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Posts posted by Ibanezmatt13

  1. Hi Matthew,


    I don't have one formula for you, however I have some formulas jamed togetter and with the addition of a little bit of PHP for you. Here you can calculate fuel for the PMDG MD-11. I have done it in my free time, and it is also free to use. Just bunch in the data, and you will get an hopfully correct amount of fuel needed. ;)


    Best regards





    Hi Jonathon. Thank you very much for your reply. The link you gave me is probably the best thing I've come across since I started flying the MD-11. Thank you very much. I will still continue to use my formulas because I believe it is always good to know them in case during flight I had to do some calculations but this program really does help.


    All the best.



  2. Hi,


    I have recently purchased the MD-11 and I can say it is one stunning aircraft to fly. I have been using online fuel planning websites such as http://fuel.aerotexas.com/ to calculate my load fuel which I have then entered into the load manager to get the weight information. However, the thing that annoys me with these websites is you can't input your cargo weights. For example, I could be loading the aircraft with full cargo where the website gives me fuel calculations for 33% cargo; would my trip fuel be the same irrelevant of the cargo?


    My best hope is to either locate a proffesional fuel planning utility or do it myself. I found the following formula when searching the web earlier.


    Loading Fuel = (Fuel base amount + (Distance * Fuel Burn Factor))


    I'm guessing here that Fuel burn factor is average burn rate which I believe in the MD-11 is 31.6.


    And I'm also guessing that Fuel Base Amount is landing fuel? If so, for an example flight from Manchester to Frankfurt, I would have the following information:


    Fuel Base Amount = 40,000LBS


    Distance = 570.3NM


    Fuel Burn Factor = 31.6


    When using the formula I finish with a loading fuel of: 50,421.48lbs


    I must then calculate wind component adjustment. I find the average heading, let's call it 120. I get the wind information for my cruising altitude of lets say FL350. Imagine the wind direction is 270 and wind speed is 65knots. We use the following formula:



    Cos (Average heading - Wind Direction) * Wind Speed Now substitute the values.


    Cos (120 - 270) * 65


    This gives me a wind component adjustment of: -56.3nm


    This basically means that I have a tailwind which is going to take 56.3 miles away from my air distance, which in turn saves me fuel. If the number was positive, I would have a headwind. I would then subtract this from my previous air distance of 570.3nm giving me 514nm. I would then recalculate my loading fuel using this distance.





    This fuel calculation looks pretty accurate. However, it doesn't have any other factors such as payload information.



    What I would really like to know is a formula that tells me how to calculate loading fuel using this fomula, wind component adjustment formula, and something that includes payload information. I hope this has also given you some help with manual fuel planning.



    Thanks in advance.



  3. Hi Matthew,


    Yeah, I mean those checklists. You don't have to buy a book. PMDG provides all the manuals, you just have to print them (at least the parts which you need). You find them by clicking on the "windows button" -> all programms -> PMDG Simulations -> PMDG MD-11 FSX or FS9. Everything there, you just have to print the parts which you would like to have in a folder.


    Best regards,



    I bought the Angle of Attack training package for the MD11...it comes with checklists and demo flights that you can download to view and files that allow you to re-create. There are a few very good files on the internet that combine flow/procedures with checklists, thoroughly recommend them...check this one out...




    I used this one to create my own flows and procedures for my voice control program and virtual first officer....works a treat, very clear document.

    Hi, Thank you again for your feedback.


    I didn't realise that the checklists came with the aircraft itself so thank you very much for that information. Abd WR269, I have considered the Angle of Attack training package once before and for some reason I decided against it. Maybe I will have a more in depth look later. Thank you all.


    Matthew, happy flying :)

  4. I have printed out some of the parts of the manual and put it into a folder. Especially the flow checklists and the QRH make a good look and make it more realistic for me. ;)

    Hi, thanks for your reply.


    When you say 'flow checklists' does that mean the checklists such as the before start and after takeoff, etc? If so, are all of them in there and which book do I buy.




  5. Hi,


    I have recently purchased the MD-11 and I am thinking of expanding the proffesionalism of my flying by purchasing one of the MD-11 manuals from PMDG. What I want is to be able to open the book and read through let's say the before takeoff checklist and the after takeoff checklist and all checklists like that. However, I have never purchased one of these books before and so I don't know which to go for and whether it will actually contain what I want.


    Could somebody please tell me if one of these books has the checklists I require and if so, which one.


    Many thanks in advance.



  6. Hi,


    Thank you all for your feedback. I am running FSINN externally. I do this because I run with Windows 7 Ultimate to avoid issues.


