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Status Updates posted by FrankG2625

  1. The hobbit you just called fat? He's skipping 2nd breakfast. The dwarf woman you called ugly? She spends hours braiding her beard so you can differentiate her from a dwarf man. The Uruk-Hai you just killed? He's been abused by Saruman. See that Gollum creature with the gangly limbs and large eyes? For 500 years the Ring poisoned his mind. That Elf you just made fun of for crying? He just lost his wizard friend to a Balrog. Put this as your status if you're against bullying in Middle-Earth.

  2. To these screaming/crying kids in the train: this is your warning -- SHUT THE ###### UP AND SIT THE ###### DOWN OR I WILL END YOU.

  3. Good news: I have a USB3.0 with which to copy files from my HDD to a storage medium. 50MB/sec! Bad news: it'll still take 4+ hours to copy everything, after which I have to install windows 7 again, and copy everything back.

  4. Zo, gesoliciteerd bij 17 bedrijven, waarvan de helft mensen zochten. Nu afwachten.

  5. Wait, what?! Kim Jong-il is dead?! Whatttttttttt?

  6. Called my Senator (Benjamin Cardin - (202) 224-4524) and Congressman (Elijah Cummings - (202) 225-4741) to express my displeasure over SOPA. I urge everyone who is still a voter in Maryland to do the same!

  7. Echt. Spring van een flat of zo. Mag ik een pokke eind omreizen om jou. Dammit.

  8. Prettige feestdagen en vrolijk kerstfeest, iedereen!Happy holidays and merry christmas, everyone!

  9. Pasta met zelfgemaakte alfredo saus... Lekker, maar zeeeeeer machtig.

  10. Wie gaat er vanavond mee naar de film? Dennis Simonis Koen Klerx Tim Kreutz Lucinda Fernandez Jacky Kuyt

  11. In a good rhythm, but gotta get used to working again...

  12. Have you ever been or are you now involved in espionage or sabotage; or in terrorist activities; or genocide; or between 1933 and 1945 were you involved, in any way, in persecutions associated with ###### Germany or its allies? Are you currently a terrorist is a question asked by the US on their visa-waiver form... Wow...

  13. Happy new year and best wishes for 2012!

  14. Ah crap... deadline got moved up a day, so it'll be a late night for me...

  15. Bah... my phone needs repairing...

  16. Home-made lasagna. Nom nom nom.

  17. "...the only way to survive Abduction is under the influence of a controlled substance, and even that may not be enough." Truer words have rarely been spoken.

  18. An Idiot Abroad. Hilarious.

  19. Can we put perspective on this, please? 100 kids who did nothing inherently wrong are dead in Norway, but everybody is focussing on something that, frankly, everybody also saw coming years ago.

  20. Rest in peace Mr. Jobs.

  21. Anything you want to know about gyroscopes?

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