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Posts posted by Seldonman

  1. I am learning to fly the 737 NG and have just about mastered, or at least I think I am mastering, the FMC. However, when I fly from KLAS to KLAX I end up with a vector in my flight plan near the end as I am in the Baset three Arrival. This happens everytime and I end up over the Pacific heading West into the sunset. Should I remove all Vectors as they have no miles showing when I will get out of them? Is there any hope once I am in the Vector on how to get out. I am very near the airport when I go into it but I keep heading west.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.





  2. I just posted the following on the new comers sight but thought I would also post it hear as this site may be more germaine to my topic.


    Hello everyone, I am new to AVSIM but not to FSX. However, I still consider myself a novice but want to make a concerted effort to learn to fly the PMDG 737 NG. To that end I have purchased the plane and also Mike Rays book on the Boeing 700 series. I am also reading the material that came from PMDG. I have successfully flown some of the tutorial flights but I am having trouble getting information on STARS and SIDS. Does it matter what SID or STAR I program into the CDU? Shopuld I just forget SIDS and STARS and use the FSX Flight Plan? Are there charts online that show me SIDS and STARS? I can find approach plates but not SID/STAR.


    Next question, What is the most common problem that causes VNAV to not engage. I check throttle, autopilot, and the CDU but sometime I can not get VNAV to engage. Should I just use the MCP to control my altitute when I can not get VNAV engaged and continue to enjoy the flight?


    Thanks for any help anyone can give me.



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