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Posts posted by jay1971

  1. Hi Can anyone help? still crashing on exit after flight,followed hotfix instructions,no other PMDG product does this or any other add-on i have with FSX,have tried everything- fresh install,no liverires,no add-ons running,no third party add-on running but still occurs,inflight no problems smooth and crisp, exit flight main fsx menu appears in right bottom hand corner of screen followed by" fatal error" fsx will restart.

  2. Having a few sound issues,once i change views the sound go quiet buzzsaw sound on full throttle goes,vc call outs very quiet,pressing "Q" twice does not work,have removed sounds and placed TSS SOUNDS instead and the issue goes away,and even better no more crashing after flight to desk top!!,but sounds are not upto PMDG Quality ,so is the sound file causing crashes??,have restarted FSX several times and closed flight with no crashes,put original sound files back and FSX starts to crash after flight?,Amazing framerate of 45-55fps i7 2600k@4.8ghzP67 SABERTOOTHXM3 1866 ddr3GTX 580 MatrixVORTEX 3-OSVORTEX 3 FSXWINDOWS 7 64BIT

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