    I always use REX; I never turn it off ever. I don't start it by going into the program because it gives me firewall issues. I start up FSX and the weather engine fires up automatically. I only have this issue with PMDG aircraft which corroborates my suspicions of it being a compatibility issue with PMDG and another program I am using.


    Just prior to posting this message, I was flying my Carenado Piper Archer II around Liverpool, UK when FSX just stopped and a message appeared saying: "Microsoft Flight Simulator X has stopped working, checking for solution." Now that is a new one for me. When I got the error message after the closing of FSX, it stated that REX was an issue; as was SimConnect. Now I don't fully understand what SimConnect is but both of these programs were stated.


    Hope that this information proves helpful. Thanks in advance.




    Are you running SB internally, or externally?

    Some thoughts, maybe they help finding the problem


    Maybe you used weather generator from REX. That application causes problems even if you close REX, because it still keeps running.

    I agree with the other here. FSinn can really be a problem.

    And, of course it could be PMDG, but I never read anything on the forums about this problem.

    Remember PMDG planes use a lot of computer resources. The combination with REX and FSinn could give some problems.

    The last thing I can think of is the temperature of your computer. Maybe it gets to hot.


    Good luck


    Some thoughts, maybe they help finding the problem


    Maybe you used weather generator from REX. That application causes problems even if you close REX, because it still keeps running.

    I agree with the other here. FSinn can really be a problem.

    And, of course it could be PMDG, but I never read anything on the forums about this problem.

    Remember PMDG planes use a lot of computer resources. The combination with REX and FSinn could give some problems.

    The last thing I can think of is the temperature of your computer. Maybe it gets to hot.


    Good luck


    Are you running SB internally, or externally?

  7. Hi,


    I have been a PMDG customer for several years now and I have purchased the 747-400X, the NGX and the MD-11, and will only be purchasing the upcoming Dash 8, 747 version 2 and 777 if this problem is resolved. I was taking part in Vatsim's cross the pond event a few days ago. Everything had been going well until 6 hours into the flight, I was made to force close FSX after a major freeze; even the audio froze and continued to sound. I have had this identical issue with the NGX but somehow I fixed it, however, I can't remember how.


    One other thing I have noticed is that if I leave the frozen FSX for 7-10 minutes, the freeze stops and FSX continues from the point at which it froze. This isn't always the case though I believe I may have been a little impatient during the event as I started to press keys while it was frozen only to discover that 'a fatal error has occured.'


    So the things to remember are:


    It only happens with PMDG products.


    It can be resolved after 10 minutes of waiting.


    Many people also have the same issue.


    I run other programs such as REX Extreme and FSINN. Thoguh even when these are disabled I experience the same issue.


    Please get back to me on this one.


    Thanks in advance.



  8. Hi,I have been reading the PMDG MD-11 Advanced tutorial in readiness for participating in Vatsim's Cross the Pond event tomorrow. In the tutorial PDF it states that I should turn on ignition A because it is an even numbered flight. What is the significance of this even numbered flight? Does that mean ignition B is required for an odd numbered flight, and what would that be. I am rather confused.Please somebody tell me what this means.Many thanks in advanceMatthew

  9. Just set your selcal in SquawkBox. Then just folow the flow, ATC will ask for test at one moment, you confirm the bell ringing and you are in the train crossing the Atlantic. When ATC want to talk to you, they will ring at your bell.
    Thank you very much for your feedback. So, do I set the Selcal I have been given on the event page into squawkbox and then when I hear the bell do I start speaking? What I can't understand is this. Do I turn off my radio or something because I thought that Selcal was used so that I don't have to listen to the constant noise of HF radio. And then i suppose when ATC selcal me, I turn my radio back on or do I keep it on the whole time?CheersMatthew

  10. Hi,I am going to be taking part in Vatsim's Cross the Pond event 2012 event which will take place on the 31st March. On the website where flight bookings are made there is an option for Selcal. Now I gathered that this meant selective calling (after a brief Google) but I don't quite know how to set it up. I know that it is primarily used so that the pilot doesn't have to listen to the noise of the HF radio when going across the Atlantic but I don't know how to set it up and what it does.I will be flying the PMDG MD-11; any ideas regarding how I set it up with this aircraft?CheersMatthew

  11. Hi,Thank you very much for your early reply. Last night I completed a flight successfully in the MD-11. The only thing that was getting at me was the fact that if I was on Vatsim and they told me to descend to be level before such a waypoint or be level in 30 miles, I just wondered whether the MD-11 had that extra degree of accuracy. However, I thank you for your feedback and I'll follow that tutorial flight as well. I believe there is also an advanced tutorial pdf that can be downloaded from PMDG's website; am I right?Also, I didn't think the cost index was simulated in FSX. Is it?Have a great day.Matthew :)

