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Posts posted by jwillum

  1. My old Radeon 4000 series video card recently died and I replaced it with a Radeon HD 7770.  I have to say that the frame rates haven't jumped as much as I was hoping and I have the most annoying flickering in the gauges.  It doesn't happen all of the time but it is very distracting.  There are times when the GPS is almost worthless because it flickers so badly.  I have tried adjusting about every setting I can think of in FS and the AMD/ATI control panel.  I know FS9 is getting a bit on the old side but I have it configured the way I like and have been using Flight Sim since the days of framewire graphics.


    I don't want to get into the whole ATI/Nvidia debate but is there any hope for this card or should I return it and get something different?  I have a quad core AMD system and FS2004 is the only game I play on it so I don't need a real high end card but want something decent.  Any recommendations for settings or another card would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you!

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