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Posts posted by Angels40

  1. The state.cfg files are normally stored in their specific aircraft folders, but not in the normal location that we go to for the other files, such as sound files, aircraft cfg, etc.

    You probably went here:  Your Drive Letter:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\SimObjects\B737_800

    You need to go here:  Your Drive Letter:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\B737_800  (i.e. to your main FSX folder/directory).

    Hope you can locate it.

  2. There is probably a better method than what I do, but I just pause the flight, take the time compression to 8x, then reduce it back to Normal speed & Unpause the flight.  Time Compression to 8x removes all AI traffic and when you set it back to normal, new aircraft, etc. will load and it's very unlikely for another aircraft to come in your way at the runway or on approach.  Try it and see if it works for you.

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  3. That's correct, Scott.  Unless, you're flying a non-default aircraft, in which case the extensive details Chock has provided you may be more useful.  I suspect that maybe you're referring to the default B737 where you may not have those options of dealing with specific fuel tank pumps.

    As well, when you set up a flight plan (e.g. KLAX to KORD), and when you get into the cockpit & click on the Navigation Log, you'll get all the details of that Plan, including flight distance, duration of flight, fuel required, etc.  Often though, the recommended fuel given doesn't take into account some of those other 'extras' I mentioned earlier that may be required.  You'll need to adjust that figure (maybe increase it by 2000 lbs, test it & adjust as necessary for future flights).  A lot of this is trial error when a more realistic aircraft model & FMC are unavailable. 

  4. Hi Scott,

    When you're in your Fuel Settings page in FSX, first click on Display Fuel Quantity as Weight, so that your readings will be in pounds.  Keeping in mind the tank limits that are displayed at "Capacity" (i.e. you shouldn't exceed those limits), you can then add the fuel to each of the tanks.  To maintain balance of the aircraft, I would (using your quantity of 10663 pounds), put in the figure 3555 under "Pounds" in each tank (which is 10663 divided by 3).

    If you're satisfied that the fuel amount is the correct one for your flight plan, then you may need to add extra fuel for things such as headwinds, go-arounds, taxiing to the runway, etc.  So maybe another 2000 lbs of fuel.




  5. Hi Harsh,

    Just sending you the following instructions for you to check against what you've done, as I'm unsure why you can't see through the Tower windows.

    From the "Multiplayer" menu choose the "Local Network(LAN)" option. Put your Name there and hit the "Sign In" button.
    After the "Mutilplayer " screen comes up, click on "Host a Session".
    On the "Multiplayer - Session Information" screen, select which "Session Availability" and click Next.
    You should now be looking at the Multiplayer version of the FreeFlight setup menu.
    In the "Select Role" menu select "Air Traffic Controller".
    Setup a flight as you normally would offline (Airport, Weather, Time).  Then "Save" the flight with a name that differentiates from a normal flight. 
    From this point DO NOT hit the "Next" button. Instead, back all the way out to the regular non-multiplayer FreeFlight menu. Under your saved flight menu you should now have your saved control tower view flight. Hopefully, when you open the Saved Tower Flight view at the Airport, you should see everything normal.

    You can use your Zoom keys, Hat Switch, etc. to move around the Tower.  And the Radar should be serviceable as well.


  6. Sorry, I can't help with the Font sizes, but maybe changing the colour of the specific labels would help you.  I had a similar problem with the red text at the upper left of the screen (the one with Frame Rate, Wind speed, coordinates, etc.).  Being red-green colour-blind, the red text was hard for me to easily discern in some situations on a small 24" monitor, so had to resort to a colour change which has helped tremendously.

    I've changed the Red text to White, which I find suitable for me on both light & dark backgrounds.  There are other colour/colour codes available.  You can experiment with the White & see how it looks for the Upper Left Text.  For this, go to your fsx.cfg file & scroll down to TextInfo.1, TextInfo.2 and TextInfo.3.  At the end of each TextInfo block, you will see TextColor.1=255,0,0  (this code represents Red).  To change it to White, replace it with  255,255,255 (without spaces) and save the file.

    I haven't used these colour codes for any other entry in the fsx.cfg, which allows for a colour depiction, so can't vouch for how the other entries will appear.  If you find this useful and you need the complete list of colours, then you could PM me with an email address, as I can't post it here because of the colour pastels & structure that is involved.




    • Like 1

  7. Check to see whether there is any error report showing up in your Event Viewer.  To get there, type  Event Viewer  in you search box after clicking on the Windows Orb.  The Event Viewer will take a little time to populate.  Once it does, go to  Custom Views > Administrative Events.  Do a search down the list of reports until you come to one that reflects an error in FSX.  If there is one there, let us know the Error Code & Faulting Module.


