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Posts posted by isardriver

  1. i have a similar problem.  i am new to this, but have been playing fsx for years without problems on a win xp desktop.  about a year and a half ago, i decided to purchase a computer solely for fsx.  i bought an asus i7 machine and upgraded the power supply and video card (gtx 560).  i must say, on my old machine (with win xp), everything worked fine, including a usb attached touch screen throug a virtual graphics card (which i have since removed for my new win 7 computer due to numerous conflicts.  for christmas i received a matrox triple head 2go box to run my three monitors.  i actually have 5 attached right now, 3 for the cockpit view, one to a separate card (gt530) and the touch screen to that card as well.  again, everything seemed to run semi normal, until an automatic update took place a week ago.  matrox power desk kept saying i needed to restart my computer for screen settings to take effect.  no matter what i did, whether i said yes or no, fsx would crash during the launch of the program.  this prompted me to start a forum with ctd.  there i was informed of a technique to install nvidia drivers, and some other suggestions by jim re c++ issues.  the error message i had was fsx.exe Stopped working 4/19/2013 11:54:21 AM fsx 0xc0000005 0x000f651a nvwgf2um.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe 20,070

    i installed the new nvidia driver 314. etc and i can at least fly, but about an hour into the flight, the entire computer crashes and hangs.  no particular error message, the blue screen and something to the effect of "serious error, to protect your computer windows is shutting down".  i am going to test the matrox th2go, by removing it - perhaps it is not fond of the new driver.  otherwise, i will have to roll back.  any ideas?

    i also run ifly, airbus x and airbus x extended.  also, my two saitek instrument panels (airspeed and altitude) seem to lock up, one going blank.


  2. thank you sir,

    i will keep you posted.

    i am not ready yet to reinstall everything, i had that issue when i first bought the computer when there seemed to be compatibility issues with win 7 and fsx.

    then there were touch screen issues as i use one for an fmc.

    perhaps i will send the entire appcrashview file along later today, as it is hard for me (a newbie) to decipher what is not working.

    again, many thanks


  3. hi there,

    many thanks for both of your quick responses.  all of them make sense.

    after i did have the issue, i downloaded 314 for nvidia. still nothing, then i did a "scanfix" via cmd prompt and it mentoned some file were repaired, but fsx, including internet explorer and pretty much any program open will say "crashed".  however, they all still seem to run, with the exception of fsx.

    i wished i knew more about computers, updating, programming, etc, but i don't, therefore it becomes frustrating when all i wanna do is fly, hence the purchase of a computer solely dedicated to fsx.  i realize updates are necessary, etc, especially as i want to expand to eventually build a cockpit, but man is it difficult.

    i will check re both of your suggestions.

    its weird that i get an error /fatal message after using winternet explorer to i.e. the research on this, and then still be able to use it, but fsx only tries to load for about 5 seconds and then shuts down with the fatal error message.


  4. hi there,

    am still new at all this, especially when reference is made to various file types.

    here is the problem,

    after ctd's on my new computer, purchased about a year + ago and having gone from xp to win 7, i finally was able to "just fly".  now, having returned from a lengthy overseas trip, my computer naturally does the auto update event.  when i first turned it on to fly with fsx since i was gone, the first message that appeared was "power desk manager detected new video settings, restar to take effect" - this power desk is for th2go.  i said no, as it has been several months since the computer was turned on and everything worked well before i left.

    i then began to search the internet and have updated the nvidia driver for the gtx 560 card. i also searched for new firmware for the th2g, but none was found.  i did follow your advise on this forum re appcrash view and discovered the following:

    fsx.exe Stopped working 4/19/2013 11:54:21 AM fsx 0xc0000005 0x000f651a nvwgf2um.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe 20,070 C:\Users\fsx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCra.

    problem is, everytime i click the icon to start fsx, it never gets beyond 5 seconds or so of loading and informs there is a fatal error.  apparently due to some conflicts or upgrades which i did not have before.

    i have no idea what's going on.  i have an asus i7 computer which was purchased solely for fsx, but have had significant issues over the past which i thought i had overcome.

    i also have rex, ifly 737, airbusx and airbus x extended.

    any help is appreciated

    thanks in advance



  5. hi there

    i am a newby at this and have been wanting to build a simple home cockpit. at present, i am running an i7 computer at 3.6 ghz. i have two video cards (gtx 560 and gt 530). in addition, i have a usb display link adapter connected to a touch screen monitor (the intent is to make the touch screen the fmc). in terms of flight controls, i have saitek rudder pedals, saitek yoke with two throttle quadrants, saitek multi-panel, saitek autopilot panel, and saitek radio panel. i have thre monitors - the intent there is to use two monitors for the outside cockpit view, and the third for the instruments.

    here are the issues

    1) i am having difficulty in stretching the scenery. i was unable to just do scenery and the whole cockpit stretches, but when i do stretch it over to the second monitor, it allows me to do that as i see the borders, but when the mouse lets go, the secondary screen turns black.

