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Posts posted by sourwop

  1. I was hoping the big surprise was PMDG pulled their head out of a certain orifice and fixed OOM issue with THEIR aircraft. No such luck. I am extremely disgusted with his issue and for $90 US they had damn sure better fix it. I am running a win 7 64 system Intel core2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83, 12G ram AMD Radeon 7800 GC. When I say I have just about every add on there is I do, AND not one other 3rd party add on gives me the grief as the PMDG products do not even the Q400. How far does this go back try the first release of the 747. I am willing to bet that these "great" beta testers experienced these and were told to keep it quiet. Right AJ? We did fly United VA together when you got accepted. Me and every other simmer should not have to jump through hoops spend hours reconfiguring deleting spending hours on forums using what precious little time doing trouble shooting for PMDG. Were not getting paid to do it we didn't get a discount. All the bells and whistles and pretty stuff don't cut it when the product does not work as advertised.


    Hatches on the bottom of the aircraft ##### where is the main gear door deployment when inspection is required?  All the cool stuff and you miss the most obvious. I'm not a pilot, I'm better, I am maintenance, any one can fly a plane. Not just any one can work on one.


    If there was a refund button ide hit it. I can still fly the other brand at least for visual I can open the main gear doors. And get this NOT ONE OOM no matter where I flew or what scenery I have loaded with the same tweaks used. Also 30+ years simming on and off I have gained a certain amount of knowledge regarding flight sim. So none of this is a random rant. To the ones still brown nosing please spare me I've seen way to much here. There's a reoccurring problem and it still isn't fixed.

  2. There was more than one,


    The touch panel for the middle cdu that's cool. Change the lighting colors and instrumentation along with the script, that's cool.


    There is more but over all things I didn't expect and there are things I thought might be different and were not but its cool.


    The one visual thing I am curious about is why were the main gear doors not animated for ground inspection?

  3. I figured it out its the Braveheart clan gathered in the windows of the terminal waving with there kilts raised high as you arrive each time.



    This is the real deal PMDG is doing the un herd of and never done before: multiple release.


    DC6 in the picture with the MD11, well the DC6 would not have taken a tenth of the programing the T7 did because of the obvious. So its been done sitting there. Waiting.


    So you can see it from the flight deck and its going to be half price for all the pain and suffering endured by all and the T7 will be expensive but you only get both if you purchase the T7.


    I'm a genius.


    Now back to WOT where all the NME tanks have PMDG logos on them. I was 17-0 last night. It really works.

  4. Its not that.


    Its been mentioned that this feature has not been requested or asked for before, its just something people dont think about but makes alot of sense.


    Im reasonaably sure no one will be able to guess it.




     SO its not:


    WX Radar


    EXT camera

    Live flight crew

    Bird strike damage

    Porto Potty

    Rain Effects with working wipers

    Adjusting window tint

    Bug splatter


    Deflating tires or blowing out (if u had the cam you could see that and like it)

    In flight entertainment

    working Ipad that pops out

    functional CB panels


    soooooo what else is there?

    vanity mirrors

    state of the art view mode with out having to use WAF or any other camera program

  5. The clue that I am focusing on was when it said something you could see from the flight deck. SOOOOOOOOOO everything else was ruled out but I don't remember seeing that.

    Rain effects with the wiper clearing it, I don't think that's a surprise. Working telephone don't think that's a surprise. Hot and cold running maids now that would be a surprise. The only other thing is releasing the DC-6 or the 747 V2 with it. Both of those you could see from the flight deck.

  6. it took like 5... lol



    Naaaaa I was on the Flight Test development team for the GE90, and I distinctly remember 24/7. Should have seen the look on Brian Rowes face and the CEO of BA when I hit the enter button and the core chucked its guts. A strange silence over came the control room and I said "uh oh"

  7. Check this out


    A2A site is down, you know what that means?


    A2A=1      PMDG=0


    It didn't take 2 years for the RW T7 to go from computer to air. :lol:


    Didn't R2D2 say 7 days from Wednesday for possible release? my calculations say this is day 3 you still have 4 to go. C172 here comes the mullah. :lol:

  8. That's a pretty sad statement on your behalf. 


    Not everyone has a large bank account. I make $20 an hour as a Paramedic here in Houston. I pay my bills, drive a nice car, and live a comfortable lifestyle and yes, I'd like to know the price.


    Apparently you know my budget better than I do. 





    I live in Houston drive one of three really nice vehicles live in a nice house retired, and yes I am looking forward to your tax dollars buying me a add-on for my game. I am not married and I have a couple of female acquaintance's that could care a less what I spend your money on. Check this out, one is a pilot for Southwest, cutie too, and the other is a pilot for the Ritz, also a cutie. Life is rough. have a nice day.

  9. @Sourwop. This is off topic of me but "If you have to ask the price then it means you can't afford it" is one of the most ridiculous and presumptuous quotes that I personally know. 

    If you are asking the price then it means you have concern for your money. It often has nothing to do with your bank account status. I always like to know where my money is going and how much. People who ask the price are clearly thinking about their money, which is a very good thing. Something the "if you have to ask" people probably are not familiar with, IMHO.


    My rant for the night.






    That was a "saying" I should have put quotes around it a definition maybe is called for it was "sellers saying" I didn't count on the fact I would have to define it. Based on historical rhetoric in reference to PMDG pricing its not rocket science. Its common sense. Maybe I need to define it, is it going to cost less than the MD11? Common sense, again is it going to cost less then the 747? is it going to cost less than the NGX? If you have to keep asking the price then you really cant afford it simple thought process. Doesn't mean you cant buy it doesn't mean really a thing. But you bet when its all said and done this thing with the 300ER added to it later will be $150+ add FS2crew full version of RAAS, A over hyped full planning program that's $60.........

  10. If you have to ask the price then you cant afford it.


    Its simple its between $1.00 and $200.00.


    The more you rave the forums the higher the price gets. Simple economics. They are not in it to worship the ground us simmers land on, they are in it to make money. Cold hard fact, why else would they be in business?


    $100.00+ for it. if it isn't then I will be surprised based on the health of the economy.

  11. Until now in my 35+ years in aviation I have never herd or seen the word "giddy" used in reference to anything aviation oriented.


    A theory:


    Forums are a place where lonely people gather to vent things that they would not normally say or do in public.


    A developer designs a product that is based on 1's and 0's its not real, its formulated into a picture that is not real that does all sorts of neat things until one turns off the computer. Poof its gone with no guarantee it will come back.


    Say this product is priced at 100$ US, and 500 individuals that are "giddy" buy this. Total income is:$50,000.


    That's allot of greenback for something that don't really exist.


    If none of you contributed to the forums and no one anywhere "pumped" the developer up and I mean I've seen some serious pumping. made me "giddy", What do you think this product would have cost? All those atta boys praises and admirations and lets not leave out the giddiness is going to cost the consumer. How many developers do you think have sat on a product stretched its release out to the point the consumer was willing to pay just about anything for it? Look at the prior history here with all the tantalizing media generated to promote a product.


    Get this the cost bare minimal. Who did all of the promoting? You did, for free.


    Testers how much did they get paid?


    How much overhead was there during the production process. how much did the printing of disks cost?


    All this for a add on to a game that will cost more than the original game, something that isn't real............ Just a theory.


    I hope its good, I hope its under a 100$, the beta testers I've talked to said "its nice."


    That word nice, makes my cringe a little.


    I could be totally wrong. Just a theory or a hypothesis.

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