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Status Updates posted by Tawanda

  1. Watching 'Rio', its brilliant!

  2. In memory of the victims and brave souls of 9/11

  3. Definately a worthwhile run ;)

  4. Gym and Spa with Emma Jane Keeling, Then off to Lanzarote for the night!

  5. A talented musician and sportsman, but an even better friend. RIP Jamie Daniels.

  6. Entourage Season 8.. awesome!

  7. Got my BB back! Normality returns

  8. Apologises for the trash you have seen posted on my wall the past 2 days... i guess some people think some things are funny when others don't. Shame on you Jonathan Anderson

  9. on it like a car bonnet again! ******* im so sexy and have a massive penis!!!

  10. FRAPED by Jonathan Anderson revenge will be served.

  11. would love to ###### a black man tonight

  12. Days off = on it, so apologies in advance.

  13. Fireworks outside... great! not like i have to be up at 4a.m or anything.

  14. fly, eat, gym, sleep, fly, gym, sleep, eat. repeat. simples.

  15. Saw the 787 at Shannon, beautiful machine. It literally made everyone stop and stare.

  16. JK Rowling... i would :)

  17. Found another grey hair....

  18. Confusing night, off to manchester now.

  19. Tiesto was awesome!!

  20. Going to sun live festival!

  21. 110 Hours this month.

  22. Took my first swim in the Atlantic today!

  23. dislikes the tax man... passionately

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