    2) i am having difficulty linking the touch screen to just the touch screen. the touch screen links itself to the main panel/primary monitor.

    3) i was also unable to get fsuips to assign the throttles - i used the step by step instructions, but there always seemed to be a conflict somewhere, although i did remove the saitek drivers and i use SPAD for the panels

    any ideas would be appreciated. is a second pc recommended by linking with fswide?

  6. my apologies for not replying sooner. as an update, i broke down and reformatted my drive. waited a few days for any win7 updates and service packs to show up and install. i then reinstalled fsx and acceleration, in between rebooting the system. continued with the installation of rex 2.0, airbus x, ifly 737 ng, vfr german, fsglobal, and traffic x 2010. additionally, reinstalled the latest version of fsuipc and SPAD for the saitek autopilot and multifunction panels. again, between each software installment rebooting the system. in the past two days i have been flying with no real issues, except that when dragging the fmc over to the touch screen, it takes a long time to show up from a black screen to the fmc display and something i didn't have before in xp is that when touching the screen, the mouse cursor goes to the main screen. (as for the loading of the fmc on the screen perhaps is a resolution issue.) in addition, i cannot undock and drag the "out of cockpit scenery" to span the two monitors running off the gtx 560 card. i'll keep tinkering. on the last flight yesterday, fsx crashed again. i have found the below link and will try that today. i still think there is a conflict and it may have started with rex 2.0 - not sure.petehttp://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=18626

  7. thanks for the responses jim and others. as for pete d's recommendation, if the win7 vid driver is the culprit, as i have had more significant crashes after upgrading to a evga gtx560 (2gb ram) and having left the gt520 in the computer as well, i am at a total loss. i even upgraded the power supply and have now reinstalled win7 from scratch and am gradually rebuilding the system to let the updates catch up, etc. no fsx software has yet been installed. i contacted evga and below is their reply:i am a flight sim (fsx) enthusiast. i have recently upgraded from an older comp. to a new asus cm series desktop, 8gb of ram, 1tb hd, and it came with an asus 2gb gt530 video card. fsx used to run fine in win xp. i am a home cockpit builder and need to use multi monitors. a friend gave me a galaxy 520 video card, also with 2 gb of ram, and i thought i was on my way. i realize they are low end cards, but i am not asking much for the cards to do. basically, i want one card to take care of two monitors as an "out of cockpit scenery view", while the second card services only one monitor for the display of instruments. additionally, i have a usb display link adapter connected to a touchscreen which is used as a programmable aircraft component, such as an overhead panel to enable various aircraft switches or the flight management comp - all for realism. first i cannot go into the full screen mode as all 4 monitors begin to flicker, 2d, if i am in the windowed mode and i try to drage the cockpit view over to the second monitor, it only dispays 1/3rd of the seconf and the further i drag the screen, everything else is black. i can drag the overhead panel or instruments over and they seem to work, when i resize them however, they turn black, and the mouse cursor flickers and continues to spin. based on reading forums, all issues tend to point to a conflict with video drivers. based on that i decided to purchase the evga card and still have the issue and no surround feature Your Answer:Pete,In order to get nvidia surround you must first have a motherboard that runs SLI, second you need two graphics cards that have the same GPU and same amount of memory on the graphics card before you can run them properly in SLI. The last thing that you need is three monitors that are exactly the same size and type(surround only supports up to three monitors). Once SLI is activate all three monitors attached then Surround feature becomes available in Nvidia control panel. Are all of your monitors the same size? Please let us know so that we can further assist you.Thank YouEVGA Tech Support ok-thanks for the quick response. the motherboard says its sli and crossfire ready. everything displays fine outside fsx on the 34 monitors and i can move whatever windows to wherever. the problem seems to exist in fsx. forums point toward a conflict with the win7 driver. i finally gave up and reinstalled win7 pro from scratch and am gradually building the system back up. i went to the nvidia website to get the latest driver for the gtx 560 card and when i went to install it after the "accept terms" prompt the installer said that my win version was not compatible. i haven't touched installed anything other then win7, the auto updtaes, the netgear wireless adapter, and the touchscreen driver with the usb display link driver. the two monitors connected to the gtx 560 card are the same size (22", but different models 1 is asus and the other is acer and both run at their max recommended settings). the third which is connected to the gt520 is a 19" view sonic. again, based on the forums, how can the win7 default vid driver be removed - when installing nvidia drivers it says the old drivers are removed, but i still see remnants. additionally, when i run dxdiag, the monitors show up as generic monitors, but in win7 they show up by their model names. something is obviously conflicting. any ideas? and thanks again. petethere you have it - this is driving me nuts - i do appreciate your all's patience and i will keep you posted for any developments in case others have similar problems. thanks again. pete

