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Posts posted by Jahanzeb

  1. update. its not because of corrupt coding in the downloaded SIDS/STARS. tested at other airports. it always happens when i select a SID or STAR, choose a runway, and then instead of hitting execute, i hit legs, and click on STEP, to see where the route is taking me. when i go back to the DEP/ARR page after pressing erase, i get the program pin error. so logically the next test should be, that i hit execute after selecting a SID or STAR, check the LEGS, if unsatisfied, change the SID/STAR. will update

  2. I've gotten a program pin error several times.so here's what i did to get the problem in the first place. i was at VNKT (Khatmandu, Nepal) planning my flight. Unfortunately I didnt have charts for that airport, so i couldnt decide which SID to select. So i selected a SID on the active runway 20, and set the ND to plan mode. after every SID i presses LEGS on the FMC to see where the SID was taking me. (unprofessional I know, just couldnt find a chart) If the SID wasnt right, without activating it, i went back to DEP/ARR page, and selected another SID. After 5 or 6 times of repeating the process, the FMC said, "program pin error". I pressed CLR to get rid of the error msg, The FMC displayed the SIDS and runways, but when i selected them, nothing happened.When i restarted FSX, everything was fine, and i was able to take off from a selected SID.same thing happened at another airport. so here's something in common between the 2 airports. i downloads SIDS/STARS from simroutes.com for these two. Maybe the sid/star was buggy. just a thought.

  3. hey simmers. ive been flying the MD11 for years, but since recently, i have a strange problem with my taxi lights and landing lights. when i turn them on, they dont fall right ahead of the aircraft, but way further on, on the taxiway/runway. I've started having this problem ever since i installed REX. I know that if i probably reinstall the aircraft, the problem would be fixed. but I just wanted to know if there's another way to deal with this, for example changing some values in the aircraft.cfg file? i have alot of liveries installed, so i dont want to uninstall all of them and then reinstall them. help anyone?

  4. hi everyone. im considering upgrading my desktop pc, since currently im runnnig flight sim on my mac book pro through hdmi to my 24 inch LED at 1920 by 1080.i have a choice between 5770, 550ti and 460 since i want to upgrade the cpu to atleast an i5. furthermore, i'l be running the following addons in fsxtraffic xREXPMDGand i might buy a few airport addons.in my experience, traffic x realllyyyy slows down my laptop. im able to get 20 fps if i turn down eveything except global resolution and aircraft cockpit.so basically i want to know which i5 would be the best for me, since im not going for a very high end machine, and which card would be the best. im thinking gtx 460 gives the most bang for the buck. im really confused abt the cpu, since that really boosts up fps in fsx since its cpu intensive.. but wil a 460 be an overkill? or can i get eveything to high on a 550ti with an i5

  5. im still confused.. 747-8 is not a twin engine, so how can it be ETOPS when it doesnt fit the description? and most of all, WHY does it need a RAT anyway.. its got 4 engines.. its got the windmill effect. if all 4 engines fail, the engines can still act as a windmill to generate enough hydraulic power, to power up main flight controls, just like the 747-400. no?

  6. i bought a throttle quadrant and yoke from saitek and want to use it with my 747. i can get everything to work without a problem using fsuipc. however, i cant get the fuel cut valves to correspond with my saitek throttle quadrant buttons. can anyone help? i know its possible through fsuipc, but i couldnt find the solution.. and creating a mouse macro was a failure.

  7. I believe the only planes that have a RAT are ETOPS certified ones. And because the 744 has 4 engines, ETOPS does not affect it and therefore no RAT required. So the likes of 777,767 and selected 737's have a RAT. P.S you can try the rat on the LDS 767 if you have it. Simply shutdown one engine in flight.Thanks
    thats what i thought too until i did the research on the new 747-8F.. it seems to have a ram air turbine as stated in the following article. isnt that against the ETOPS rule? article 1http://www.aviationw...light020410.xmlparagraph 8article 2http://www.flightglo...g-Leap-Forward/forum discussionhttp://(www).airliners.net/aviation-forums/tech_ops/read.main/267619/ (without the brackets in the begining)oh cool.. i do have the LDS 767.. totally forgot abt the ram air turbine. will check it out.
    This is true. The only time that a RAt has been used (that I know of) was Air Transat Flight 236 in which the pilots were thought a low fuel numebr in teh right was a bad gauage and crossfed the remaining fuel to a massive leak, losing both engines.
    thanks for the info. sounds interesting

  8. You do know that the Boeing 747-400 was built in 1988 as the world's first all-glass cockpit airplane?
    of course i know that.. i was talking abt the pmdg plane. when its raining, i feel like there's no glass in front of it. but im gonna stop complaining abt it, since the aircraft hardly lacks anything.. and the thousands of lines of coding are spectular

