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Posts posted by c172pilot

  1. Hello,

    I have set my joystick "trigger" to be the main button for my brakes. However, clicking it does nothing. the only way to disble the brakes is to hit rSHIFT+. (period). 

    Separately, is there anyway to make it so my hat switch at the top of my joystick can control the look around? I do not like using my mouse to move my field of view around. 

    Thank you so much for your help!

  2. having used the new 747 for a few days, I love it. I HAVE read the manual based on the functions I have had trouble with, but, I have questions I would appreciate clarification on the following: (please forgive any duplication's I may post on accident)

    1) I want to simulate a brake failure/ tire burst upon landing. I know I can set it up via a timer or "ARM" it.... perhaps I just am clueless to its interpretation, but am I to understand that "Arming it" would activate the tire burst at touch down? How could one program that? Or, program an engine failure to occur at V1 etc...

    2) I am one who likes to do the start process from Cold and Dark. I follow the full checklists and flows, but continue to see that I have to reset my electrical generators (#4) and the IDG's post engine start up. Has anyone have similar issues, I did not see it listed as a "previously" known issue. I have re-installed the software with Anti-virus off as described in pinned posts above.

    3) I will couple my NAV-AIDS to the respective DP/STAR and the VOR course line will always be left or right of centerline. in other words, if I follow the 'magenta line' I will be off course to the VOR station. I currently have LHR-LAX flying at home while I am running errands. I'll update pics when I get home.

    THANK YOU for your help!!!

  3. 3 hours ago, 777200lrf said:

    My sim flying has become 100% mirroring the real routes in real time, and getting the real plans if I can. I tune into liveatc.net if the areas are covered through the entire flight. Never had this much fun, to be honest. Your Dallas to Hong Kong flight has a lot of liveatc coverage



    Finding en-route atc is an art but I fly and my laptop has up the liveatc coverage map to help. For Pacific coverage


    san francisco radio and nat Pacific tracks are sometimes online. You can hear the real flight getting requests possibly being told to set a lower speed for traffic. VHHH liveatc can be busy in the small number of feeds but you have complete arrival, tower and ground coverage at that airport too.

    The biggest thing I see to make your time different than the real thing is the Pacific ocean. Active sky does a great job but you can only do so much. sometimes you get more winds than the real flight sometimes less. I recently moved to Active sky 16 from active sky next and found more accurate data from as16.

    The next problem is something you find listening to real atc and having the real plan. You get set speeds, step climbs, and make sure you are using the correct cost index that can be tough to get unless you have the real plan since most airlines today use a range all computed by their flight planning computers. And I almost forgot, you could be a lot lighter than the real flight the real loads combined with everything else helps make you mirror the real flight close to perfectly I have found. Hope this helps a bit.


    Flying real time has made flight sim exciting again and I pick routes that have departure and arrival coverage from liveatc if I can, folloing the atc instructions as if I am there makes every flight unique. - David Lee


    Hey David,

    I like where your head is and what you do for realism. But, I would be lying if I said I actually sat there for more than 1 hour for the entirety of the flight LOL. For this particular flight (while it was done in real time) I went to work, hit the gym, made dinner for the wife and I, went swimming and watched a movie from appleTV and so on. I use the auto step climb and pause at TOD. THANK YOU PMDG for those features!!! I will say I am impressed by your commitment. I do love LIVEATC.net!


    I will say I am NOT on the latest release of ASN as I kept getting CTD's, and am cautious to update to the latest release.

  4. 2 hours ago, skelsey said:

    Hi Sumner,

    The clock may be part of it -- but beyond that I think you also need to take in to account that, although the MSFS/P3D world is pretty good, it is not perfect.

    The P3D atmosphere, for instance, is pretty good. But it is not perfectly realistic. Nor are the ASN winds and temperatures going to be absolutely identical to those experienced by the real flight. Nor does the PMDG 777, good though it is, perform quite exactly like a real 777. The P3D globe is pretty accurate, but it is not perfectly accurate (tried flying over the poles?). And so on and so forth.

