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Posts posted by Anfield1

  1. Hello all 

    Any ideas? I attempted to purchase P3D V4 last night and after being told numerous times that the site couldn't be reached and to check the proxy and firewall I decided to log on using my tablet.  I bought the license and then received the e-mail download link with License ID and password.  After downloading I expectantly installed only to be told when attempting to activate that the server could not be reached verify that the computer is connected to the internet and that the firewall/proxy is set up properly.  

    I have disabled my anti virus (microsoft security essentials) and windows firewall but I am still getting the message. 

    Any solutions would be gratefully received.  

  2. I recently installed my new GTX1070 & I7 4790K and I am a little disappointed that I haven't seen a massive improvement.  I definitely think the graphics are a lot crisper and sharp however my FPS only seems to be about 6 FPS more in places like New York and Seattle which always taxed my old setup.  I've noticed that looking on task manager thread 1 seems to be maxed out and the other 7 seem to register hardly anything.  Should I add the affinity mask CFG tweak maybe?

  3. I have bought an I7 4790K (together with a GTX1070 which is yet to arrive).  Whilst I have installed a new GPU in the past this will be the first time I have tried my hand at installing a CPU.  My question is do I need to apply thermal paste to the CPU or will the paste that came with the stock cooler with my original build suffice?  I am not planning to overclock the CPU .....YET but when I do I plan to get an aftermarket cooler.  

    It is just that I am desperate to install the CPU to see what difference it makes with P3D and other programs.  I currently have an I5 4670.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Does anybody know when 2.5 is likely to be released?  A post on the P3D website stated that it was in beta on 21 Jan.  It is just that I am holding off buying it because I have been led to believe it will be a fresh install and not just a patch of 2.4.


    Thanks in advance.

  5. I am hoping that somebody will have a solution for this.....I have tried absolutely everything.  


    At the end of the taxiway near the threshold of Runway 30 where it curves to the right the surface appears to be rough ground and I cannot see tarmac or the centreline.  However, if I select the external view behind and above the aircraft it strangely reappears.  I know this is only a small problem but I feel it spoils what is actually an amazing airport scenery.


    Any ideas?



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