  8. If your FSX is already activated, then you don't have to worry about the PartMgr entry. 

    When you get the black screen, what happens when you hit ALT + Enter?  If FSX works in windowed mode & not in full screen, you may want to make the change in your  fsx.cfg  file to reflect that, so at least you can get FSX going until you're able to isolate the cause of the black screen.

    Can you get into your FSX Settings?  If so, Uncheck DX10 Preview, if it is checked.  Or else, if it's not checked, then tick it.  Any difference? 

    Have you updated your video card drivers?  If you have and are having the problem, then go back to an earlier driver, doing a clean install of it.

    Have you tried deleting your  fsx.cfg  (not the .txt file), and letting it re-build when launching FSX?

    Just a few things for you to consider & test.


  9. I'm not sure if this makes any difference, but when you typed  resetsldl /a  , change that to  resetsldl -All  (a space after  resetsldl).  I've heard that this entry is also used - worth a try. 

    And to confirm, after MicrosoftKB928080 was downloaded to your Drive, your Command Line in Command Prompt (Admin) to change Directory, did point to its location?


  10. What you're seeing on FSX's Home Page is correct - we all have it.  I think it happened some time after Microsoft gave Dovetail Games the limited licence to reproduce FSX-SE so that some better optimization & performance issues could be applied as well as a number of fixes. So the usual FSX Insider Page disappeared & the Steam Edition one appeared.

    Just saw your next question as I was writing this comment.  Your activation problem will require you to go into your System Registry.  Are you comfortable with that?  If not, you can always save the Registry data (by going to File > Export).  Anyway, this is what you need to do:

    1. Run Registry Editor (press Windows key + R and type  regedit  and then  Ok). 

    2. Expand the following registry key:                                                                       

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}    The letters in this key could be in capitals and be careful to select the correct Key and Sub Key as any error could render a program or even your OS inoperable.

    3. After you find the Key, double-click Upperfilters on the right side.

    4. Change the value from any value shown there to  PartMgr  (note, this is case sensitive - type it as shown here) and delete any other word that may be next to it and click OK.  

     5. Close Registry Editor and reboot Computer.  Then launch FSX & check whether the Activation request comes up.


  11. Hi Ronny,

    This is a problem that has often occurred when installing FSX into Windows 10.  The Error code you see, along with several others show that there has been an installer error and that the installer has to be reset.  However, some have reported that this hasn't worked for them.

    You will need to download a program to do the job.  You can go here:  https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/18934/fsx-resetsldlexe/

    There will be instructions (Read Me.rtf) with the download so go through the steps carefully, though you will need to note, that when you go into Command Prompt, you will need to use Command Prompt (Admin).  It also assumes you are on C Drive.  You'll need to make the appropriate change in your Command Line, if you're using another Drive Letter.  After you type, cd c:\microsoftkb928080, hit Enter & then type, resetsldl /a, a space after resetsldl.

    After the fix is applied, then re-boot your computer.  Hopefully, that will clear up your installation issue.


  12. Hi Steve,

    I haven't used FSXWX for a number of years, so can't really comment specifically about your problem.  I think that if I had a problem with it (an older version), then it was that the program stopped downloading or freezing, or something of that nature.   I saw a comment about turning off 'Volumetric Fog' & there could be other settings such as amount of weather stations (radius) that FSXWX is required to receive data from that might be causing some conflict with FSX handling it.  You could look at your FSXWX settings again to see whether there is any difference in your flights after turning some settings down.

    When I went to the FSXWX Forum (https://www.fsxwx.com/forum.htm), there was one post similar to yours but he had an Error Code show up:  Error HRESULT: 0xC000014B.  Have you checked in your Event Viewer > Custom Views > Admin Events, whether an error code shows up at the time of an FSX crash?  

    Otherwise, I would suggest trying out a similar weather program by Hanse Coders, if for nothing else, to see whether your FSX responds negatively to it as well.  Their Site: https://www.fsrealwx.de/index.php  Now, they only show their latest offering (FSrealWX 3.0), which is a try for 30 days & then buy.  There is also a Lite version hidden in their Archives, which is free without conditions.  Or, if you still want a slightly better version (I use this one), FSRealWXPro, this no longer appears on their Site, but I have the .exe file with me.  Just PM me with an email address & I can send it out to you.  Hope something works out for you & apologies in delaying my reply as I just couldn't work out what was going on at your end.


