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Posts posted by Knottypine1979

  1. I made it all the way up there in the Cub, but it was slow going. That last 500' took about a full lap around the peak.


    Managing the mixture for that very fine line between too much and too little, to keep from losing power and the ability to climb, was almost as much of a challenge as just controlling the plane.


    I used the Cub as well... but I just couldn't make it to the top. Maybe I didn't lean enough?? I just ended up landing on a sort-of flat area and got out on foot for a while! (probably about few 100 meters run to the top) Unfortunately when I arrived back at my plane the wind must have flipped my plane over.

  2. While I have purchased everything for Flight, with the exception of a few cockpitless aircraft - and pretty much paid full price for all of it, I do not feel cheated in any way. I got what I paid for, and have gotten many hours of enjoyment out of it. All for a total price less than a nice dinner out for my wife and I. Pretty good deal in my mind.


    And should I choose, I can still get many more hours out of the product I have purchased. Remains to be seen whether I choose to do so things being such as they are. There just won't be any new content to purchase going forward, with the "maybe" exception of one more aircraft they had pretty much finished prior to this announcement.


    This thought of " I should be able to get my money back", has never even entered my mind, and will not. I have made far poorer choices in purchases that I regreted and even though I am greatly dissappointed by the end of Flight, I have no regrets in purchasing it and am grateful I have gotten to enjoy it this long.




    And in the long run who knows... if what Flight has left turn out to be profitable, you never know what could happen. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors.

  3. In a way I think it was kind of set up to fail. As it's been mentioned, it was trying to cater to a much wider audience. If Flight had geared itself up to release all 'deluxe' aircrafts from the start, I think it would have been a much greater success, and probably wouldn't have ceased active development. The pre-planning with all the world war themed aircraft wasn't the best idea. I think that's what ultimately lead to its demise. There was obviously a lot of thought put into Flight, as the potential awards included transporting an insane number of passengers and cargo, and SAR missions. Only mentioning that because it must have been planned that Flight would have years of life in it, which is odd that they made such a hasty decision to end it so quickly. I guess the number$ just weren't there.

  4. I'm also thinking about P3D.

    I read for a few times now that they are working on P3D 2.0 or something like that. Does anybody know if this is going to be a free upgrade or a completely new product and if 2.0 is still going to have Academic license option?

    Where did you read that? I'm curious to because I'm thinking about it too.

  5. What's bugging me .... is that they released the Deluxe Carbon, which most of us pay for it....


    And the next day, they are killing the project (if rumors are confirmed).


    They just try to get most of the ca$h from us and then run away.


    A shame...

    This would kind of bug me too, the fact that this news would be delivered just after a release of a VC. The release by itself gave Flight a very positive outlook.

  6. Thanks for the tips!


    Damn, now I'm stuck, I've bought the cub in steam, but where is the 'code' and how on earth do I copy to my local install?


    $11 much more realistic price I think, although I'd have paid the extra if needed.

    I was wondering the same thing. I had to download Flight from steam to be able to view it in my library and view the available CD keys. Then just copy the CD Key and redeem through Flight.

  7. Hi,


    I currently have FSX / Acceleration. I mostly play the missions. Almost cleared all the beginner missions. I find the advanced missions to be a bit over my head for now. I play with a keyboard, don't have a yoke or joystick.


    Now I'm reading so much good stuff about Flight. All those (clandestine) missions seem like a lot of fun. I'm not looking for realism, but more for entertainment.


    How does it play with a keyboard? Is it manageable or should I get a yoke / joystick? Should I be looking for force feedback joystick?


    I noticed on Steam they have a deal where you can buy the whole package / addons for US$ 50. Seems like a good deal. Should I take the plunge?


    Thanks for your input. Regards,


    Too bad you didn't think about taking the plunge earlier during the Steam sale... the entire Flight package was under $20. I definitely do think you should give it a try though.

  8. (error code 1603)


    No idea what to try now, and the folks at Microsoft Flight don't seem to want to help.


    After a google search, there is some info on the error code 1603 with relation to FSX. So maybe this particular fix might work with Flight.




    This site comes up with a password, just hit cancel. It's for error code 1722, but allows you to reset the license on your computer or something. May prevent the error that's happening. It's worth a try. Another thing I'm thinking off the top of my head is to remove everything Flight from your computer and re-download in it's entirety. But I'd give the license thing a try.


    **Just for reference I was reading on this site... http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_other-gaming/trying-to-re-install-flight-sim-x-error-1603/59a5d726-6a0d-462c-9ebf-de20e9ce93c2

  9. It might not be the hard drive.


    Start typing in a search from your start menu:


    "Reliability Monitor" or "view reliability history" even just the word "reliability" should work.


    This will "should" bring up a quick link for you to click and vew what your computer has been up to. Since you said it crashed, this may tell you the program and details of the crash. And some other unsuccessful events that happened.


    A while back I was having problems with my machine. I thought at first it might have been my HD, turned out my .NET framework was corrupt.

  10. Thanks for all the good info! I haven't been starting to lean until around 2500' to 3000' feet, so that's good. Having never flown a real A/C it's hard for me to know how accurate flight is.


    *** Flew in a state-of-the-art training simulator once (in the Canadian military), for a CP 140 (P3)... but since it's a turbo prop and all there was no mixture involved.


    Also if you're mixture is pulled out 1 1/4 " out of about 2" at roughly 6k', that's roughly 38% left to pull. Which is not too far off where I have my lever sitting... 25%-30%. (although Flight will allow me to lean to 15% and still be pretty ok) On my Saitek quadrant, it probably just feels weird since all levers have a long path from 0-100.

  11. I try to watch the fuel flow. But mostly just listen to the engine. The problem with that is it doesn't seem like altitude matters much in Flight, or at least very little difference. I find myself constantly going into settings to make sure it's still on manual control. It says to lean the engine at above 5000 ft. But I find that even at a few hundred feet or maybe just 1000 the mixture can be leaned to about 25% before there is significant sputter. I mean, it just feels like the entire % range is wasted in a sense... like there is 2 settings. Full rich for take off and landing, and leaned at about 25%ish.... while flying at pretty well any altitude.


    Any pilots out there, is this really how quickly you can lean? Or do you go in stages like acutally leaning a little bit at a time as your altitude climbs above 5000 ft?

  12. You're not the only one.


    Actually I'm annoyed at having to pay again for something that should have been included in the first place. Paying $20 for Alaska with a decent plane would have been fine. Paying $15 for Alaska (with a half-assed Cub) and another $5 for a "fixed" Cub just ticks me off.


    It's really the same thing, you'd still be paying the same if this is the case.


    I am glad they released the Alaska pack when they did. If they waited for a cockpit version Cub, it would have delayed the release even more. At least we're getting a cockpit version.

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