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Posts posted by MoonlightSonata

  1. Hi Moonlight


    That's how I used mine, but the projection screen was smaller - in your terms: 60" 4:3. But 'depth perception' would describe the immersion effect I felt. A 2D panel on the screen nearest to me improved that illusion. Sub panels and FSNavigator on the other screens helped. As I think back, it really was rather good.


    My reason for 'moving on' was that the projector needed a darkened room. And the undocking process meant a Windows header was always present. One of my pictures above shows the setup, but not in action. The projector was above and behind me, and the throw was about 3.5M like yours.


    Hi Frank - apologies for not replying sooner - I'm only an occasional visitor.


    There are multi-monitor issues with docking, although many (all?) HD/HD ready projectors have an option called "overscan" where you can clip the window border.

  2. Interesting thread - has anyone considered depth perception?


    I use a projector with a 3.5m throw creating a 90"+ 16:9 screen. I have an (optional) second 24" LCD up close for instruments but can also be used to mirror the projector view. Size-wise they are similar from my seating position.


    But, in focussing further away for the external/vc view it is much more immersive in terms of scale, even if running at a lower resolution - the world appears "out there".


    it would be very difficult for me to go back to a desktop display for external view. My brain isn't fooled.

  3. here is some recent trouble I've had with flight1 DRM:


    I purchased a couple of things a few years ago i.e. many PCs ago..


    1) so I dig up the purchase email (great!)

    2) aim to download the file form the website - can't find it as product discontinued. no link for people who previously purchased it.

    3) find an erroneous link in the support forum to the product (not a sticky link) luckily. download it.

    4) run the installer. It asks for a .key file (the order code sent with email can't be used directly)

    5) find support page to get lost key file

    6) Get sent a link to a key file using my order code (hooray - at last some progress..)

    7) run installer again. Input key file. fingers crossed.

    8) Installer then decides this is not enough (why?) and asks for a password - the last four digits of the card I used to make the purchase (card long since destroyed!)

    9) so I log onto amazon to see whether this card still exists in their records. no joy.

    10) stuck so go back to flight1 support faq for lost passwords etc.

    11) instructed to input email address in order to be sent details of how to retrieve lost password

    12) email received.


    By all means have some form of online verification, but it must easier than this...

  4. And here come into play a phenomenon that Valve describes as price elasticity (http://www.geekwire....ves-gabe-newell) Very interesting read, I found.
    thanks for posting that link - it is a very good article and you can see how similar thinking lead Microsoft's decisions with Flight.I bought the Hawaii DLC last night. It was painless compared to my experience with past FS addons. There was no intrusive amateur DRM and messing with Email activation codes, no rebooting to complete installation, no performance issues. I continued to play while the sim updated itself in the background with the new content, which is incredible value given the challenges, missions, plane and scenery.

  5. FS9er's who can't even think about installing FSX need to try this, trust me... :(
    I agree with the OP. I came back to the hobby last month and decided to use FS9 (FSX bogged me down terribly and drove me away - my desktop system is a 2007-era 3GHz dual core with 256Mb 8600GT. Flight chooses the lowest settings but runs great - like a souped-up fs9. Running both covers all bases.I can see people coming into the hobby with Flight and discovering FS9 for their "whole world" needs.
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