  8. many thanks jim. appreciate you taking the time to address my issue. i will read and continue to experiment. a few hours ago, after having some more failures i restored to a previous point, mainly because all of a sudden the wireless network adapter stopped working and it said there was a hardware failure. after reinstalling the driver it worked fine (needed it for my realistic weather settings.) then i flew the ifly 737ng and all worked fine, but i was hesitant to resize the fmc in the second monitor. after a bit of flying i decided to drag the fmc undocked window to my touch screeb monitor. after that ll went blank/black and the mouse icon started to flicker and spin again. no issues during flight per se', but after resizing in a different monitor started again. i am at a loss. i know it seems to be some drivers that conflict but i do not have the "know how" to configure everything correctly. this really blows as i have always been a fan of the ms flight sim series - from fs 2004 - to fs9 - to fsx - as i was always expecting a "fix" to previous issues encountered, thinking that the next version will be better and compatible with the upcoming and current technology. as you said - i do think driver conflicts are at fault - just wished ms fsx folks wpould keep up with the technology as so many folks have spent a lot of $$ on add-ons, hardware, graphics cards to keep up, etc. wished i could take a snap-shot of whatever is going on in my computer and have someone "step by step" correct it or determine the faults. i know - i am preaching. in the mean time - many thanks to all the responses - i will keep "tinkering" and advise. please keep the suggestions coming and again - many thanks to the "so far" contributors" - it all helps - and i learn something. thank you. pete

  9. as limited as my knowledge is with altering cfg files, making entries, changing this and that, i absolutely agree with the driver conflicts. seems nothing is easy with all the tech advancements these days, that coupled with my inexperience - i just want to realistically fly. perhaps a new graphics card is in order, but my two, although low end should be able to handle it. as for pete d.'s recommendation, i checked my driver and it is the 285. series. perhaps any other drivers haven't been cleaned out all the way. was trying to avoid starting from scratch.after reinstalling the suggested nvidia driver, my wireless card failed and i needed to reinstall that driver. just before that, and after reinstalling the latest nvidia driver compatible for the two cards, i ran fsx and i didn't get any screens to come, only sound, and the screens themselves then had a 2 cm blue border around them. something is def. conflicting. thanks for everyone's help so far. pete

  10. hi there, am a newbie and not very win7 savvy. i have been playing fsx ever since it was released on my xp machine without any issues. i have recently upgraded my computer to an asus i7 3.4 machine with 8mb of ram, and two low end video cards (gt520 with 2 gb of ram and gt530 also with 2 gb of ram - came with the machine) i have been wanting to build a simple home cockpit using multiple monitors. i use a saitek yoke and 2 tq's, saitek rudder pedals, saitek instrument panel, multi panel, and autopilot panel. there are no saitek drivers installed as i am using a registered version of fsuipc (the latest v.) and i use SPAD for the two saitek panels as suggested in various forums. i have two monitors connected to the gt530 which i wanted to use as the "outside view", and one monitor connected to the gt52 for use as the instrument panel. in addition, i have a touchscreen connected via usb display link which i wanted to use as a programable fmc. all of the drivers are updated. here are the issues:1) after installing fsx w/ acceleration on the new machine it would continue to crash "unexpected problem has occured - fsx needs to restart". after reading forums, it appeared to be an UIautomation issue and i followed the suggestions of downloading a vista one and placing it in the fsx folder. it seemed to have worked. then started crashing again and when undocking windows to place onto other screens, when i resize the screen it turns black and unresponsive. the mouse curser starts flickering throughout the flight and the game ventually crashes.2) i uninstalled everything and reinstalled everything, in between restarting the computer and frequently defragging. i am still getting the crashes and the unresponsive windows.again my apologies here - i am new to this as well as all of the different file types. any assistance is greatly appreciated.i have the following add-on's: aerosoft airbus x, twin otter c, ifly 737ng, rex 2.0, fsglobal, my traffic x, pc-12 pilatus, vfr germany

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