    Also -- and perhaps even more relevantly -- do you know how FR24 calculates ETAs? I don't, but I would not be entirely surprised if it is pretty rudimentary: i.e. take current ground speed and divide by great circle distance remaining to destination. I'm 99.9% certain that that ETA data is not directly from the real aircraft's FMS, and I'm pretty much 100% certain that it doesn't take in to account wind, weather and temperature data for the remaining distance. This could easily result in significant differences to the predictions your PMDG 777 FMS is making, which do take all of that stuff in to account and are therefore far more accurate.

    When does the FR24 elapsed timer start counting? Is at at pushback or airborne time, is it automatically sensed or based on an actual OOOI report? What about your elapsed timer?

    There are lots and lots of variables.

    Thank you for that insight! I appreciate :).... The timers for FR24 must be upon radar contact. I know Flightaware is based on brake release.

    14 hours ago, harvester21 said:

    Hi Sumner,

    Could you maybe link that Youtube video you speak of? Would like to have a look at that.


    I will keep looking for it. I can't find it. but it's a tweak not involving opening DLL's or anything like it. it involves using the Nvidia Inspector

  5. I apprecaite all your input, fellas.I work for this particular airline and have live access into the database so I use FR24 for visual purposes only.


    I have given it more consideration and feel that perhaps I am just too eager to make simulation- a reality.

    In this flight, I landed at the same "time" the real one did (granted, I held for 10 minutes to decend, so really I was 10 minutes earlier). And, I was 7 minutes shorter on the flight time. I suppose, that's about as real as one can get.

    Are there other suggestions you all may have to improve any realism performance I could use??


    Thank you all!

  6. Thanks so much for the info! So, I consistently get 40+Fps in good to high density settings due to some great tweaks I use from a YouTube video. I would then assume my clock would be "fast". But it's behind. So this program will ensure my flights arrive as they should? (Obviously taking into account winds etc...)

  7. Hey everyone,

    My question has to do with 'real time' flying and "mirroring" a real flight. What I mean is this: Taking the real flight plan and its scheduled times and trying to mirror what they do in real time in the sim. I am well aware that the PMDG777 has its set of performance metrics and programming so getting a 'true-to-life' burn is not necessarily likely as discussed in multiple previous posts. I have found that reducing the fuel load in P3D 3.4 for PMDG777 by 9,000-11,000lbs results in the planned arrival loads of the plan. Granted, it's always a couple hundred pounds off, no biggie.

    My biggest concern, however, is I was able to get my flight I am doing today, KDFW-VHHH, to be in sync with the real flight within 1-2 minutes. Attached are two screenshots taken within seconds of each other to highlight my concern and my question:

    How come my P3d flight is ~20 minutes earlier than the real world equivalent while being at the same spot geographically? I use ASN in P3d 3.4 and PMDG 777 (whatever recent update included) on a windows 7 rig. PC performance is certainly not the issue. I understand that it would be near impossible for it to be exactly the same, but I find it odd with the same parameters set I am 20 minutes ahead of sked when compared to the real live flight?

    Additionally, I have noticed that my clock is also off. I know this is a constant issue with P3d/FSX and I am curious how the Zulu time will be off in the CDU compared to real world ZULU (in the program). So, to reiterate, I'll pop my brakes on time and rotate after the real one has. about an hour later- I'll return to the computer and notice I am way off on arrival time.

    Has anyone been able to figre out the trick to managing the P3D clock???  If I have been too vague or confusing, please let me know so I can correct it.



    Please note my enroute time to the real one etc...



    Thank you,

    Sumner Rabin


  8. Hello all,


    I have reviewed many topics on this and all the items did not work. Including a fresh install of p3d 3.4 (academic version).


    Currently used add-ons:

    Aerosoft sceneries

    PMDG 737/777

    ORBX sceneries

    FSDT Sceneries and GSX

    ASN (but NOT with newest update as it does not run smooth enough)

    FlyTampa sceneries (DXB reboot, SYD)

    Minus ASN, I have verified most recent updates.


    My rig is as follows:

    -win 7x64, 16gb ram, 2tb HD, I7 47900 CPU, NVIDIA GTX970

    - I typically get about 40-50fps in aerosoft EGLL almost maxed out, so I do not believe ramp or VAS are the issue



    The issue at hand is this:

    The last 2 nights I have attempted to fly AA73 LAXSYD. After sleeping and waking up to being about 8 hours en route to SYD, I clicked on the CA PFD and poof. P3d shut down. No notice of errors, error reports. Nothing. It did not restart either. (so glad I did not actually sit there all night. not sure how to use P3d otherwise LOL). Please note, that prior to that event, everything functioned correctly not alluding to errors on the horizon.