  13. Hi Bernardo, 

    I'm glad that you've got the weather program loading at a much quicker time, albeit you had to revert to a much older version of it.  I don't think I had the weather load for any more than a few seconds to any of those weather programs.  My routine is first to load the aircraft that was saved at a particular airport, then set up the flight plan, the clock to the departure airport's time & then minimize FSX so as to then launch FSrealWXPro. So FSX is already running when I then launch the weather program.  Then it straight away commences its weather download & applying it to the airport's vicinity: 150 Nm radius is my setting. And this process just takes up to 20 seconds depending on the amount of weather stations within that radius.  Of course, in the U.S & Europe, the download is a little longer because of the amount of stations there, but in Asia for instance, it would take about 10 seconds.  So, am not sure where the bottleneck is with your FSXWX.

    Anyway, thanks for the update & trust you've dealt with your other issues.


  14. I use the default B744 and the Yaw Damper does work.  I have actually re-mapped that key combo to Shift + D but the default one should still work.  The test is when you're in the air (not on the ground) with the YD engaged & you attempt to yaw the aircraft. It might move the aircraft slightly, but with it off, the aircraft should yaw easily.  Now how effective is the damping effect, if indeed there is one, is anybody's guess. I don't believe I've seen any difference with it on or off while in flight.  The only thing is, to disengage the YD before landing (unlike in real life), as you won't have yaw control on approach when you need it for cross winds.  I don't believe Microsoft gave it a clickable switch, as are most switches on the overhead panel.

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  15. Sounds like a problem with your FSXWX, if for nothing else, it should still launch again after you shut it down.  And with FSX running (maybe paused), FSXWX should connect to it easily & commence its download of WX data.  If this is not happening, then there must be a problem with it.  I have on occasion shut down FSXWX while FSX is running & everytime FSXWX has launched & started its download & then the update time advice comes on.

    Maybe you could download the Lite version & see how that performs under similar conditions, to see whether it is the program or something else that is causing the problem.  There is the latest FSRealWX 3.0, but I believe this one is free for a month.  So, either of these should be able to indicate where your stutter/pause problem lies.


  16. Hi Karthik,

    Interesting you should say that.  A few days ago, my FSXWX stopped working mid-flight (I guess this is what you mean by freezing).  Even after shutting it down, it wouldn't restart (i.e. the app would open up but no weather data would download).  Finally, I switched to a custom weather setting for my destination airport & left it at that.  The following day when I went to take a flight, FSXWX worked fine.   I wonder whether it sometimes gets a glitch in connecting to its server & a reboot is necessary or waiting for a day or so.  Or, you could try using another weather server option in its Settings.


  17. Your download speed is on the low side, but I still don't think that for the initial start up of the program it should take as long as 14 minutes. That's not right - sounds like it's trying to connect to something that is not evident. 

    To check your Settings: after you open up the program (and you can do it without FSX running), go into Settings (I can't see mine as the trial period is over), but Settings could be under FSrealWX or Tools Tab at the top. 

    When in Settings, under the General Tab, untick Check for New Version & check that your path to your FSX.exe is correct, but adjust the other Settings to your wishes.   

    Then go to the Weather Tab:  again, you can adjust anything here as you like, but under Weather Mode, I have (had) mine set to Direct (FSUIPC or Simconnect or XPlane);  Range set to 100 Nm or less;  and Weather Source (I've set to NOAA).  

    Interface Tab:  choose FSUIPC & SimConnect.   Other Settings as per your wishes.   So try this out and see if there's any difference - you can always change the Settings later on, even while flying.

    My FSRealWXPro I downloaded that from their Site a few years ago, but you're right, it doesn't seem to be there on their Site anymore.  Anyway, I have it with me if you need it & it works in basic mode after the trial period is over.


  18. I think there is a time limit (30 days trial period) with FSRealWX3.0, as I still have mine & it won't allow me to use it as the trial period has expired. Whereas with FSXWX & FSRealWXPro, they still continued to work minus some of its capabilities.

    Re: the long time it takes to download:  is this when you're flying (when you get such a long pause) or at the initial download when starting up the program?   That is far too long, even for a slow internet. Have you been into your settings & checked whether the distance of weather stations to your aircraft is set to a smaller area, say, 50 Nm or 100 Nm?   If you're unhappy with it, or don't want to proceed with purchasing it, then just PM me (if you're comfortable in sending me an email address) so I can send you my copies of the various weather programs I have from Hanse Coders.   However, I will be away from my main computer from 22nd July for a month so won't be able to access the programs to send to you.


  19. Glad you got that sorted out Bernardo.  I did try the downloads before recommending them to you, and they seemed to download easily. However, I didn't want to run the Setup.exe: I use Chrome.  


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