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Posts posted by ballooningrich

  1. Nigge


    I have a CPL and work in ATC ... VOXATC is as close as you can get right now to real world operations ... pressing buttons to talk to ATC just doesn’t do it ... you have to talk. The phraseology it not 100% up-to-date (especially for the UK) but its close enough to add to the cockpit workload.


    It’s not perfect but it does a good job of ‘simulating’ ATC voice communications which is no mean feat. It is quite expensive but overall I think it is good value for money. It’s about the cost of two quality add-ons, ask yourself this … would I use two quality add-ons every time I switch on my sim? I use it every time I do a FSX flight and it’s a main part of my sim set-up.




  2. Hi All


    Here is a fix for the King Air's missing Engine Number 2 startup sound. As always this fix is carried out at your own risk, however if you follow the simple steps listed you shouldnt have any issues. I am going to explain this step-by-step for those who may not know the ins and outs of FSX.


    The Fix


    1. Ensure FSX is NOT running


    2. Establish where you Microsoft Flight Simulator X folder is located (ie C:/Program Files/Microstoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X)


    3. Navigate toy the C90's Sound folder - C:\'WHERE EVER YOUR FSX IS LOCATED'\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado C90 King Air\sound


    4. In the C90's sound folder locate the Sound Config File named sound.cfg


    5. Make a back-up of the file incase it is needed in the future (left click to highlight, right clickto bring up sub menu, left click on copy, right click off the sound config file and left click on paste in the sub menu)


    6. Open the soun.cfg using Notepad


    7. Navigate down the file until you find [start2] its about 60% down the page und directly after the combustion sound file entry [COMBUST1.9] the enty should like this;









    8. On the line viewpoint=2 change the 2 to a 1 so it reads viewpoint=1


    9. Save and close the file (dont change its name from sound.cfg)


    10. Load FSX and enjoy the sound of number 2 starting up.





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