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Posts posted by Rotate

  1. Well, it's funny to me because it's happened to me as well, recently, but only with just departures when using Radar Contact. The airliners are all going to 19R and KSNA and they clear me to 01L. Not funny and yet.


    In the real world, when tower tells approach that it's switching runways things can get pretty hectic and weird. Aircraft on final are left on final (and, maybe, offered circling depending on the situation). Aircraft not yet on final are vectored to the new runway. Aircraft in the VFR pattern are spun around. Aircraft newly taxiing out are assigned the new runway. Aircraft holding short are...just dealt with. It is a boolean decision and the tower shouldn't be flipping back and forth. Opposite direction landings and departures are a relatively rare occurrence from my experience. Ongoing opposite direction stuff is just a recipe for a smashup and I don't know what these FSX programs are doing. In my case I just requested the same runway they were giving to everybody else. And besides...I'd filed a SID for the runway I'd requested and didn't want to muck with my flight plan.




    Thanks for comment. In Texas that happens quite often. Been there, done that. When it happens, we'd better be paying close attention to what's being said. LOL

  2. Dave


    No worries, there was no offence taken....I just wasn't sure what you meant.


    If you have REX (as I do), you should be able to see this issue for yourself - load FSX and just watch the AI & listen to ATC at a busy airport...whilst REX is generating the weather, FSX will be assigning approach & landing clearances to AI aircraft based on the initial weather that FSX gives us (3 kts @ 000 IIRC).


    Once REX has generated the weather, any AI requesting clearance (takeoff or landing) will be assigned a runway based on the REX injected weather.


    However, the AI that was granted clearance BEFORE REX generated & injected its weather cannot (& will not) be assigned a new runway/approach and will land/take-off on the original runway it was cleared for.........which can be, and often is, the opposite direction to the real world weather!!


    Hope it makes some sort of sense!!






    Oh, it makes perfect sense. The only solution is to let REX load the weather and then let things settle down in FSX before we enbark on our next journey.


    It kind of reminds me of a day when IMC prevailed. Visibility was low and airport was currently IFR. Sometimes pilots get confused and get lost at the airport. Turns are made at the wrong intersections and now there is a strong potential for a runway incursion. A potential that could have been avoided by swallowing one's pride and admitting that they were lost to begin with. Egos run rampant in real world aviation and we need to spend less time thinking about how other pilots view us. The female controller for ground suddenly ordered all traffic to stop, tower stopped all departures until the real location of the aircraft was confirmed.


    We have a saying when it comes to mistakes. There are two kinds of pilots. Those that have and those that will.

  3. Not sure I understand what you mean........a funny story?!?!








    My comment was not meant to be disrespectful. Ok? It just sounded funny when you said traffic from both sides. I mean, talk about chaos. Can you imagine that happening in real life? One of my pet peaves in real world flying is when pilots started using the Comm radio for personal things. That can cause chaos real quick when someone needs to say, declare an emergency. Anyways, it just sounded funny because I never heard it before. LOL


    Best Wishes & Blue Skies



  4. Everytime I try to start FSX, it crashes and then I check the cfg file and it's back to 1 so I remembered seeing a tab on the FSX Booster panel that reads

    Open FSX.CFG Position. I went in there and found another cfg named FSXB. I opened it, made the same correction and now FSX is starting with no problem. Haven't tested FSX with the other add ons yet. Do I dare?


    I have 2 questions for you though. Can you tell me what happened? Did I create a conflict when I checked the Direct X box? Why did I need to go into FSX Booster and make this change the 2nd time but not the first?


    Where I can I learn the language of cfg files? I love learning this stuff! I once used some MS web page editor to create a radio player and then install it on the panel of an old warbird. I was flying at FL 100, hearing the sound of the radial engines, rain beating on the windows and now a radio to play Big Band sounds of WW2. LOL

  5. Yup, In your CFG file under Graphics. Look for the D3D10=1 entry.

    Change to D3D10=0


    Thanks for your help Geddy.


    I tried this and miraculously FSX started. Turned off PC and called it a night. Got up this morning feeling excited that the problem was corrected. Turned on PC and started FSX. Same problem again. I tried correcting the FSX Conf file and saving 3 times and it keeps reoccuring.


    The only add ons that I have installed at this time are REX weather and FSX Booster. Although I generally use them both simultaneously, I have stopped using them until I can correct this problem.

  6. I decided to check the Preview Direct X box in FSX. This requires a restart. In doing so, a window now appears that reads "A Fatal Error Occurred."

    A second window then appears and reads "MFS has stopped working." Program shuts down.


    Is there a way to uncheck this box outside of the program; like say a config file?


    I sure would hate to go through the uninstall/ Install process.



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