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Posts posted by denisgcarvalho

  1. Windows 7 is not loading the installerI downloaded the latest version SP1 ... But I clicked on the installer and does not work ... The installer appears carrying the information and in the installation screen does not appear ... Windows 7 is not loading the installer ... Why is that?

  2. Starting to fly PMDG 737 NGX error on startup with this message below ... "msvcr90.dll"I have already installed packages C + + 2008 x86 and x64 and was not resolved. Versions of C + + 2008:9.0.30729.4148 x649.0.30729.4148 x86 There is another package? beyond that?Can anyone help me with this problem? Assinatura do problema:Nome do Evento de Problema: BEXNome do Aplicativo: fsx.exeVersão do Aplicativo: 10.0.61472.0Carimbo de Data/Hora do Aplicativo: 475e17d3Nome do Módulo de Falhas: MSVCR90.dllVersão do Módulo de Falhas: 9.0.30729.6161Carimbo de Data/Hora do Módulo de Falhas: 4dace5b9Deslocamento de Exceção: 0006ccd5Código de Exceção: c0000417Dados de Exceção: 00000000Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7601.ção da Localidade: 1046Informações Adicionais 1: 37d4Informações Adicionais 2: 37d4e92271de31b53be11d6313768d49Informações Adicionais 3: 202eInformações Adicionais 4: 202e5cc25d8c0b820d95b03b84519fe7 Thank You

  3. The 9.0.30729.4148 x86 Library is good.Note: There is a update for that Library kb973924 - you might wnat to check if Windows Update wants to update that for you. Have you tried changing your "WINDOWS" REGIONAL and LANGUAGES option to :English - United States ? In particular check that Number: 123,456,789.00 ( ie decimal point is a PERIOD, not a Comma) DATE: 8/24/2011 ( ie MONTH, day, year order) If not, chage them to that, and then try to Install (you can probbaly set them back to the old formats, etc, after the Install ...) The above is just a WILD GUESS, but it seems logical, when one sees so many NON-English Windows having the Installation issues, and one requirement is to have the date set correctly.
    I tried to check the windows update and does not find the library "kb973924"You can indicate a link for this update? I've tried to change language of windows and did not work ... "not find the library" solution?

  4. FSX ( and all it's dll's) are 32 bit applications, therefore, to support FSX, you do not NEED to install the C ++ 2008 x64 redistributable libaries. ( But it will not hurt ) -- only the x86 ones. My first guess is that any incompatable version of "msvcr90.dll" is being called. I had a similar issue, and ended up removing all my c++ 2008 redistributable libraries, and then letting the re-install of the 737, install the one that it wanted. I do not recommend that at this point !! What I would recommend you do is firsrt go and see what c++ libraries you have installed If you go to your Control-Panel "add/remove" programs (or W7 equivalent), make sure you have show updates checked, and look see what C++ Libraries you have installed, AND THEIR VERSION NUMBER. If you want to come back andLIST them here, I might be able to suggest a course of action, if, in fact something looks wrong.Also, what LANGUAGE VERSION of Windows is installed, and what language do you actually have windows set to ? You may NOT want to just delete stuff, before re-posting -- while it might FIX the 737, you run the risk of other programs that are looking for specific version, not working.
    The language of Windows 7 in Portuguese - BrazilVersions of C + + 2008: 9.0.30729.4148 x649.0.30729.4148 x86 errorvl.th.jpgUploaded with ImageShack.usdo not install any librarie?

  5. Why wait for the SP? The SP will also likely contain other features - hence a service pack not a Hotfix - The SP may then need Hotfixs to fix new items in the SP! My NGX is 100% stable with the latest Hotfix - Not a had a CTD - but I imagine at some point I will, not because of the NGX , but just because FSX as a habbit of doing so eventually - its a "Feature" of FSX - I think youll find a whole forum on it here on AVSIM somewhere, For those that post to say they havent or dont need the Hotfix because there sim as worked from day one - they not quite telling the truth - Although the main purpose of the Hotfixes was to sort out the issues with OOM and Freezes, they also contain a few bug fixes that everyone will have regardless of how stable their NGX is. Items such as the MINS bug from panel save states, wing flex, strobe issues etc. So my tip to you is buy it, start to learn how it all works, with the latest hotfix you wont have any issues and then when the SP comes along with even more features you will only have them to learn then! I flew into LOWI today - No Freeze or OOM in fact I have had FSX running now for nearly 2 days flown into 7 airports EGPH-EGBB-LXGB-LEPA-EGBB-LOWI-OMDB with some long layovers in between with the sim running constantly- and still no freeze or OOM - I dont think even my trusty LevelD 767 managed that many hours without a CTD.
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