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Posts posted by MikeGroven

  1. Don't forget, fsx is not a 'real' sim - you can't really compare it to anything for training. Otherwise we'd all be qualified big jet pilots, which of course is nonsense.
    Of all the posts ever made in this forum, this is by far the most valid and salient. Ever. :) Keeps things in perspective!

  2. I have done a couple of autolands and have noticed the plane floats a fair way down the runway before it settles. This floating charateristic is one that the 737NG exhibits but is exagerated by individuals who manually approach at too higher speed or flare to early. I would have thought that when autolanding the aircraft would plant on the runway rather that float. I realise that this topic has been posted but I would like to know if anyone else has noticed this during an autoland. I have version 1.00.3057 which is the original installer with SP1 incorporated.This is not an issue for me I'm just curious.
    I am seeing the exact same thing post SP1. I've pretty much given up hope that this will ever be fixed. Others on this forum swear that SP1 completely fixes the excessive floating tendency on their installations, but for whatever reason I do not personally experience any change in this flight characteristic at all. The autoland system floats, yes, and if I use precise technique exactly as described in the FCOM, I float too in exactly the same way. I'm currently experimenting with using the .air flle from my copy of Ifly's 737 add-on as a replacement for the PMDG one. There is hope!

  3. How about flaring less? rolleyes.gif
    If only things were that easy..... :) Again, I'm seeing absolutely no difference in the floating tendency with SP1. I have no idea why others here have a completely different experience with SP1 than me, but oh well. I see close behavior to the FCOM only if I reduce calculated Vref by -10 knots. I would conjecture that PMDG is still using the wrong airspeed charts for their flight model as was previously discussed in eariler threads on this forum.I really have no desire to use the NGX further unless a third party is able to improve the flight model. That's not too likely to happen though.

  4. Well, I'm scratching my head here guys - I did a full uninstall/reinstall, then SP1, started from a fresh .flt file and I'm seeing absolutely no change at all in the exaggerated floating tendency whatsoever. I just did a full uninstall now and I think I'll get more enjoyment from the extra hard drive space than anything else, ha. Glad you all have been successful with your own personal endeavors though!. I think I stick to flying the A2A planes on the desktop sim.

  5. Sorry Mikle, I would totally disagree with you there.Bob is very experienced in regard to such things and seems happy now post SP1.I would say the same, performs flawlessly as far as I'm concerned.I would suggest you look at the many HUD videos on Youtube, including the one I posted. If you power back at 30 feet, and flare so that the flight patch vector is below the horizon line you should be successful.If you still have issues, power back sooner.Don't guess, and blindly raise the nose to a given pitch. All landings are different. Pay attention to the vertical speed.
    Hi Martin,Thank you - I'm beginning to suspect my install of SP1 hasn't replaced the .air and .cfg files properly with the latest versions. I'm going to do a full uninstall/reinstall and will try again. I agree with you about Colonel Scott's background though and I have enormous respect for him.

  6. A quick note post-SP1 on this issue...seems to be working better. I'm wondering if the HF4 air file failed to be overwritten during the install. At any rate, post-uninstall, reinstall, and SP1 it's not doing the glider thing.
    Bob, I'm still very much experiencing the excessive float during landing flare post-SP1. I've pretty much given up hope that PMDG will ever properly address this issue unless they bring in new talent to the development team at some point in the future. Not trying to be overly negative, but this just seems to be the way thing are unfortunately. Perhaps a community-based flight dynamics team could be given the chance to fix the .air file if PMDG has no objections? At any rate, I have no real interest in further investing very much time at all in the NGX if it cannot be flown properly in the landing phase. The visuals and systems modeling are really nice though.

  7. Hi.i was wondering how your settings with this bird is because i found it hart to leave the rwy at V2
    Some of us don't really mind terribly if you don't sign your name; I mean at least a few of us here are still non-uptight individuals (ahem). :) I just think it's rather rude to chastise someone like that, rules or no rules. I wonder who made that guy the forum police anyhow?Remember too that rotation speed is the speed at which you apply back pressure on the yoke and rotate the aircraft to a takeoff attitude. But this is not actually the same speed at which you'll leave the runway and begin flying. The military parlance for the speed at which the aircraft actually becomes airborne is called the "unstick" speed, and this can be 10 to 20 knots above rotation speed on average, depending on the aircraft.

  8. Ken-Bringing a project as sophisticated as the NGX to market is far more complex than most folks realize. We are looking at somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 changes that have been made to the base NGX package, with the addition of about 100 more to support the 600/700. As a matter of procedure each of these changes needs to be tested thoroughly.After more than a decade of doing this- we have developed a pretty good sense for when a product is stable and ready for market. When it came to V1 on Friday- my instinct, and the instinct of other members of the team was that it would benefit from additional time in testing.This type of decision is not unlike knowing when to pull the freshly baked bread from the oven... There isn't a science to it. It is an acquired skill.But I think this serves as a fantastic example of why we do not normally give you a calendar date expectation. There is a tremendous amount of expectation to hit that date, even though the dynamics of the product testing process may change significantly even one hour prior to midnight...So then I come here and move the date, and folks inevitably get upset, start second guessing our decisions, etc... So we won't be doing this again.
    Robert,Things would be so much easier for you if you simply published a tenative change log, and then never announce a release date or estimated release date. PMDG has never, ever met an estimated release date that I'm aware of :), so announcing one is rather futile and leads to inevitable frustration for your customers here.

  9. This brings up a question about the tiller and pedals graphics in the NGX VC. I noticed the pedals and tiller move simultaniously while I manipulate my Saitek rudder pedals. Is the tiller and pedals linked like this in the real bird as well? Can you taxi with either? I wouldn't think so, but maybe someone with real-world experience can describe the combination, especially when starting the take-off roll - how does that work?
    Most modern larger transport catagory aircraft have both tiller controlled nosewheel steering and rudder pedal controlled nosewheel steering. The tiller controlled NWS allows a substantially larger deflection of the nosewheel for tighter turns during normal taxi operations. Rudder pedal steering facilitates a much shallower nosewheel deflection and is used on takeoff roll to maintain centerline until the rudder itself becomes effective at average speeds of around 80 knots. In the military jet I fly for a living, we only have rudder pedal NWS, and this has to be manually engaged before taxiing via a switch on the control stick. We keep NWS engaged during all taxi ops, and then during takeoff roll at around 70 knots IAS we manually disengage the NWS and use regular rudder control thereafter for directional steering.

  10. How's that Internet bill each month? Cell phone service free?
    Jim, I'm assuming you have a commercial interest in P3D, or at least a potential commercial interest at some point in the future? I find it rather hard to believe a regular paying customer is happily endorsing increased costs for the end user (as opposed to the one-time price for FSX). Straight Face.gif

  11. I was personally disappointed that PMDG didn't win the Reader's Choice award this year with the NGX, but not really altogether surprised. Unfortunately, PMDG have been somewhat plagued with activation problems, program crashes, errors with some aspects of flight modeling and systems behavior, etc. These types of issues chronically pushed backed the release of hotfixes and the eventual Service Pack, along with the SDK. Mainstream customers who experience ongoing problems with their installations tend to get disaffected by such delays over time and will naturally migrate to competing products if such are available. I certainly understand the complexity of releasing a product with the detail and magnitude of the NGX. It's unrealistic to assume that any undertaking of this nature this will be completely error free at release time; however, I believe PMDG could have perhaps organized beta testing in a better way as to have detected many of the current problems before the initial RTM.

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