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Posts posted by d53642

  1. Flash Sale on Steam for the next 7 hours

    Microsoft Flight Collection

    Includes 7 items: Microsoft Flight: Hawaiian Adventure, Microsoft Flight: Maule M-7-260C, Microsoft Flight: North American P-51 Mustang, Microsoft Flight: Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero, Microsoft Flight: Alaskan Wilderness, Microsoft Flight: P-40, Microsoft Flight: F4U Corsair - 16.99 US - 66%off normal price of 49.99

  2. MS has a good idea with Flight, DLC as I has said before is the way of future games. It can help them live past there primes of just being a boxed game. Its proven in other games and especially the former flight sims. I myself have only been on flight once since the end of March. I come here once and a while to check on things. Will I be buying Alaska on release....No. I will wait and see some of the peoples posts here I follow alot and see what they have to say about.


    Flight could have been so much more than it is now if MS took a different path than they did with the DLC. Releasing dual DLCs of each plane might have been a better idea for those willing to pay more for cockpits. There are still places in Hawaii I have not flown too, I am just bored of the currect cockpit planes.

  3. I am following this one too. I was happy when they said it was being rebooted and the multiplayer aspects really has me too.I am a loyal fan of the Old and failed Cities XL Online. I really enjoyed it but it was ahead of its time for an online city builder. Plus they rushed it to market too quick and the reason showed why for it when it failed 4 or 5 months later when the company went belly up. But they also stated that mods would not be supported right away.If the new C&C Generals comes out and doesn't support mods you will see a lot of disgruntled people there too, as that is another franchise supported by its fans through some pretty big mods.It seems to be a trend though with the DLC and Free to Play era. The games we love and hold so close to us are being rebooted and rebranded under a new strategy and its usually not this is for our loyal fans but more less we want to reach a wide audience which in turns leaves the people that made the games what they are, sitting out in the cold wonder what happen to their fav franchises.

  4. Just a few photos from earlier in the week.42218356.jpgI was snapping a photo of Kalo and Drew here. Then out of no where, Ashen tries landing or something and smashes into Drew. 75698653.jpg40621403.jpgOn Final to Kona Intl.18356250.jpg46321448.jpg49049165.jpg78269024.jpg64759851.jpgSeries of group photos at Kona Intl.

  5. This is VERY cool!!! As for legalities, as long as it does not modify Flight in any way, MS cant do anything. If it passively reads location data that Flight spits out openly, its fair game! Im no legal expert though, but I dont see a problem. I doubt MS will hold it against you at all for using it since it in no way allows you to cheat or gain an unfair advantage.
    The only thing MS would do if anything is patch the game that would make the widget not work anymore.
    Why would they not be delighted? After all, it takes nothing away from them - it's totally FREE - and does nothing but add value to Flight for the user. It doesn't rely on hacking into the innards of Flight in any way, doesn't alter any files at all, but instead simply reads the computer's own RAM memory locations to obtain the latitude/longitude of the user's aircraft.
    It takes a lot from them. MS is know for one thing....maybe two when their name is mentioned. Main one is money, MS or as most people put it M$ loves their money and their shareholders love them for the money they make.But it does add extra value, will it add enough for more people to come to flight and spend money......I don't think so but time will tell.

  6. Some shots from Kalo's 3/23 flight.11718741.jpg82545866.jpg17989551.jpg96418449.jpgCaught 416 and Dragon making an illegal jellyfish sale with Wheeled. I'll be watching you 3 in the future more closely. You can't hide from me, even under darkness :)39188363.jpgMost of us at Honolulu, Kalo ran out of fuel on he way to it but landed safely in a field. (He's the blue circle 3 miles out) :)

  7. Its something you have to think about. A ultra light challenger has 2 seats but if you put a full load of fuel and floats on it, your down to just the pilot unless your second passenger is a little monster. Having the right weight can mean flying next weekend or writing off your life and/or a 100k worth of plane.I really like the feature, I had a cargo mission and was able to get off the ground but could not get the plane to gain additional height, by the time I decided to go the long way around the island it was too late. The ground caught up to me and I ended up in the trees and all my doggies died.

  8. Better than my pig flight Jason, I banked too hard and cause my plane to stall at 700 feet. There was plenty of bacon after that pilot error. :)Kalo how come your chat box is lower in your screen than mine, mine sits about left middle where yours looks like lower left.

  9. I am not sure if Flight uses a different LIVE server than Age of Empires Online but this is the ports to open for windows live on it.Games for Windows Live related issues:“What ports need to be open to run Age of Empires Online?”

    The following ports are required to be open to successfully play Age of Empires Online through the Games for Windows LIVE platform:

    TCP 80UDP 88UDP 3074TCP 3074UDP 53TCP 53TCP 443

    Xbox Live :FirewallIf you are using a software or hardware firewall, make sure the following network ports are open on the firewall:

    • Port 88 (UDP)
    • Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
    • Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
    • Port 80 (TCP)

  10. When Howard said the DLC numbers were higher than their expectations and everyone here pretty much knows Alaska is going to do well also it makes you wonder why they don't release more. Even a every Tues a new DLC like XBox has for a new XBL Arcade game.Some things he mentioned might turn some people off.No entire world3PD not anytime in the near futureATC (Guess Fang and Tingley will continue to be our ATC)Transpacific Flights (shouldn't be hard for the option to flight or skip to waypoint)TrackIR sound promising for those of you guys that want it though.Also I am not sure where companies get their stats from when people want more challenges over content or new functions. Every company says that crap when forums are screaming the opposite so it makes me wonder if its employees writing in to their own ideas to support them or if they are right out to lunch to the rest of the world.

  11. Hi Mike,The preview is just that. For you to look at, if you want to fly it, you will need to purchase it.Also just to give you a heads up, all DLC is registered with the live account that downloaded / purchased it. So if you download the P51 with Jimbobstorm but then make a new account and download the Hawaii pack with RockinJimbo you may not be able to use the P51.

  12. Most flight sticks and yokes have more buttons than you can shake a stick at. And if you have an Cyborg or WOW MMO mouse there is many optionson that for you too.I would like to see a hands free setup like they use for the 360.

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