I'm concerned, every extra day it takes makes the plane that much better. They've got the right idea not releasing until it's as close to perfect as possible.
    I agree. . .I don't want a buggy aircraft. From previous post, I thought they said they we're doing something in regards to the final touches. (late alpha - -preparing for beta) [Note: I could have mis read the information.]And now to see the last post from TABS saying their in the middle of development. Regards,

  8. Well we wouldn't if we had previews... -Chris
    If you review previous post, they "clearly" stated - They would release photos when their ready! -R-E-L-A-X-P.S. - Don't [spoil] / cause this forum to be locked for those of us that are patiently waiting.Signed,

  9. The beauty of this project is that we're essentially building an all new framework for future products - the 777 will be easier and faster to do because of all the ground up from scratch work we've done on the NGX. There are no plans to hold anything back with the 777 - it will be made to the same level or (likely) b
    Looking forward to the T7 /[NgX] !! Applause.gifApplause.gifKeep up the good work PMDG! Signed;

  10. I disagree This would be overkill for those of us, who i presume are in the majority, who have caused no stress toPMDG or Avsim or anyone else to be in an info black out, due to the noise of a few.We seen this method used in real life before and it's disturbing.My opinion.
    I agree, the good and
    "patient" followers shouldn't have to suffer for those inpatient persons. But as I mentioned in the above reply, it gets annoying when you come on this forum and see the same question being asked a million times.Just saying
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