    Last night, I attempted it again. Except, I wanted to test the system to try to isolate the error. I was able to have full functionality of everything(ASN, menu's and switches within P3D etc...) with no hiccups. Then feeling foolishly confident, I clicked that CA PFD and poof. Shuts down again.


    I would show photos, but there are no reports or icons to click on forcing a shut down or error message.


    Any thoughts on what this could be, and, how to prevent it?


    Thank you,


    Sumner Rabin




  9. Canyone provide any support as to why my multiplayer game for VATSIM use ultimately leads to multiple errors such as:


    1) ASN cannot track/update/follow live weather based on aircraft location

    2) occasionally, a CTD prompt will occur due to some glitch. however, I'll ignore it (click continue) in the spirit of not restarting the mission.



    Any suggestions on how to best connect to VATSIM and the utility to use for it? Windows 7, P3d v2.5


    Thank you to all!!!!




  10. Can anyone recommend perhaps a better utility to access VATSIM instead of vPilot? For some reason almost every flight cannot get off the gate because either the weather engine doesn't work (via ASN) or the multiplayer creates some coding error.....


    I'm at a loss for this as I am using VATSIM to re-fresh myself on IFR procedures before I go for my IPC next month. I know it seems vague so here are the details:


    P3d v2.5/windows 7 are the platforms.


    PMDG777 (primary toy) creates these child windows that fail to create

    live weather updates to practice more realistic ILS approaches fail to load. therefore ASN becomes useless and doesn't live update or track

    I get a lengthy coding error which I dare not copy/paste here, but its always CTD.


    any suggestions??


    Thank you,



  11. Hello all!


    After much self-testing I have to throw in the towel and ask a question that I'm sure has already been asked but I can't find the solution to. :fool: :fool:


    Computer specs:

    win7x64bit/NVIDIA gtx970/i7@4970 4.0ghz running p3d v2.5


    first issue: pmdg 777lr ONLY when connected to VATSIM becomes unusuable.. no gear or controls. and completely cold/dark flight deck with no functionality.




    I want to use ASN as my weather engine, deactivate vatsim weather (using vpilot) and activate ASN- only loads departure airport weather. no winds aloft or destination weather. and, has no functionality in terms of 'moving map' weather updates or winds aloft data via the FMC.... any ideas???


    Thank you all so much for your help!!!!!



  12. Hi all,


    Just gave in and bought the p3d 777LR package which runs on windows 8.1 and high level processor stuff I'll spare the details on.


    first and foremost, the displays are very blurry. It COULD be my monitor, but a secondary one had same results. tried playing with display settings and no luck correct it.


    Second, upon autopilot disconnect on final to EGLL (with aerosoft EGLL), I was unable to silence the disconnect alarm until engines shut down at teh gate. Any idea how to clear that error out??


    Thank you for your help,



  13. Hi all,


    So, I have a feeling that my old TV which is acting as my computer monitor is just a poor choice in general. My living room tv is a 46" 1080 HD tv which displays my monitor stuff with great edges, smoothness etc...


    However, it's not practical to run a 20ft HDMI cable across the living room every day. So, I have my old college tv which is a Sharp tv (http://www.sharpusa.com/ForHome/HomeEntertainment/LCDTV/Archives/LC22SB27UT.aspx) and I notice that the quality of everything that looks great on my living room tv, is "squished" or jagged edges, blurry and other stuff... Can anyone recommend some settings to use to fix that for this particular monitor? Or, should I go get a 21" monitor? What can be done to rectify this?


    Thank you all for your help,




  14. Hi all,


    I just purchased P3D v2.5 with Rex4/softclouds as well as various other add-ons for p3d. My computer specs:


    GTX970@4gb GPU

    16gb ramp

    i7 4970 processor

    Windows 8.1.... and a bunch of other stuff. Its a home built thanks to Newegg.com.


