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Posts posted by flyboy98

  1. It only started happening recently, maybe my sound card is going. I noticed I don't get GPWS callouts in the airbus anymore either, but I get all other sounds. I do hear the flight attendant, captain, and ground crew, just not the co-pilot. I don't think that would be an issue, I'm always in windowed mode.

  2. Hi everyone,


    Kind of a strange issue I've got going here. It seems that at random points throughout my flight I lose the copilot voice completely. Today I had the copilot up until the before takeoff checklist to the line, but after that, no audio. FS2Crew is still responding however. I can still just say the responses and the checklist still completes and if I say something like "flaps 1" the flaps are put down, but no audio response. I have updated my sound card drivers in hopes of that fixing the problem, but no luck!

    Any suggestions?


  3. Hey Gents,

    I have a quick question. Only recently have I noticed that I can't see the props change when I go from DISC to FLT IDLE and vice-versa. The propellers always look like they're in DISC now even though they're not obviously. Any ideas? I'm assuming a setting changed somewhere.


  4. V/S can be quite dangerous for climbing in higher altitudes, because there is no stall protection!

     You are correct. I actually use IAS all the way up to cruise and then V/S during descent because the VNAV portion of the tutorial confuses me lol

  5. I have found that the VA Acars I am using causes the aircraft to slowdown to almost  a stand still when the ACARS reads data. I assume this is a result of FSUIPC trying to access the aircraft data. Soon as its done with a read cycle it continues on normal. Specially prevelant on takeoff and approach which is reading data more often.  Ive tested this numerous times. I suppose it is the same scenario as stopping when you have FSUIPC auto save enabled

     No problem for mine with any phase of flight, just when I land I always get a ridiculous landing right like positive 2000

  6. Good evening gents!

    First, I would personally like to thank Majestic for delivering such a pristine, and amazing aircraft. I enjoy flying it every second! With that being said, I'm sure most are aware that most ACARs systems get a positive landing rate from the Q400 due to the FDE operating outside of FSX. I know my VA actually has banned use of the aircraft until the problem is fixed since it messes up the site statistics. Flying with my VA was one of the main reasons I bought the aircraft so I was just curious if Majestic was looking into a fix or has one in progress etc.

    Best Regards,



  7. Hi Darren,With a typical Canadian accent you should be getting over 95 plus percent accuracy.Did you run the voice training?Also check your mic settings.Also, you're saying that phase wrong.It's:"We're ready for the pushback and engine start".Not using the 'the' is likely the prob.Best,
    Yes! It's the phrase but just a head's up then. There's a typo in the manual because it does say in here "We're ready for pushback and engine start".Thanks!Darren

  8. Hi Bryan!Very nice product you have here. I just have a couple of questions one sometimes the FO or anyone doesnt recognize what I'm saying and comes out like I was saying feet or in. I don't know if it was because I'm not talking loud enough or what and it also seems to have problems recognizing big sentences. For Example I can't for the life of me get the ground crew to realize that I'm saying " We're ready for pushback and engine start."Any help would be appreciated!Darren

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