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Posts posted by zippyTWS

  1. But...according Bojote, if you are usingUPPER_FRAMERATE_LIMIT=0the TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT is not used by FSX.In this configuration it uses only TextureMaxLoad= withouth multiply this value, so you can try with TextureMaxLoad=30 or some similar value.
    and... according to NickN there is no value above 400 recognized in the FSX render engine. A value above 400 simply defaults and any user that says they see a difference above 400 is being influenced by a placebo effect.The recognized value range is 10 to 400. I think Phil Taylor posted that somewhere too.With locked frames I run 120 which is where NickN advised me to set it and forget it over textures with my 580 video adapter,with the exception of flying my large photo scenery areas where I use 400Zip

  2. Nick explained to me that Aces should have included a reboot request in their installers and didn't.All I can tell you is what I have seen on my personal setup. I would not install FSX any other way. Before I was directed to Nick I had nothing but problems and was just about ready to give up on FSX.He actually called me on the phone and walked me through setting up Windows and FSX because I am not computer savvy. Something he did not have to do and I am very grateful for.Zip

  3. NickN's guide is a bit (understatement) over the top imho. Rebooting after every install of every addon is nonsense.
    Its my understanding that PC Pilot Magazine confirmed Nicks install list which he ran past Phil Taylor some years ago in that Aces expected the user to install updates, boot a flight and then the computer would have been rebooted before the next patch was installed.On reboot the Windows registry reloads with the correct expected entries with file locations, far more files and entries than the location of fsx.exe. For the same reason one would start the sim, start a flight and quit FSX.. files are written and updated, and so is the registry.When Aces made the SP1 patch it was designed with the mindset that a user already had RTM installed for months during which the system was rebooted, and the same with SP2 after SP1 was installed months before... or Acceleration for both. PC Pilot wrote about all this after testing themselves over and over to confirm what they saw in the way of less issues and better performance with 3PD products in SP2 and Acceleration was factual and not a fluke and since those tests PC P Mag has endorsed the same install routine. I do not remember which issue the article was printed.I can speak to this subject from personal experience too. I have been a long time lurker in this and other forums. When I purchased the Flight1 Mustang I had nothing but crashes and performance problems until I started over and installed FSX using Nicks lists. I have yet to see any problems nor have I had to reinstall FSX for any reason since that fiasco almost 2 years ago. Between my personal experience and that of what I have read, to me Nicks guide should be the base if every installation. Tweaking is something different.I follow the experienced people who blazed the trail for FSX by weeding out the nonsense posted in forums for years. Everyone has opinions. For me to assume I know better than someone who is highly experienced with hardware using this software and with the confirmations about that knowledge presented if I advise someone to ignore that it would be like the blind leading the blind. Which is usually what happens in forums like this.Zip
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