    My questions are this:


    1) Unless I turn off REX, I have no horizon. Just a hazy blue everywhere. or, in otherwords. There are no distinctive horizons for cloud layers/ing... Part of me feels that my REX isn't actually working. Any suggestions on how to fix this horizon-less experience? Example: fog layers from 200AGL-2000AGL. There is no reason why at FL390 I have NO horizon.


    2) no matter the scenery, I have floating lights for all airport surfaces.. Yes, I do have ORBX global installed.


    Any solutions anyone can recommend to fix this lack of reality and get the true potential out of P3d?


    BTW, I am very happy so far with the p3d program compared to FSX. Sure, rebuying stuff is obnoxious, but I'll get over it :P.



  15. Hi all,


    So, after a few years away from frequently using (then) FSX for enjoyment. And now that my FAA Medical may be recleared I have decided to rebuild my PC with the following specs (see below) and from multiple searches, it looks like P3rd is the platform to go forward with vs FSX.


    My question to everyone is:


    What sort of functionality will prepared give me for integrating lesson plans for the CFI rating for real world application. I plan on spending a minimum of 6 months studying, reviewing and practicing before returning to the RW skies, again as my medical has not cleared yet anyway. I may have missed it, but is there a program I can buy to integrate with p3rd and use for lesson planning and practice?


    I also bought this from NEWEGG yesterday to build:

    Windows 7 64bit

    VGA ZOTAC|ZT-90101-10P GTX 970 R
    CPU INTEL|CORE I7 4790K 4.0G 8M R
    MEM 8Gx2|GSKILL F3-2400C10D-16GTX R


    from various youtube video it looks like it may be a solid build for running high end settings.


    I plan to buy:

    Various Carenado aircraft

    (re) purchase PMDG 777 for p3rd


    ORBX ground scenery


    For the experienced p3rd simmer, what tweaks, camera views, add-ons do you suggest??? again, I've been away for quite a while and want to make sure my start up is smooth and current.


    Thank you all so much!!!!



  16. Hello,



    First- amazing product. It actually made me go back into FSX and dust off the old joystick. So, thank you!


    Second, After completing KSFO-OMDB (at 4x thankfully), landing in darkness where landing/taxi lights would have illuminated the ground, did not. Not even the beacon reflection or wing lights.


    Tried recycling the lights. No luck, any suggestions? thank you!

  17. Hello,


    I recently have been unable to log into Vatsim without being booted off (once). And, on the second time when I do finally connect, I cannot communicate either by text or voice. I can send a flight plan, but again- no clearance or comms. Additionally, I cannot see other traffic, but I can see ATC lists.


    yes, I tuned the right frequencies.

    I'll provide my account info on request.


    I'm thinking my issue is with not having an FSX "multiplayer game" set up?


    Thoughts? And thank you all for your help!



  18. Hello PMDG. I've been a huge fan of your work and have had very minimal issues, however, this is a first for me. A search yielded only something called "hotfix?" didn't apply for me. Perhaps someone can help. I was flying KJFK-EHAM with the 738NGX and about 250NM from decent I turned right towards the next waypoint, but continued turning right for about 250 degrees, not the intended 60 degree course change. My CDU then stopped responding when I was inputting approach information and eventually the display screens locked. followed by all instrument input stopping. I tried reloading the aircraft, same issue. I tried to get a screen shot, but it froze before I could get to it. Any help is greatly appreciated. C172PIC

  19. Hello all,I did a search and did not find a direct solution to my problem. Here are the details:I run FSX SP2 with Windows 7. I have Squawkbox 4, no luck. I make a multiplayer game via FSX, no luck.What happens is the multi game gets created, BUT, when Igo to select network(s) to connect to for signing into VATSIM. I come back with no networks available. SO, I cannot log in. Anyone have a solution to this problem? Be it alternative program(s) to use etc..Thank you all!C172pilot

  20. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I read the manuals and still no luck.I have been a VATSIM member for years, and have not had many issues to think of. However, I recently upgraded to FSX and WIN7 and as well, the SBox program, too.1) I am pretty sure that I need to make a multiplayer game, but I cannot figure out how to in FSX.2) When I went to the SQUAWKBOX tab to start it in FSX, it came back with no available servers to join, and in turn, unable to join VATSIM.I am pretty sure my issue is not making the multiplayer game, but I do not know how to in FSX. Please forgive my ignorance. But, thank you for your help!

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