  9. It mentions several times in the order process that it is a visual model only, and if you can't see the differences in the visual model, you may want to get checked for a stronger eyeglass or contact prescription.
    i upgraded from a 747-400.. there were suppose to be alot of changes between the 747-400 and 747-400x.. i already said in the previous message that the 747-8i is visually stunning.. maybe im not the only one who needs glasses

  10. If someone could offer some advise on the following problem, it would be greatly appreciated.To my knowledge, you use the PMDG747 Load Manager to load PAX and Fuel weight, prior to loading up FS9 and selecting the PMDG747 from the aircraft menu. This is where my first problem is... If I am using FSPassengers, I have to be at the gate with parking brakes on to start FSP, which then gives me the number of passengers and the weight of the cargo that I am carrying. So then I have to exit PMDG747, use the load manager to enter the weights FSP has given me and reload the aircraft. Q. Is there a way to load the weight without having to exit PMDG747?Ok, so I have loaded PMDG747 again, I use two monitors, so I spend some time undocking the panels, changing their size and fitting them all on one of the monitors (O/H Panel, FMC, Throttles etc). When I have done this, and programmed the FMC I see that the weights I entered are all there so this is all fine. I do my flight and park at the destination airport. At the destination airport I save the flight because I like to continue on from that point and do for example, the return flight back to my origin. The next time I fly, I load the previously saved flight, go through the same procedure with FSP and the weights, exit out of PMDG747 and use Load Manager to enter the weight. This time however when I reload my saved flight, I notice that the Load Manager has not entered the weights into the FMC that I obtained from FSP.Q. Does this mean that everytime Load Manager is used, I have to select the PMDG747 from the aircraft menu, and go through the tedious task of arranging one of my monitors to show the panels as explained above? If someone could shed some light on this I would be in debt to them. It is a major cause of frustration for me at the shear time it takes just to get a flight started, by the time I perform the routine I have described above.Q. Am I doing soemthing wong? Does Anyone else use PMDG747 and FSP with the Load Manager??
    hi "sfs400" (try using your real name in the signature section of your profile, as forum rules.as for your problem, i use pmdg 747, 747x and 747-8i with fs passengers in fsx. here's what i do step by step1. decide where to fly from where.2. go to simroutes.com to get an actual flight plan.3. download the plan according to the aircraft and model, and copy the file in pmdg's route folder.4 start fsx, load plane, do all the start procedures.5. i dont fill in the weights page yet. i set the route, SIDS and STARS and turn on the apu, let the IRS align, turn seatbelts on transponder and stuff.. set parking brake, open door.. so that im ready to board..6. i press alt+enter to switch to window mode, and open the load manager. i set pax to 2/3 and fill the amount of fuel i want. (10,500 kg/hour + 1 hour reserve)7. switch back to fsx, and start fspassengers flight.8. after setting destination and flight time, and pax, i go to settings and check the zfw and pax details. write down the information.9. start the flight and let passengers board.10. switch back to load manager and set the pax correctly. and send the information again to fsx.11. once done, close the manager. press alt+enter and now enter the zfw in the fmc. the cg i noticed is always the same as fs pasengers this way. the fuel and pax should tally this way.. im a bit disappointed that the 747 does not have zfwcg and tocg as in the md 11.. which is why its so much more realistic to the fly the md 11 with fs passengers.. but other then that, great plane let me know of you have any problems, and correct me if im worng

  11. i fly my 747 with fs passengers, which is capable of generating random failures.. if im not mistaken, if the hydraulics of an aircraft fails, leaving us with no flap, aileron and gear control, we can arm the ram air turbine to generate basic hydraulic power. so i was wondering1. if a real 747 has a ram air turbine?2. does the pmdg model feature this?3. how much power in Kw does the turbine produce?

  12. hi eveyone. i recently bought the 747-8 and seem to find almost no differences. according to pmdg, the aircraft should be a bit longer. but thats abt it. i was hoping they'd put in a glass cockpit, and zfwcg and tocg like they did on the md 11.. but there is no mention of that.. or maybe im missing something.. anyway, was generally wondering what the differences are.. as always, im a huge fan of pmdg products.. and the plane is stunning.. visually and in performance.. but i believe it still lacks the realism of the md 11.

