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Posts posted by jackjda2

  1. I have done the Aloha for the CS 731 I will do the NGX 73-7 in the last livery before they close N746AL.For the Aloha cargo I think is too much fictional doing the 600.
    Sorry for the above quote reply. Great work on Aloha livery guys!!! Been waiting for these. Any chance for the fun bird livery that was done on the cs100? This would be awesome on the 600 or 700! Thanks for reading! jack

  2. Perfect for short island hopping flights in Hawaii with Hawaiian. We now have all the airports. Plus SWA will soon be flying them. I for one think this is a fantastic aircraft. If you have ever flown on one or seen the flight deck, you know what I mean.So, who else wants a 717. Let's truly see if there is enough demand to justify a product.Jack

  3. Awesome job guys! I was just was on a real world ng yesterday and the sounds were spot on, as is the flight deck. Smoothest flying FSX plane in my experience as well, even when fps are lower.I never realized what a beast the 73ng is to slow down on approach. You really need to plan ahead. Just a joy to fly.Thanks!Jack

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