    The MD11 is not a Boeing and that shows in many different ways. One of them (as you have found) is that you do not adjust your vs to arrive on target, you specify your target and let the VNAV sort itself out. You have already told the FMC what speed you want to desend at, and you have told it what Cost Index to use, so why would you want to ignore that by manually playing with the vs? Just tell the FMC you want to be at such and such a waypoint at a given height and speed (and even at a given time) and it will work out the appropriate place to start descending.(And follow the advice Markus gave you, do the tutorial flights.)
    Matthew,the MD-11 does not have this arc showing where you'll level off.I suggest you fly the two tutorial flights before crossing the pond if you haven't already done so...Markus

  12. Hi,I have just purchased the MD-11 aircraft and I am experiencing some minor but rather frustrating issues. When I am nearing the end of the cruise and about to start the descent I arm the descent profile for a lower altitude in readiness for the profile descent. At top of descent it begins descending as expected. In other aircraft such as the NGX when I turn off prof it will show a marker on the ND of where I will level at my imputed altitude with my current vertical speed. So basically I want to be able to decide where I want to end up depending upon my v/s.In the MD-11, I can alter my vertical speed, but I have absolutely no idea when I am going to reach that level becuase there is no marker showing me this on the map.I hope somebody can understand what I am trying to say and please help me before the Cross the Pond event on Saturday!Many thanks in advance.Matthew :(

  13. Do not use FSX's fuel planner. It won't work with the 747. Use the PMDG 747 load manager.You need 240,000 pounds of fuel right? Then use the load manager to select 240,000 pounds of fuel, the passengers, and cargo. After that, click either SEND TO FSX or SAVE.
    Hi,I tried the fuel planning utility and it looks like it has worked. Thank you so much! However, one snag. Why does it come up with insufficent fuel when I am entering the route. Even when I just entered direct to CYYZ it said insufficent fuel?Any suggestions?CheersMatthew

  14. Hi,On Saturday 31st March, I will hopefully be taking part in Vatsim's Cross the Pond Westbound event. I will be flying my PMDG 747-400 from EPKK (Krakow, PL) to CYYZ (Toronto, CA). However, I face a serious issue which will certainly prevent me from participating in the event.My problem is sourced when trying to load fuel into the aircraft. For this flight I need around 240,000lbs. Despite me entering this figure in the flight simulator's fuel planner, when I load up the aircraft the aircraft is only holding 26,000lbs. So, I then try the PMDG addon fuel planning utility. This won't even let me load more than 300,000lbs anyway so I'm a little confused.It's either a technical difficulty or something stupid that I must be doing wrong. Please get back to me in time for the event.CheersMatthew

  15. Hi, I have recently started flying as a member on Vatsim. I expected to be pretty rubbish at it because it is so professional, but despite this I can manage to do a good flight without any major mishaps :) Every time I request pushback on Vatsim they ask for your stand number. Now I've seen videos on the internet where people can see the stand number right in front of them. My FSX has basic scenery because my dad won't let me buy any scenery packages. Can anybody help me with this and show me where I can get stand numbers to appear on my FSX. Oh and I am based in the UK, if that has anything to do with it :D ThanksMatt

  16. Hi Guys, I recently purchased the PMDG 737NGX and I have completed a few flights in it. However, on every flight, I've not been able to land the plane like I should be able to. I've been following LNAV and VNAV throughout the entire flight. My SID and STAR was entered correctly and everything appeared to be running smoothly. I was still on VNAV and LNAV when I was moments away from turning onto final. I had NAV 1 and NAV 2 armed. I engaged VOR LOC just before I turned onto final. The plane began to turn and then successfully lined up with the runway. After it had lined up I engaged APP expecting it to capture the G/S; somehow, I missed the G/S and had to descend manually. Now, I think the reason it is doing this is because I was going to fast. At the point of capturing the G/S I am normally traveling at a steady pace of 150KIAS; this time it was 220KIAS. I had speed brakes fully extended yet it made little difference. So I think the VNAV speeds are too fast and I can't slow down in time for my landing. I've been told that I should allow VNAV to bring the plane down during the initial decent but then descend at my own choice of vertical speed and my own speed input. If this is correct, how shall I slow down during my STAR. I know it's a strange issue but I'm only 14 so I don't have the broadest of knowledge for this complex aircraft. I need recommendations quite urgently if possible. Thank you.

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