  13. To create a signature go to you profile and click "Edit my Profile". Then, click on the "Change Signature" tab and type your name there. When you finish, click "Save Changes" and you're done. That simple.And welcome to the forum! :(
    lol i feel stupid.. Thank you. got it :)

  14. Welcome to the forums. Please sign your name, per the forum rules.(I kinda miss Dan being around...it's gotten worse lately)
    hi kyle.. im sorry i was unable to create my real name in the last post.. but ive looked evert where in my profile settings. i couldnt find it. so instead, i changed my display name to my name. is that good? im sorry, im new on this forum
    I had the same problem. But I had Rex2 installed, and the option "landing lights" checked. So, I restored the backup of Rex2, I made ​​a new theme and installed it without the "landing lights" checked ... worked for me. If you do not have Rex2, sorry but I do not know how to help you. I hope this has helped.Best RegardsCristiano Mueller
    dude you are a hero! got the lights to work! thank you very much.. i dudnt know REX2 was out.. i have REX installed.. restored it to an earlier date, deleted my theme, unchecked the landing lights option, n viola, the lights are perfect now.. mercie

  15. hi everyone. i've been flying the pmdg md 11 for a year now, and by far its my favourite plane. but since yesterday, ive started having this weird problem. when i turn on the taxi lights, the light shines very far from the plane, and a lil towards the right.. same goes for the landing lights.. i did not alter my aircfaft.cfg file, as i would guess, would contain information about this issue.. i havent tried reinstalling the plane yet. wanted to know if there's a fix.the only thing that ive done different is, shift from dx9 to dx10 then back to dx 9. it was working fine in the first two instances. the only new thing i've installed, is the wilco 777, which sholdnt cause a problem right? any help would be appreciated. its not a big issue.. but it a bit annoying

  16. to be honest, i thought the model was pathetic. im always on the look out for a 777 for fsx. havent tried the pss.. but everything abt it was horrible. except for the exterior model. no IRS, no 3d knobs in VC. the fmc is really crappy and unrealisitc. obviously its better than any freeware out there, and all the stock planes in fsx, but i was REALLY disappointed.. i had read a few good reviews abt it. it was a waste of money. i dont think il be investing in wilco again. didnt like the sounds either. replaces them with TSS 767. i was annoyed that i couldnt touch half the buttons in VC mode even autobrakes, and alot of things were missing. but mainly why im giving such a horrible review is probably the fmc. for most ppl it doesnt matter.. for me, a good fmc counts alot. the pmdg md 11 has the BEST fmc thats out there.. followed by pmdg 747 and flight one 767. the only planes i like.. but hey, its just my two cents. ppl love the aerosoft airbus x which doesnt have an fmc at all.. all depends how u fly. if u just wanna sit there, and control the autopilot, then its not a bad plane at all..my question.. how does the pss match against pmdg? or flight one planes? worth buying? or just wait a year for the pmdg 777? (for which id gladly pay 500 dollars of i had to) (no i dont work for pmdg :( )

  17. i know that im like a year late, but i was having the same problem.. the g2d error caused by FSP and MD11.. here's what i did.. i opened the panel.cfg of the MD11, and deleted some windows of the cockpit that i dont use (since i use VC) and the window error was no more.. but for some reason that was only restricted to Fsx Sp1.. when i installed sp2, i've started having the same g2d prob.. i've read alot abt it, and deleting the mission some cfg file is the suggested solution.. will try that out.. but just to let you know, u can always access the panel.cfg file in sim objects\airplanes\MD11 folder.. but do so at your own risk, and make a backup before u change the cfg file.. cheers

  18. ok after running alot of tests, and gpu driver updates, i've concluded that the g2d error is caused by Fspassengers.. Fspassengers works with EVERY planein fsx including payware, except the pmdg md 11.. another conclusion, in fsx sp1, i managed to fix the problem, by editing the number of windows in the md 11 panel file as fspassengers does not allow more than 64 windows..anyway doing this did not work for me in fsx sp2.. il keep looking i guess, unless someone else is going through the same thing

  19. Glad you found a solution Big%20Grin.gifNow it's just a matter of putting them back 1 at a time till you find the bad guy.
    thanks for all your help man.. but i ran into a strange problem without really doing anything. when i click on any panel in VC, it doesnt pop out like it use to.. n this goes for ALL the planes.. even stock fsx planes. furthermore, i cant use see the cocpit at all.. only virtual cockpit. left me scratchin my head. tried everything, i figured it had something to do with some window being disabled. the last thing i did was play fsx online and was tower control.. now that im writing this, i remember fading out a window there.. but was unable to bring it back.. anyway, il have to install a fresh copy of fsx :( and all the addons
    g2d.dll is one of the two main FSX renderer libraries. I would look very closely at video drivers and system overheat as a potential source of crashes with this - there's no known issue with the MD-11 that crashes g2d.dll.
    Actually that makes alot of sense.. i download new video drivers recently, and when im even watching movies, they seem to stop working for 2 seconds, and the screen goes blank.. and it says, windows video drivers stopped working but have recovered. Thanks alot man.. il revert back to the orginal drivers, or wait for further updates

  20. Test number 1uninstalling software "trafficX"running fsx in dx10optimizing graphicsflight without FspassengersResult:the flight was a complete success.. flew LTBA - LIRF (istunbul to Rome) without any crashes on the PMDG MD11 (phew). one of these must be the culprit then.. If anyone is having similar problems, try doing the same thing

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